How Purpose Showed Up in the Middle of My Surgery
Candi Luciano
Visual Storybrand Expert for Speakers ?? & Entrepreneurs | Empowering On-Stage Badassery! (and Off) | Creative Exec | More than a Freelance Graphic Designer ??
A Story of Human Connection and Love at Work
I was in Twilight. I believe that’s what they call it—not fully under, but feeling no pain from the partial anesthesia. A surgeon tackling my eyes and her surgical technician supporting it all. I had met with the doctor multiple times for pre-op preparation and felt incredibly confident based on her clinical approach and my referral to her by a trusted friend at New Beauty.
However, not once in all my prep leading up to this day, did I think about anything but an ideal set of circumstances during my surgery. Never did I consider the possibility of real-life playing an interrupting role in "my time" with Dr. Kelly Bomer. After all, the world revolves around us when we are in surgery, right?
Nope. It definitely does not. My memories are fuzzy, but here is what I recall:
I was feeling no pain but was aware that my skin was being cut. There was a surprising gentleness and calmness in it all. Until I heard a woman's voice say, "Your son is unconscious and your husband is almost to the hospital. What do you want to do?"
What followed was complete silence. Everything stopped as if it was paused by remote control. My brain knew my heart was racing faster, but I couldn’t really feel it. It was only seconds, but in that moment it felt like hours. What was she going to do? Oh, her poor son! I wonder how old he is. Is he going to be okay? Could she have made an error when she heard this news? I cannot feel anything. Will one of my eyes be damaged? Will someone else be coming in to finish this? Okay, this is a tad scary, but I am tough so do not panic. Trust, just trust.
I was overcome with an overwhelming feeling of love and care as I heard the surgical technician say, "I choose to focus on Candi." and my surgeon repeating, "Yes, we'll focus on Candi." My heart was filled with gratitude. I believe I allowed myself to fall into a deeper slumber, as the next thing I remember was awakening to my husband laughing with the Rejuvent recovery staff.
For me, this is a story of purpose and how it showed up in the middle of my surgery. All her training led up to that moment, finding her strength to care for the human under her hand, choosing to do the right thing and finish what she started. Perseverance is one of our core values at Y Scouts and a value I saw show up at work that day for Ruth. I wish you all could see the surprised look on her face the next day at my follow up visit when I asked her, "How's your son?" Fortunately, he's good. I am good. And I now have a human connection with someone I never knew before that day. How do you choose each day in the work you do? Does what you do matter that much to you? If not, and you are a senior leader that cares about making a deeper impact on the lives you touch, I invite you to join our leadership community.
Candi Luciano, Chief Experience Officer at Y Scouts
Candi is a prominent voice for exceptional leadership and meaningful performance. Her approach is characterized by open communication, designing and inspiring strong team culture, and producing results that transcend the ordinary. From entrepreneurship owning her own agency, to in-house leadership, Candi has done it all. Leading teams of creative talent, people leaders, and operations to build and evolve brands as Infusionsoft, TravelClick and now Y Scouts. Candi is a foodie, and therefore a constant dieter.