How to Protect Spray Foam Workers from Covid-19

How to Protect Spray Foam Workers from Covid-19

A risk assessment for the contamination of a work environment needs to be considered for every type of job, including the potential risk of contact with those who may be affected. It is easy to overlook doing your due diligence against Covid-19 because most of us are not used to thinking about all of the different ways that viruses can be spread to others. Skilled SPF workers are not easy to find, so please protect them! 

Fortunately, the spray foam industry already uses a great deal of PPE. Now, however, wearing that PPE can be a life saver! The following checklist is designed to help you quickly brainstorm safety protocol: 

1.   Make sure SPF workers wear gloves before touching machine adjustments and touch-screens on their proportioners or reactors. The same goes for other surfaces inside the spray rig that are frequently touched by others. For proper glove removal, check YouTube for sterile procedures for removing gloves without touching your skin.

2.   Use disinfectant wipe to clean the door handles of your spray rigs as well as the door handles, steering wheels, gear shifts and other adjustment devises within the vehicle. Other objects within the vehicles include consoles, sun visors, and the keys of trucks or other vehicles employees use. Wearing gloves while in the vehicles will help too.

3.   In addition to wearing gloves, wipe down tools, toolboxes, work benches and other frequently used surfaces. If momentarily unprotected, it only takes a slight absence of mind to touch infected surfaces and transfer them to your face.

4.   Wipe down any cell phones or other electronic devices that are used by more than one person on the job.

5.   Make sure your workers are aware of the latest information about the Covid-19 outbreak.

6.   It is now mandatory that all workers have their temperatures taken and recorded twice daily—at the beginning of the workday and at the end of the workday, according the EEOC Guidance. 

7.   A fever is 100.4 degrees F or 38 degrees C or higher. If a worker has this temperature reading or higher, they should avoid all contact with others and should be sent home. To obtain an accurate temperature, wait 30 minutes after eating, drinking or exercising as these activities can increase temperature. Conversely, taking medications, such as Ibuprofen or aspirin can lower body temperature.

8.   Health sources tell us not to wear a mask unless we have symptoms of illness. Wearing a mask may be more helpful when it is necessary for workers to be in closer proximity that the recommended 6 feet. Remember that your eyes are exposed and still a vulnerable point of entry for the virus should someone cough or sneeze close to you, or should you touch your face. NEVER SHARE A SPRAY MASK WITH ANOTHER PERSON. Check proper cleaning and disinfecting procedures for half and full face masks used while spraying foam and change the filters.  

The EPA recommends using cleaning products that contain the following substances.

·        Diluted household bleach solutions (can be used in spray bottles)

·        Alcohol solutions with at least 70% alcohol

·        Hydrogen Peroxide

·        Lysol sprays can be effective for soft surfaces

Check EPA guidelines for the proper amounts products should contain.

Health & Safety Resources:

Local Departments of Health 

U.S. Department of Labor--Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 


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