How to properly use Pay-per-click Ads
Google Ads

How to properly use Pay-per-click Ads


Every business owner knows that the power of pay-per-click advertising is limitless. It’s easy to set up a campaign and start generating leads right away, but you need to make sure you’re doing everything right in order to see results. Here are some of our tried and true PPC advertising strategies that have worked wonders time and time again—generating leads and sales that result in measurable ROI for our clients:

Set Up a Campaign

Now that you've chosen your campaign objective, it's time to get down to business. There are a few things you should do before launching your ad:

  • Set up a campaign and choose the right keywords. If you're just starting out with PPC advertising, start small by choosing one or two keywords for your first ad group and saving yourself from getting overwhelmed. You can always expand later on if there's an ROI for doing so or implement more complex strategies like semantic keyword expansion or negative keyword exclusion as needed.
  • Write compelling ad copy—and optimize landing pages accordingly. Once again, this is important because people can't make informed decisions about clicking on an ad if they don't know what they're clicking into! In addition to using relevant images in both the ads themselves and landing pages (if applicable), make sure all of these elements are search engine optimized (SEO). The better optimized these areas are, the higher chances someone will trust them enough to click through—and possibly convert at some point down the line.
  • Budget for PPC advertising—and keep an eye on costs per click (CPM) over time so they don't become too high relative to what you'd be earning from visitors converting through those clicks! This ensures profitability regardless of how well-established those visitors may be when visiting our site/channel(s).

Choose the Right Keywords

There are many factors to consider when choosing the right keywords. The first thing to do is think about your business and what you want it to represent. What products or services does it offer? Is there a specific type of customer that you're targeting? For example, if you're selling golf clubs and balls, "golf" could be a keyword that works well for your business. You could also choose long-tail keywords such as "golf club set" or even more specific ones like "TaylorMade R1 driver."

After determining what kind of customers you want to attract with your ads, start brainstorming lists of keywords that might be relevant to them. Consider which words they would use when searching online for products like yours—and try not to pick too broad of terms since these are unlikely to generate any meaningful results (e.g., instead of using just one word such as “shoes” as a keyword, try using something more specific like “Nike free running shoes women size 8-9”).

Write Compelling Ad Copy

Pay-per-click advertising is a great way to get your business noticed by potential customers. It allows you to set bids on keywords that people are searching for, and then pay only when someone clicks on the ad. This advertising method can be very effective if used correctly, but you should always remember that compelling copy is essential in order to make pay-per-click work for you.

A compelling headline is one of the most important elements of any PPC campaign because it's what catches people's attention when they're scrolling through their search results. A good headline will compel users to click on your ad because it conveys something interesting or useful in just a few words. You should also make sure that each subheadline follows this same pattern--it should also be short so that it doesn't take away from the main message of your ad copy!

Optimize Your Landing Page

Once you have created an ad, it's time to optimize your landing page for maximum conversion. The goal of a landing page is to convert visitors into customers, so make sure that you are taking advantage of these tips:

  • Make sure the landing page is relevant to the ad. If someone searches for "dog food," don't send them to a homepage where they can choose from dozens of products and categories; send them straight to dog food!
  • Use a call-to-action (CTA) on your landing page. A CTA is simply an instruction telling people what they should do next, such as "Buy Now" or "Sign Up." Without one, many users will get lost in their search and leave without converting.

Budget for PPC Advertising

One of the most important things to keep in mind when setting a PPC budget is that you should have one. If you don't, you'll end up spending more than if you had. According to an article by

The problem with bidding on keywords is that it's easy to get carried away and spend way more than you intended. You're going to need a budget—and stick with it! The best way to set a budget is by calculating how much money your ad spend will make in profit over time, then dividing this sum by the number of clicks needed for those profits (or losses) before realizing them. That way, if after three months of running ads there are still no profits being realized, then stop advertising until eventually, enough people click through so that revenue begins flowing back into the company coffers again—and then let me know what happened!

Target the Right Audience

  • Target the Right Audience

Once you have your ads organized and ready to go, it's time to start targeting an audience. Targeting is one of the most time-consuming parts of the process, but it's also one of the most important. You'll want to make sure that you're targeting people who are actually interested in what you're selling or offering. If not, then you'll waste money on clicks from people who aren't going to convert anyway. So how do you know which keywords will attract potential customers?

  • Know Your Target Audience

It's important that you create ads that will appeal specifically to your target audience—not just anyone who might happen upon them while browsing Facebook or Twitter! That being said, there are plenty of ways for advertisers (even beginners)

Replace Bad Keywords

Bad keywords are any search term that is unlikely to lead to a conversion. It can be challenging for you as the advertiser, but you need to identify these terms and replace them with relevant terms. There are three main ways of doing this:

  • Use Google AdWords Keyword Planner

This tool allows you to access data from Google's database of searches and determine which ones have been clicked on most frequently over time. This can help identify which words people are actually using when they search online—so if there are some keywords that don't appear in your list yet but show up in your research, add them!

  • Use a Third Party Tool like SEMrush or Search Metrics

These tools also allow advertisers to access what people are searching for online and how often those searches occur across multiple platforms (Facebook ads included!). If there's no overlap between their findings and yours, then it may mean there's something missing from your keyword list—add those new words immediately!

Use Negative Keywords to Prevent Wasted Clicks

If you're doing any form of pay-per-click advertising, it's important to use negative keywords.

Negative keywords are phrases that are irrelevant to your business or search query, and should therefore be filtered out from the results.

For example, if you own an auto repair shop in New York City, you may want to target people searching for "NYC auto repair" with a PPC ad on Google. However, if someone searches for "auto repair Brooklyn", their query will also be included in your campaign because both words appear in the same sentence—even though they're actually not relevant together (you don't do repairs outside of Manhattan). By adding the term "Brooklyn" as a negative keyword within your AdWords account settings, Google will disregard those clicks when determining which ads should appear alongside those results. This way you can ensure that only relevant users see your ads and prevent wasted money on clicks that aren't going where they need to go!

Implement a Tracking System

Now that you’ve chosen a PPC platform and have created an account, it’s time to implement a tracking system.

There are several different types of tracking systems available:

  • Google Analytics (GA) is the most popular option among marketers because it allows you to track everything from how many people visit your website to what pages they viewed and how long they stayed on each page.
  • GA also has built-in conversion tracking features so that you can see how many sales came from each ad campaign or keyword search term. You can even set up multi-channel funnels, which are reports that show the steps users take in order to make a purchase decision before finally buying something from your site.

Our tried and true pay-per-click advertising strategies have worked wonders time and time again, generating leads and sales that result in measurable ROI.

We've seen that PPC can be a quick and effective way to generate leads, but we also know that it's important to track the results of your advertising efforts. Tracking allows you to measure your ROI by comparing the cost of each lead or sale with the amount spent on advertising. It also helps you identify any changes in performance over time, allowing you to tweak your PPC campaigns accordingly so they continue performing at their best.

We use Google Analytics for tracking purposes. This is a free tool provided by Google that will allow us to see how many people visit our website through search engines like Google, Yahoo!, Bing and AOL (website stats), how long they stay after arriving (site engagement), what pages were clicked on most frequently (content consumption), how much time was spent interacting with different sections of our site (user behaviour) and much more!

These metrics are extremely valuable because they help us understand what works well for our customers and identify areas where improvements could be made so that not only do we get more traffic but also make sure visitors spend more time browsing around before leaving without making any purchases!


In short, PPC advertising is a great way to get your name out there and grow your business. With our tried and true strategies, we can help you reach new heights of success!


