How to pull change insights from change data
Measuring change and providing insights to your leadership team helps you prove your worth as a Change Manager.
As you interact with stakeholders and deliver change, you amass data to help you create your change plans and validate the success of your change delivery.
These data include:
Given the large quantities of data that Change Managers generate, work needs to be done before its significance is easily understood by leaders.
Your data needs to be turned into information and insights to provide value. A little work goes a long way.
An example: A chart doesn’t immediately suggest
This pie chart shows the results of a survey, represented by visually equal segments.
Viewers of the above pie chart need to look closely and take time to make sense of this data.
The solution: Consolidate like segments of the chart
If some components are consolidated, viewers can now quickly see that 57% of respondents were delighted with the change delivery. You can further amplify this message by a text call-out below.
Before presenting data to stakeholders and leaders check that it is easily understood and conveys the ‘golden nugget’ insights that will help these viewers make decisions.
Ask yourself these questions:
Add your insights as text boxes or headlines.
To summarise, you start with data but must present information and insights to assist your audience with decision making or comprehension.
Digital platforms automate insight creation & sharing
Our platform ChangePlan is designed to automatically turn your data into actionable insights for Change Managers, Change Leads and Leaders via its customizable dashboards. Book your demonstration here.
Three nice resources on presenting information & insights, not just data: