How to protect yourself against Negative influences! Think & Grow Rich
My favourite book of all time is ‘Think and Grow Rich’. Over the years I have possessed various editions, which I frequently have to replace as I keep giving them away or lending them to someone in need of a little inspiration.
My dad first introduced me to the book when I was 16 yrs old but its significance and value was only realised when I began to pursue the idea of starting my own business and facing major challenges in life. It is a book that many assume is simply about money rather than the principles and values if practiced create an enriched Life!
The book has many powerful lessons which I have found invaluable in life but none more helpful than the single chapter on ‘ How to protect yourself against Negative influences’. Written in 1937 over 80 years ago its lessons still ring true today.
For anyone who has found this past year a challenge- to say the least- may I recommend this little book of wisdom as one of your book selections for this summer. Here is a few of my favourite extracts from over 50 questions on ‘How to protect yourself against Negative influences!’
Do you have a DEFINITE MAJOR PURPOSE, and if so what is it, and what plan have you for achieving it?
Do you make deliberate use of autosuggestion to make your mind positive?
Do others easily influence you, against your own judgement?
What is your greatest worry? Why do you tolerate it?
Does your presence have a negative influence on other people as a rule?
Has today added anything of value to your stock of knowledge or state of mind?
Which do you value most, your material possessions or your privilege of controlling your own thoughts?
To which do you devote most time; thinking of success or failure?
………………. Learn more Think & grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
When I have ever faced any unsurmountable questions in life this little book for some reason has always presented the answer. Happy reading x