How to Pull an Idea from the Collective Subconscious

How to Pull an Idea from the Collective Subconscious

I've always been fascinated by human progression/evolution and what some would call the Collective Subconscious. I think and view the world anthropologically, it's just naturally the way I am. I'm not sure if that comes from inherent belief that we're all connected, or my "inherent" belief was developed from the discoveries made from thinking anthropologically, haha, either way it's at root level. Anyway.....

I believe with that comes an understanding of the human being and subsequently a sensitivity and awareness of subtle shifts in the behavior of the greater population. When I combine this intuition with my love and passion for creative enterprise, I get mental images of ideas, processes, products, solutions etc. Some are simple, some are complex. Some are practical, some are outrageous. Either way, I write as many of them down as I can. After that I sort through them until one stands out as "the one."

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With the mental prototype holding firm, I diligently start researching to find if it's already in existence or Prior Art has been established in any patent submissions. If the idea is completely original or if there’s a version that can be significantly improved upon, then we start getting excited. Next, we switch over to left brain for reasoning and deduction. We want to "test" this idea, so we start running numbers, weighing resources, identifying challenges, considering risk-reward scenarios, projecting outcomes etc…….you get it.

Now this where many great ideas lose the legs to go the distance. Not because the idea itself is fallible or undoable. Every idea is the thing itself already manifest in reality, it's just that we're viewing it in its incipient or plastic form. Every tangible thing in the World was first an idea. The reason the idea doesn't get past this point is because it requires something beyond the limitations inherent in left-brain reasoning. This “x-factor,” is faith, otherwise known as the belief that some thing or outcome is there even though it is unquantifiable by our five senses. The key is having enough belief in the idea that “all things are possible” to outweigh the protective doubting mechanism of our reasoning mind, also known as fear. 

The Tao speaks of the “middle way” as the path to enlightenment. Putting modern religious connotations aside for a moment, consider that it’s another way of simply saying “balance is the way to making good things happen.” Our brain is a generative machine with two halves or two sets of opposing energies that make a perfect whole. When right-brain creativity flows freely into the structuring thought-molds of our left-brain reasoning, then we’re are in equilibrium. When we have too much creativity with no structure, the energy of our idea has no practical direction for action. On the other hand, when we overthink things with excessive reasoning, we restrict the flow with fear and won’t act at all.

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The goal is to balance our minds. When that happens it’s “magic hour.” Things will manifest from this process because they have to; by natural law. Just as it’s natures law for wax to harden, it’s law for our ideas to seek avenues for their physical manifestation. The is the process of creation, and we’re called to partake in it. We are the “bridge” to which ideas and thoughts move from the etheric plane into physical plane. The idea is born in mind, we set the conditions of balance, then the thought-energy flows and propels us take action with our physical bodies.

The “faith,” referred to above is not merely wishful thinking, but simply the belief in this process of creation as a natural law of the Universe. To strengthen this faith or belief in the unbreakable law of creation, all we have to do is look around us. Do we not have faith that if our modern devices are working as designed (in balance), they will pull invisible information from an etheric plane down to visible reality? Do we not have faith that if we plant a seed in a balanced environment of soil, water and light it will manifest into the full plant? This is all the same law. It has been the natural process of creation since the beginning, and we do not exist outside of it.

The natural laws of aerodynamics and the raw materials to create the airplane were available in Year 1. However, the people of that time where unable to conceive of a flying machine as a working possibility. This is because the ideas within the collective subconsciousness were centered around ways to serve the need of survival. Fast forward to 1903 where we’ve progressed beyond survival and are now envisioning a life of prosperity in a modern society. Wilbur and Orville Wright conceive of a flying machine, apply faith in the creation process, then act in the physical plane to create an invention that forever changes the World. The point here is that the natural laws and raw materials to invent the plane did not change or suddenly become available 1903, what was missing was our ability to be the “bridge” for its manifestation. Now you are wondering what greater mysterious are waiting to be discovered because you know they’re already here so already possible.

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When we have ideas, dreams and inspired thought, it’s important we not dismiss them as nothing. We need to stay open and develop a belief that they’re possible and meant for us. Ideas are pure, and they never make a mistake in who they choose to bring them into the World, so I ask…..”What’s Impossible”?


Below are a few books that really illuminate these concepts. I highly recommend them reading them as they’ll furnish you keys to unlocking your greatest power.


“Think and Grow Rich” by Napolean Hill

Anthropological and comprehensive guide to manifestation. Very well rounded

Audible Link

 “Psyco-Cybernetics” by Maxwell Maltz

Power of our self-image and our brains as a servo mechanism

Audible Link

 “Your Invisible Power” by Genevieve Behrend

The process and power of visualization

Audible Link


