How to protect your web app from hackers | Secure your website
Online security is really a big issue in this modern technology age. We are not same, someone can steal our valuable online resources. So most of the people are worried about their security. Especially, the website owner and blogger. Using https, security plugin, and regular backup can be your best choice.
Keep software up to date: Whether your website was built from scratch by your development team or you chose to create a DIY site on a third party turnkey platform, as a site owner it’s your job to ensure that every piece of software you run is up to date.
CMS providers like WordPress, Joomla and their ilk work round the clock trying to plug any holes in their systems and release regular patches and updates that make their software less vulnerable to attacks. Ensure that you run these updates and have the latest version supporting your site at any given point in time.
Use HTTPS: HTTPS or Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure, is a secure communications protocol that is used to transfer sensitive information between a website and a web server. Moving your website to the HTTPS protocol essentially means adding an encryption layer of TLS (Transport Layer Security) or SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to your HTTP making your users’ and your own data extra secure from hacking attempts.
Use secure password: Use a mix of special characters, numbers, and letters. And steer clear of potentially easy-to-guess keywords like your birthday or kid’s name. If a hacker somehow gains access to other information about you, they’ll know to guess those first.
Make admin directories tough to spot: An ingenious way hackers gain access to your site’s data is by going straight to the source and hacking into your admin directories.
SQL injection: SQL injection attacks are when an attacker uses a web form field or URL parameter to gain access to or manipulate your database. When you use standard Transact SQL it is easy to unknowingly insert rogue code into your query that could be used to change tables, get information and delete data. You can easily prevent this by always using parameterised queries, most web languages have this feature and it is easy to implement.
Hope above information will definitely help you to protect/secure your website. If you are still in the problem, please let me know, I will be happy to assist you.