Bhandair Jaswant Singh
Our Company provides guranteed result oriented consulting/advisory services in dairy foods (Specially for India))
TRANSPARENT MILK PURCHASE TRANSACTIONS USING 60:40 TWO AXIS FORMULAE {Without Manipulation, Adulteration or Dilution (M.A.D.) }
Almost all commercial dairy plants in India are suffering hidden loss of billions of rupees in milk purchase transactions due to manipulation (modification) of natural S.N.F: Fat ratio and dilution of raw milk with added water (assuming no adulteration except added water in raw milk)
60: 40 two axis formula used by one and all in India and south Asian countries for purchasing buffalo, cow and mixed milk was evolved decades ago by a dairy professional expert. It is scientifically logical and arithmetically 100% accurate formulae based on corrected lactometer reading (C.L.R.) corresponding to specific S.N.F.: Fat ratio in milk and specified per Kg. rate of Fat and S.N.F. content in milk. In fact this formulae makes no distinction between cow milk, buffalo milk and mixed milk while making accurate assessment of true worth of total milk solids in raw milk. S.N.F. content in milk by weight (gravimetrical measurement) can be accurately determined using the specified formulae given below:
S.N.F=C.L.R./4+0.2 X FAT+ C.L.R./100
When this formulae was evolved % of buffalo milk being traded in our country was much higher than % of cow milk so standard buffalo milk containing 6.50% Fat, 8.84% S.N.F., 15.34% total milk solids and corresponding to 29. C.L.R. was accepted as bench mark while in western countries standard cow milk containing 3.50% Fat, 8.50% S.N.F., and 12% total milk solids and corresponding to 30 used as bench mark for evaluation. They take freezing point of standard cow milk as bench mark to find out exact % added water using cryoscope and measuring refractometer reading.
Dairy plants in our country only declare specified basic milk purchase rate in terms of Per Kg. Fat in standard buffalo milk (say Rs.600/kg fat) in 100 kg. milk containing 6.50 Kg. Fat, 8.84 Kg. S.N.F. 15.34 Kg. total milk solids assuming 84.66 Kg. water. (Specific gravity of water is 1 whereas fat is lighter than water and S.N.F. is heavier than water so specific gravity of milk depends on S.N.F :Fat ratio and total milk solids in raw milk))
When buffalo is milked Fat% in milk does not remain constant throughout milking operation or calving season as per bench mark standard specified above so there was need to work out separate rate for Fat and S.N.F. content in milk ( assuming that price of ghee and skim milk powder is in the ratio 60:40.) so these rates would be worked out as follows:
Price of 100 Kg. buffalo milk+ Rs. 6.50 x 600=Rs.3900 or Rs.39/Kg milk (Bench mark price)
Fat rate=Rs. (39 x 60/100)/6.5=Rs 360/Kg Fat (Bench mark price)
Similarly S.N.F. rate (39 x 40/100)/8.84=Rs. 176.4705882/Kg. S.N.F. (Bench mark price)
These bench mark prices as per declared rate would now remain constant so long basic rate remains the same for all kinds of milk irrespective whether it is buffalo milk, cow milk or mixed milk in any proportion C.M+ B.M.)
Category Qty. Fat value. Fat Kg. T.S. ( Kgs.) S.N.F. ( Kg) . S.N.F value Total value
KG. Rs. Rs. Rs.
B.M. 100 2340 6.50 15.34 8.84 1560 3900
100% B.M {C.L.R.29}
S.N.F=29/4+ 0.2 x 6.50+29/100=8.84%
M.M. 100 2070 5.75 14.505 8.755 1545 3615
75%B.M+25% C.M.
C.L.R. 29.25
S.N.F=29.25/4+ 0.2 x 5.75+29.25/100=8.755%
M.M. 100 1800 5.00 13.67 8.67 1530 3330
50%B.M+50% C.M.
S.N.F=29.50/4+ 0.2 x 5.00+29.50/100=8.67%
M.M. . 100 1530 4.25 12.835 8.585 1515 3045
25% B.M.+75% C.M.
S.N.F=29.75/4+ 0.2 x 4.25+29.75100=8.585%
C.M. 100 1260 3.50 12.00 8.50 1500 2760
100% C.M {C.L.R.30}
S.N.F=30/4+ 0.2 x 3.50+30/100=8.50%
We may mix natural buffalo milk with cow milk in any proportion without added water but 60:40 two axis formulae would indicate accurate S.N.F. in mixed milk and we can find out net worth of mixed milk in milk purchase transactions with accuracy up to decimal points.
- Dairy plants using empirical formulae 1/2 and 2/3 price for Fat and S.N.F. respectively i.e . Rs 300/Kg Fat & Rs. 200/Kg. S.N.F. for calculating net worth of cow milk component in mixed milk are likely to suffer hidden loss of up to 20% cost of raw milk due to dilution with added water and manipulation in natural S.N/.F. /Fat ratio for B.M.. C.M. and mixed milk.
- We earnestly seek active participation of premier dairy institutions of India in our Mission campaign against Manipulation, Adulteration and Dilution ( M.A.D.) in milk purchase transactions. Besides it we also invite valuable comments from dairy professional friends on our Mission presentation and the same would be highly appreciated and gratefully acknowledged.
Marketing manager GT at Simbholi Sugar ltd
4 年Happy lohri