How not to prune your connections!

How not to prune your connections!

Has your network grown out of control?

Do you think it might be time to disconnect from a few?

Does it make sense to do it and will it help you?

What is the best way to go about it?

In this episode I try to answer all those questions plus;

  • Not all subscribers are the same.
  • Positivity and LinkedIn??.
  • The Recruitment Network support automation!
  • LinkedIn shares tips for posting short videos.
  • LinkedIn's new 'Build your voice' hub.
  • Post of the week

Also in the podcast, I briefly talk about this brilliant post from Richard van der Blom

Informed is a weekly podcast which you can listen to and subscribe to for free on any podcast app. These notes are merely brief overview of what I covered in the podcast so do listen to the full show on Spotify below or simply search for 'Informed podcast' on your podcast app of choice.

Not all subscribers are the same

Thanks for all your feedback on last week's episode, I especially enjoyed this comment from Nicola Porter, PhD about podcast subscribers.

I see podcast subscribers as being very different from email newsletter subscribers and especially regarding my point about people wanting to 'own' their audience.

I have no idea who my podcast subscribers are and if Apple podcasts lost them, I would have no way of getting them back. The subscription is more of a convenience to them in that they don't have to look up a new episode and download it to their phone each week.

So I really don't 'own' my audience at all, neither my podcast audience or the subscribers to this LinkedIn?? newsletter, I can see a list of subscribers on here but I can't download it.

I have occasionally been asked how LinkedIn newsletter subscribers can be downloaded and my answer usually starts with "Why do you want to do that?". The answer is of course about 'protecting' themselves from losing that audience...a negative mindset (see below).

Building an audience across multiple platforms makes sense because not everybody will be active on a particular platform. You want to reach the right audience and they can be active in a variety of places so it makes sense to post in different places (within reason).

It doesn't bother me that I can't ringfence my audience. I believe that if I keep putting out content that they find interesting, useful or stimulating in any way then they will remain with fence to stop them leaving, just an incentive to stay.

The Power of Positivity

Last week I talked about the problems associated with moving your audience away from LinkedIn?? and onto your own platform and one of the issues I discussed was the negative impact that such a mindset can have.

I have been asked to expand on that thought some more in this episode...

Having a 'just in case' or 'what if' mindset, whilst on face value seems sensible, can have a very damaging impact on success.

Equally the opposite, always believing in a positive outcome can be very beneficial.

These thoughts, whilst initially overt, become quite subliminal over time but they still lurk there in the depths of your psyche and have an influence over your actions.

A deeply held belief in winning triggers actions that tend to lead to winning. An 'insuring we don't fail' mindset leads to actions that make winning more difficult.

Negative thoughts and concerns are very appealing to humans...just switch on the news and you will see a real focus on bad news. This is no accident, the publishers and broadcasters know that bad news sells.

It takes strength and focus to concentrate on truly believing in positive outcomes. We are constantly under the threat of appearing naive for believing in people and positive outcomes.

I would rather trust someone and give them the benefit of doubt and learn from the experience if it goes wrong than initially treat them with caution and suspicion. That negative energy is something the other party can pick up on (often subliminally) and they adjust their behaviour accordingly, this in turns allows you to assume that your caution was well placed!

That 'energy' also impacts many outcomes, not just those involving other people and a negative mindset creates energy that leads you in the direction of failure.

How does this relate to what you do on LinkedIn???

Think and act like a winner, even when you have little evidence to back that up. People will be drawn to your positivity and self belief. Use video posts to portray that energy to your audience.

Set realistic but ambitious goals for what you can achieve on LinkedIn?? and visualise that outcome. Set aside time to regularly remind yourself of these ambitions and reaffirm your belief.

The Recruitment Network support automation!

A press release did the rounds this week resulting in articles such as this one

What on earth are (TRN) The Recruitment Network thinking?

TRN is a well established support club for recruitment business leaders boasting many reputable recruitment businesses amongst their members.

