How to be Productive while Working from Home?
In the wake of the COVID-19 situation and lockdown, companies allowed their employees to work from home (WFH). Many companies are now switching to permanent work from home for a section of their employees at least, with top companies such as TCS planning to allow 75% of its employees to work from home by 2025. Almost half of the employees who are working remotely from home are content with their job and do not want to change the way they work soon.
A pandemic situation or post-recovery, from now on remote working is going to be a standalone process instead of a one-off case in any Human Resource Management System (HRMS) tool.
However, transformation to work from home is one of the biggest challenges HR managers are facing in this pandemic scenario. Some organizations were able to adapt to WFH decisions more quickly than others. The primary reason is the capability of the infrastructure and the mindset to identify, embrace and execute new technologies. The users need a tool that can be accessed from anywhere using any device with insignificant commotion. A productive environment for remote working requires a strong, steadfast, secure and scalable application that supports positive employee productivity and collaboration.
Regardless of various notions about working from a home office—or kitchen table—a few WFH productivity tips will significantly boost efficiency in a unique work environment for those who are new to the concept of WFH.
# Take productive breaks
Productive breaks can improve our moods, overall well-being, and performance capacity. They are spent replenishing cognitive resources not exhausting them. Breaks like exercising, meditating, calling a friend – and not talking about work, listening to a podcast etc.
# Make changes in the environment
Changing the scenery occasionally can increase productivity and inspire innovation. To avoid growing bored, the simple act of switching locations inside your home can bring a fresh perspective to the tasks at hand. If the work situation allows, move your workspace outdoors.
# Create & stick to a schedule
Create and keep the schedule on hand throughout the day, and don’t forget to include coffee breaks. create a prioritized to-do list for the workday. Stay organized in order of importance will help you stay on track.
# Avoid distractions
Distractions like non-work-related tasks arise since you are at the home front. It is important to aim to remain as productive as possible during work hours.
# Practice Self-Care
Practicing self-care like exercising, getting sufficient sleep always boosts productivity and efficiency both throughout the workday and after-hours.
#Try building social opportunities into the flow of your normal workday.
For instance, studies show that using commute time to connect with others — even strangers on a train — promotes happiness. To replicate this while working remotely, perhaps part of your end-of-day routine could be a chat with a family member or friend.
#Reclaim the social in social distancing
Just like scheduling pro-time during the workday, we recommend being proactive about scheduling active leisure activities after work.
Around the world, shifting to remote work could save billions of hours — but it’s up to us to spend that time well. Now is the time to make thoughtful choices about how we reshape work to get more of what all employers crave most: productive time.While there are multiple employee monitoring softwares in the market , PulseHRM is the powerhouse of functionalities that can give you robust data on how your employees are using their productive time.