How Putin is trying to fracture the US support of Ukraine: A. Have MAGA call Ukraine support "woke"? and B. Direct hacking of vulnerable US agencies

How Putin is trying to fracture the US support of Ukraine: A. Have MAGA call Ukraine support "woke" and B. Direct hacking of vulnerable US agencies

Putin is playing a dirty game and here are two tips of the spear: For what it is worth there are several cross currents. I.e. in the case of time, we have both quantum and general relativistic notions to explain what is in reality the same thing. And in this case, the nation state hacking and the subordination of certain GOP figures for Putin policies, if we back away from micromanaging details the same THING. Even though they appear to be different

A. Quote

The key point about the Carlson-Putin symbiosis is that Ukraine is turning into a US cultural divide. Much like wearing masks identified you as a liberal in the pandemic, the Ukrainian flag has become a symbol of woke culture. Almost all of the remaining Republican field — from former vice-president Mike Pence to ex-UN ambassador Nikki Haley — are Russia hawks.

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B. Quote

According to the alert, both the unnamed nation-backed hacking group and the criminal group dubbed XE Group exploited?known vulnerabilities?in Progress Telerik software located in the unnamed government agency’s Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) web server.

While the nation-backed hacking group was not named, the criminal XE Group was attempting to infiltrate the agency since August 2021 using malicious DLL files masquerading as PNGs, according to the advisory. Cybersecurity firm Volexity said in a report from December 2021 that the “bread and butter” of XE Group is credit card skimming and noted that the gang is likely Vietnamese.

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This is dumb. I.e. the Kremlin can have ANYONE front as Vietnamese, or any other group so desired to do its dirty work. In a word, don't fall for it. Almost certainly this is SVR - GRU generated and is a foretaste of things to come as the Ukraine war grinds on and on.

This people is false flag, and someone fell for it hard. If there is hacking of Governmental agencies, in 2021 - 2023 , it almost certainly wears a GRU - FSB hat.

As the new world of fuzzy mutual dousing of each other as the whataboutery wars continues, unabated, with Lavrov pontificating as to imaginary biowar in Ukraine, look to see these two tracks to be the latest thing intended for Putin to get his way in Ukraine

From trying to make defunding Ukraine a "woke" rallying cry for the uniformed to destroying US agencies, PUTIN sure knows how to pick them



Matters could come to a head sooner than the next presidential election. This autumn the $45bn in Ukraine funding that Congress passed in December will run out. Kevin McCarthy, the Republican speaker of the US House of Representatives, has already warned against a “blank cheque” for Ukraine. Many of his colleagues would pull the plug altogether. Since it took McCarthy a record 15 rounds to win the speakership, and he has a majority of just four votes, he is beholden to extreme allies, such as Marjorie Taylor Greene, to keep his job. Greene depicts Zelenskyy as a corrupt globalist who wants to put American men and women in harm’s way. Nobody knows what McCarthy believes. As one colleague quipped: “If McCarthy is alone, does he exist?” It is doubtful the US speaker could stick to a fishing rod, let alone hold a political line. Either way, Ukraine is likely to be on the ballot next year. Foreign policy is rarely decisive in US presidential races. It is usually the economy, stupid. But culture often plays a role. The key point about the Carlson-Putin symbiosis is that Ukraine is turning into a US cultural divide. Much like wearing masks identified you as a liberal in the pandemic, the Ukrainian flag has become a symbol of woke culture. Almost all of the remaining Republican field — from former vice-president Mike Pence to ex-UN ambassador Nikki Haley — are Russia hawks.

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'CISA: Federal civilian agency hacked by nation-state and criminal hacking groups

The vulnerability used in the attack against the federal agency is well-known and among the top exploits in 2021.



MARCH 15, 2023

Anation-state hacking group and a criminal gang best known for card skimming had access to a federal civilian agency from August to January 2023, according to a?Wednesday joint alert?released by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, the FBI and the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center.

According to the alert, both the unnamed nation-backed hacking group and the criminal group dubbed XE Group exploited?known vulnerabilities?in Progress Telerik software located in the unnamed government agency’s Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) web server.

While the nation-backed hacking group was not named, the criminal XE Group was attempting to infiltrate the agency since August 2021 using malicious DLL files masquerading as PNGs, according to the advisory. Cybersecurity firm Volexity said in a report from December 2021 that the “bread and butter” of XE Group is credit card skimming and noted that the gang is likely Vietnamese.

The vulnerability is well known and while the bug did not make it to the 15 top vulnerabilities exploited in 2021, it did get an?honorable mention?as a “routinely exploited” vulnerability. The bug was on the list of known-exploited vulnerabilities that CISA mandated federal agencies patch. Officials said the nation-state group has been exploiting the bug, which allows for remote code execution, as early as August 2022.

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Andrew Beckwith, PhD