Publicly aligning themselves with Dux-Soup, a LinkedIn?? automation tool that breaks LinkedIn's rules and encourages the absolute worse kind of practice such as automated connection requests has done their members no favours at all.

It would now be a natural assumption that any recruitment business that is a TRN member is cheating on LinkedIn?? by using tools that ruin the platform...crazy!

Tips for posting short videos

LinkedIn?? are really pushing the new video feed and it does seem that it is resulting in some impressive reach and engagement for creators. In line with this focus they have recently published some advice;

  • Videos should be between 15-120 seconds in length (30-90 secs is the sweet spot).
  • Always record in portrait mode (9:16), never crop a landscape format to fit as this reduces the quality.
  • Always add captions.
  • Content that has previously been posted elsewhere (TikTok, Instagram etc) is encouraged.
  • Summarise the key points of the video in the text above, using at least 50 words.
  • File size 5gb max.
  • Best to record 1080x1920 resolution rather than 4k due to the above size restriction and 4k is overkill for quality.
  • Many formats are supported but stick to MP4 for best results.
  • Content: Offer advice and tips, especially related to your industry. Avoid promotional content
  • Audio: Clear & fast paced with a captivating hook.

They isn't anything especially new or surprising in that advice but it's good to hear it directly from LinkedIn??.

LinkedIn's new 'Build your voice' hub

This looks like a replacement to the doomed Creator manager programme. It's free and available to everyone, you can register here

Whilst it's worldwide, much of the content does seem to be targeted to users in India - this fits with the recent comments from Ryan Roslansky about India and their renewed focus on small businesses.

You can earn your LinkedIn Content Fundamentals Certification which will show on your profile and hardly anyone will see it! I haven't done the course but I'm sure it contains some valuable advice, especially for content newbies.

There are also exclusive Lives streams such as this one from Jamé Jackson (Gadsden)

One of the disappointing aspects of the Creator manager programme was the poor quality of the live events which were very basic and quite annoying! My hope is that by using creators such as Jamé, who produces very effective TikTok style videos we will gain far better and useful insights.

The hub is powered by a 3rd party platform run by Intellum and doesn't appear to be connected to LinkedIn?? Learning in any way which is an interesting and unexpected move.

We seem to have gone full circle with support for creators, initially LinkedIn?? put a lot a weight behind creator mode and the creator manager programme, then they ditched it all and now they seem to have decided that small business matters again (especially in India).

Let's hope it's better than its predecessor and that they persist with it this time.

How not to prune your connections!

I saw this post this week which made me chuckle...why does anyone feel the need to explain why they are disconnecting with someone?

There are so many things wrong with this message...

Firstly the LinkedIn?? limit on connections is 30,000...a ridiculous number that nobody (bar perhaps some recruiters) need to get anywhere near to. Secondly the desire to 'add more people who will engage with our content' shows a total lack of understanding as to how the algorithm works. How many of their 30,000 connections do they bother to engage with? A focus on that aspect would have a much greater impact on attracting engagement.

I'm also curious about the line 'engage more with our content'. Does this suggest that this individuals content is actually just a repost of the company page content - in which case, replacing connections won't make any difference, they need to produce better content themself rather than the lazy reposting approach.

In addition, the message seems completely unnecessary. If they want to disconnect, fine but why feel the need to tell the person? Perhaps they don't realise that disconnecting does not trigger a notification to the dumped connection.

Finally, the most obvious issue is the total lack of empathy. How do they think someone would react to this sort of message?

It is a matter for debate as to whether pruning connections is effective in terms of content reach. A larger network can help with the visibility of your search results but it has less impact on the visibility of your posts.

Personally I would like to have a smaller number of connections (I went a bit gung-ho in the early days) but disconnecting is a slow and arduous task and I'm not sure it's time well spent. I believe that spending time engaging with others content and building relationships with target connections via DM's, calls and meetings is more likely to achieve success.

