How To Push Through Challenging Times!
Darin Kidd
CEO of RLink | Building Next-Gen Blockchain AI Projects | Connector | Innovator | Thought Leader | Best Selling Author & Global Speaker
Today’s going to be a little more heart to heart, is going to be a little different conversation, a little different training, but I do believe that it’s something that each and every one of you, you need to hear because even if you’re not going through something right now, you’re going to be.
First, I just want to let you know this, you are the best community on the entire planet. And I know I’m a little biased, but I believe that with my heart. And I know you believe that too, or you wouldn’t be reading this.
5 Ways to Get Through Challenging Times
Let me tell you, if you’re living, if you’re breathing, then you’re going to go through some challenging times. Rick Warren, who wrote the Purpose Driven Life; I don’t know if any of you have read that book but it's awesome! Rick Warren talks about, either you’re in a storm right now, you’re going through a storm or you’re getting ready to head into a storm.
So those of you that have been following me, you may or may not know the reason that I’ve been off for the last several weeks. It’s not been a positive thing. My mom, who I was very close to passed away suddenly and was, and still am a mama’s boy. And I’m not going to talk about it too much, or I’ll start crying. But I was very close to my mom, I talked to her several times every single day, I am very blessed to have had a close relationship with her. She lived right across the street from me, and then she passed away. The last several weeks before she passed away was very challenging, very tough; and then it’s been very tough afterwards, being so close to my mom. I told my wife recently, I’m like, man, I don’t know what’s going to happen because we would laugh- I’m such a mama’s boy when something happens to my mom and that’s exactly what happened.
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Challenges are Part of Life
Anyway, I will just say that I was very fortunate and blessed to have one of the most amazing moms on the planet and I know where she is; she is in a better place and she would want me to push on, but I’ve had to do some things to fight through this. I’m a pretty tough person, but there’s some things that just hit you pretty hard. And so what I want to do is I want to go through some things with you that I did to make it through the last several weeks. And not only that; the bigger your business gets, the bigger your goals, the bigger the dreams. Then what happens is the bigger the challenges you’re going to have to face. And the bigger the challenges you face and the more obstacles you overcome, the higher you go. If you take a bow and arrow and you pull it back, the farther you pull that bow and arrow back, the farther it’s going to go.
So again, whether you’re in a challenge right now, you’re going through a challenge. You’re coming out of a challenge or you’re getting ready to go into a challenge. These things can absolutely make a positive impact in your life.
Tip #1: Write Down How You’re Feeling
I learned this from the bestselling author, David Bird and the late billionaire Paul J. Meyer. The first thing you want to do when you’re going through challenges is you want to stop and take some time and write it on paper. It’s called a perspective analysis. A lot of times what’s in our head, it is so much worse than what it is in reality. Now not all the time, but most of the time. So when you’re going through challenges, you just sit down and act like you’re a reporter writing on yourself and just put it on paper.
When you empty your mind and put it on paper, a lot of times you will find out that we magnify the situation in our mind. So even with my mom passing away and the challenges I’ve had to face with her passing away and then dealing with things afterwards, in my mind, I was magnifying a lot of the things that I had to deal with afterwards. And when I wrote it down, it made a big difference. So that’s number one, write it down.
Tip #2: Make a Can Do List
You want to make a can do list. What are the things that you can do facing the challenges that you’re going through right now. So when you write your can do list, then what you want to do is you want to prioritize. And I don’t like to have any more than three to five things on a daily basis to do when it comes on my to-do list, no matter what day it is. Because if you put more than three to five things, what you find is you get overwhelmed and you don’t do any of them. But if you force yourself to go, 'okay, what are the most important three things that I need to do today to move forward?'. Then it forces you to prioritize and put the most important things down that are going to get you moving in that direction. And when you can start to move in that direction, that motion creates emotion.
Tip #3: Take Care of Yourself
This is what I had to constantly remind myself to do. So many times we think that we’re, superhuman. But we are not, there’s sometimes that you’re not that tough.
I had to stop and go, you know what? I’ve got to take care of me. Like my blood pressure was jumping through the roof, which that normally does not happen because I eat healthy. The majority of the time I exercise probably five times a week. But going through that stuff, my blood pressure was through the roof. I mean, my head looked like a tomato. So you have to make sure when you’re going through these things, I used to go, 'you know what? I’ll sleep when I’m dead, I don’t need to sleep'. That’s not true. You need to make sure that you’re getting your rest. You need to make sure that you’re getting water. You need to make sure that you’re getting the right nutrients. You need to make sure that you are feeding your body and doing the right things.
