How Protect Earth Helped Grow a Woodland in Devon
Protect Earth
Deploying natural solutions to combat the climate & biodiversity crises.
The Tukes, landowners near Honiton, Devon, had a plan, permission, and funding to expand an established woodland, adding 2,050 more saplings. But they needed help with that final step, getting the saplings planted.
Protect Earth joined the Tukes and raised a small army of volunteers. Altogether, we had so many hands working well that we helped bring the Tuke’s vision to life a day ahead of schedule!
A Plan for 2,050 Saplings
Sam and Kate Tuke have been growing more aware of climate change and have been making changes to their lives, reducing their impact.
The Tukes have 200 acres of established woodlands and identified another roughly 3.5 acres they could convert, expanding their woodlands by some 2,050 saplings.
Sam worked with his friend Mick van Hasselt, an agricultural consultant at AgriPowa, on what species they should plant, distribution, and numbers. They also worked together to find the right funding scheme and worked together on the grant application.
How Protect Earth supported the landowner
Sometimes, bringing to life what’s written on paper is difficult. After planning and successfully being awarded funding, the Tuke’s then faced the challenge of planting 2,050 saplings. Through conversations with friends, Protect Earth came up as a UK-based environmental charity with experience partnering with landowners like the Tukes, helping in whatever way necessary to create natural habitats.
Sam and Mick laid out a viable plan and approach to the woodland expansion project. The only assistance needed was help to plant, which we agreed to do by getting some of the team to Honiton and raising the project profile, letting local enthusiasts know they were welcome to come.
Mobilising the Community for Tree Planting
Local promotion by Protect Earth helped to attract about 15 volunteers each of the two days we planted.
After a quick demonstration led by Duncan on how to plant safely, the team was eager to plant a mixture of oak, blackthorn, alder, rowan, and birch.
So many volunteers worked so well on day one that Sam was kept incredibly busy trying to stay ahead, laying out the saplings where he wanted them. On day two, Sam, Mick, and Protect Earth arrived on site an hour and a half before the volunteers to prepare everything for the day!
A unique feature Sam and Mick planned was to leave a space maybe 10 metres by 15. Sam plans to install a perch in the space, hoping the local owls will rest while hunting amongst the saplings. One of Sam’s dogs, Scooby - a 12-year-old Border Terrier - proved the fields were full of life as he merrily spent all of the two days sniffing and digging after the voles living in the field.
Within the next 50 years, the additional 2,050 trees planted will sequester and hold 698 tonnes of carbon.
Teamwork in Action
Able 2 Achieve attended with five enthusiastic volunteers who enjoyed their time digging, planting, drinking tea, and spending time outdoors.
Our hosts were affable as can be - both very interesting with great stories to tell. They were exceptionally good hosts and grateful to all who came; there was always tea or coffee going on, with Sam and Kate regularly bringing around chocolates or encouraging everyone to eat the soups or treats they provided.
Towards the end of the first day, a professional gardener turned up having come from her day job. Disappointed that she couldn’t be with us longer, she continued planting a few more trees after the other volunteers left. During her time, she chatted with another gardener, giving advice on how to price work confidently, which was helpful to the less experienced gardener.
Amongst all the soup and stories, everyone worked exceptionally well and quickly, wrapping up the planning to 2,050 saplings just after midday on the second day!
To sum up
Protect Earth was so happy to help the Tukes bring their plans to life and expand their woodlands while introducing so many locals to each other, hopefully forging new friendships.
Looking to Create Natural Habitats?
Protect Earth partners with landowners to bring habitat plans to life. Whether planting woodlands or enhancing biodiversity, we can help. Contact us today!