how to publish a research paper in india for free

we are going to give you a direction of journals that either publish free or charge a minimum cost for accepting papers and articles. But before that, it is suggested to know the things that will help in selecting a quality journal.

There are several good journals that provide this facility along with free publications.

IJSET?is one of those platforms which provide the?fast publication with low charges?along with a formatting facility; as researchers don’t have that much time to arrange data in a particular format.

Online Submission

If you are ready to Submit your Manuscript, kindly fill the below form.

Submit paper here-?High Impact Factor Journal

If you have any query, kindly get in touch through Email on?[email protected]

IJSRET?—?international journal of scientific research and engineering trends?is a well-known journal. This publishes research papers and articles on the ongoing scientific research and engineering trends that are performed by individuals or researchers in their respective fields. It is a paid journal but always focused on authenticity and originality so it accepts only quality journals to be published on the platform. The paper here will be processed within 3 to 5 days and the amount is also negotiable.

Submit Research Paper, Publish Research Paper Online Free- IJSRET

Article Processing Fee — IJSRET