You wouldn’t buy a brand new car and just put muddy water in the gas tank? You would put the best gas that you possibly could. While the car’s replaceable, you are not. So when you’re going through the challenging times, you’ve got to make some time. Maybe it’s just getting a little bit of exercise. And when I say a little bit, if you’re doing nothing now, I don’t care if you go on a 10 minute walk outside, ignore your phone. Do not even take your phone with you. And just look around and see…
How many times do we stop. This morning, taking my kids to school. I’m like, you know what, so many times I’ve got so many things on my mind that I forget to be present in the moment. So if you go for a walk and just get your body moving, it does magical things. So get your rest, drink some water, get a little bit of exercise, get outside and do something. Even if it’s just for a few minutes. And then what happens is you start creating these daily little habits and rituals, and then it starts to make a big difference. Maybe do something to relax and disengage for a bit. It’s okay.
Maybe some of you are at the point right now, depending on what you’re going through, you need a long weekend. You say, you know what? I need to stop and relax and just get away for the weekend. Now, get away doesn’t even mean you have to leave your house. It could be a staycation, but you’re ignoring your phone. You’re letting everybody know, hey, look, I’m not going to be available over the weekend, but make sure you’re taking care of you.
So when my mom passed away on September 2nd and my blood pressure was 160 something over 103, and I literally thought like I was going to pass out and I have four speaking engagements and I got through two of them. I called my wife, and said you know what, if I don’t come home, you’re probably going to have to drive to Florida and come get me because I physically feel like I’m going to fall out. So I came back, and what did I do? I went and got some IVs with some nutrients and vitamins from a place here locally. I made sure that I was getting extra sleep. I made sure that I was consuming a lot of water. I made sure that I was getting a little bit of exercise, even though I didn’t feel like the intensity that I normally do when I exercise. And it was like I recharged and I felt like a different person. And guess what? I probably kept myself from getting very sick because I was smart enough to slow down in order to go fast later on.
Tip #4: Ask Yourself Questions to Grow
Ask yourself the right questions, like what can I learn as I grow through this experience? Not just go through it, but grow through it. What can I learn with my mom watching her pass away, being there holding her hand as she passed away. I asked myself certain questions, like my mom lived a full life. My mom had no regrets. My mom loved everyone. My mom was a great example. What can I learn from my mom? What can I learn from this experience? How can I make my life better by looking at my mom’s example? So no matter how hard it is or what you’re going through, we can always learn from the challenges that we’re going through at this moment. Ask yourself the right questions. Lousy questions, get lousy answers.
Tip #5: Focus on the Positive?
Focus on the positive. Surround yourself with things that uplift you. So for me, it’s the rest of my family. For me, it’s getting outside and just stopping, and being thankful and grateful for all the things, having an attitude of gratitude. When you focus, because what I was doing is I continue to tell the story of what happened to my mom. I continued to speak the things that I was very stressed about having to handle and what it did, it magnified everything and made it so much worse toward that’s what shot my blood pressure up. That’s what made me feel physically and mentally exhausted instead of going, you know what, what are the things that I’m thankful for? What are the things that I’m grateful for? And I made my list and wrote everything on paper, did that perspective analysis. I go, what can I do? And there were things that I just couldn’t do at that point. That’s a can’t do list, not a can do.
So I wrote it on paper. I wrote the can-do list. I had to make sure that I was taking care of myself because physically I was getting run down. If you’re not taking care of yourself, you can’t help anyone else.
And then number four, I was asking myself the right questions. What do I have to be grateful for? What do I have to be thankful for? What can I learn through what I’m going through right now? And then number five, I started focusing on the positive. I know my mom’s in a better place. She left a great example for me to follow. I’m blessed to have my kids. I want to make sure that I don’t take any minute for granted. This was a great reminder for me to go, you know what? We’re not promised tomorrow. My mom should not have been gone, and it happened just like that.
And I’m not going to lie, it’s been tough, but I’m getting through it. I’m pushing forward. And I’m like, what I’ve learned over the last several weeks can help and make an impact on a lot of people. And there are a lot of people that are experiencing a lot of things, a lot of challenges, they’re losing loved ones. They’re experiencing the ups, the downs in business. They’re going through things that are unexpected, whether it’s with their job or whatever it may be. But as this community, I want to make sure that I’m adding value in your life. I’m making sure that I’m giving things that you can do that are not just feel good things, but I’m giving you the strategy.
Which one of these are you going to implement? Because again, even if you’re not going through the challenges right now. It’s not a matter of if, it’s only a matter of when. And when it comes to building a business, if people can’t handle the challenges, so many times they go from being an employee and then they come over and they’ve never been an entrepreneur before and they don’t know what to expect. So when we share with them, hey, listen, it’s normal. It’s part of the process. And success is not a destination. One day I will arrive at that place called success. Success is actually the journey that you’re on becoming a better version of yourself on a day by day basis. And so enjoy the challenges, embrace the struggles, enjoy those obstacles because those obstacles lead to elevation. It leads you to a better version of you. It allows you to impact more and more people on a daily basis.
So just wanted to say, I appreciate you and your patience over the last several weeks.
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3 å¹´Excellent! I needed this reminder today!