How to publish an research article online

How to publish an research article online

When looking to submit articles for publication, it's important to consider the scope and reputation of the journal, the audience you want to reach, and the specific requirements of each journal. Here are some general steps and options for submitting articles:

Online Paper Submission Quick Link -

  1. Identify Your Target Journal:

  • Choose a journal that aligns with your research field and audience.
  • Consider the journal's impact factor, peer-review process, and publication frequency

Review Submission Guidelines:

  • Visit the journal’s website and thoroughly review their submission guidelines.
  • Pay attention to formatting requirements, word count limits, and necessary documentation.

Prepare Your Manuscript:

  • Write and format your manuscript according to the journal's guidelines.
  • Ensure your research is clearly presented, well-organized, and properly cited.

Submit Your Manuscript:

  • Upload your manuscript and any additional documents required, such as cover letters, ethics statements, and supplementary materials.
  • Complete any necessary forms and agree to the terms and conditions.

Follow Up on Submission:

  • Monitor the status of your submission through the journal’s submission system.
  • Respond promptly to any requests for revisions or additional information.

Where to Submit Articles

  • International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology (IJSET): Focuses on a wide range of scientific and engineering topics.:
  • Journals: Ideal for engineering and technology research. Visit IJSRET
  • Additional Resources
  • Google Scholar: Use to search for journals that have published articles similar to your topic. Visit ABCD - Index.
  • Journal Citation Reports: Provides impact factors and other metrics for journals. Visit ABCD.