If you do decide to prune your connections, the best method is to go to 'My network' > (Then 'manage my network on mobile) > Connections and then change the 'sort by' to either first or last name. This way you're not first seeing recent connections. The scroll down and anyone who you don't recognise or see as surplus to requirements, click on the 3 dots and remove the connection.

and that's it...whatever you do, don't send them a message first telling them they are about to be binned!

Post of the week

One of the best things about LinkedIn?? is that you get very few trolls. In comparison to other platforms, people are much more polite here. Occasionally however, they do appear as was the case for Amy Cousineau Massey here.

Putting aside the bizarre comment that motivated this post (smelling tears...just weird!), I really like the structure of this post.

It's a strong hook and includes a couple of colourful emojis (these draw the eye especially on mobile). She makes a strong point, uses white space well and ends with an invitation to engage.

It also hits the mark in that it's not a 'personal' post but does show personality. Reading this post does give you a real flavour of Amy's character.

It's also a selfie image post and despite the rise of short, portrait video posts, selfies still work pretty well.

That's it for this week.

Take care...until next time.

Nicola Porter, PhD

Career change coach & consultant | Helping professionals in their 40s and 50s create more meaningful, enjoyable career paths | Licensed Firework Career Coach & Ambassador

3 个月

Have been out of action with a dose so a bit behind on my episodes. Thank you Mark Williams for elaborating on your point and addressing my question in more depth. I love how the podcast is like a conversation between you and the audience! I confess I didn't think of the podcast - or my mailing list - in terms of ownership. The mailing list for me is where I have my conversations, if that makes sense? It's complementary to LinkedIn but I do tend to share more personal tidbits, including photos. If LinkedIn kicked me out tomorrow, I'd still have that connection and way to support people.

Sandra Clark

Social Media for the Socially Reluctant ? LinkedIn? Training, Consulting & Profiles ? Speaker ? Transforming Profiles for Results

4 个月

I did the content creators course to check it out - very basic - good for beginners I suppose but I don't think most creator folks would be this basic. Annoyingly, the certificate is called "LinkedIn Fundamentals Course" - no mention of content so that's a little embarrassing to add to your profile. I added it to my profile as an example but removed the dates so it is at the bottom and not at the top of my certifications!

Sarah MacKinlay

Transforming your ground-breaking energy and B2B tech into thought leadership content and strategic social media presence. Content, copywriting and social media strategies for energy and B2B tech brands.

4 个月

Pruning your LinkedIn connections doesn't help spread positivity on the platform! It may be hard to keep up with 30,000 connections (or even 10,000) but I agree with you Mark, it's not a good use of time and risks offending people.

Karen Tisdell

● LinkedIn Profile Writer ● Independent LinkedIn Trainer ● LinkedIn Profile Workshops ● 170 recommendations ?? Australia based and don't work or connect globally as family complains my voice travels through walls ??

4 个月

Another amazing and eye-opening episode. I read both?Benjamin Hardy, PhD 's stunning book 'Be Your Future Self Now' and Arnold Schwarzenegger's book last Christmas, and both mentioned not having a fall-back plan. Especially Arnie's; he hates woo woo (I quite like some woo woo) and said success isn't about the laws of attraction - it's about believing whole-heartedly good things will happen to you. Not allowing doubt - because when you see doubt, it means you won't push through and make all the necessary decisions you need to for success. Anyhoo, just letting you know that your thinking is on par with a leading psychologist and a body builder-movie star-politician who defied the odds. In addition to the positivity piece, I appreciated that you unearthed the video tips article. A couple of my business clients are interested in video and it's hard not to get caught up in misinformation. Thanks for the cut-through!

Amy Cousineau Massey

Employment Solicitor ??| Tenacious Problem Solver ??| Friendly yet Feisty ??? | I'm here to navigate your toughest problems for you ?

4 个月

Thank you for featuring my post!! Love the work you are doing empowering people with the tools ??



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