How Production-Connected MAM Enables Collaborative Media Workflows and More...?
Today in Unlocked, your monthly newsletter that unlock's all of our best Media Workflow content, we look at how a production-connected MAM benefits the entire creative team; How to accelerate sports media workflows; what you need to look at when selecting the best media supply chain software and how to increase the value of your content and monetize your media.
How Production-Connected MAM Enables Collaborative Media Workflows?
TL;DR: A PC-MAM enhances workflows, offers real-time asset management, flexible permissions, advanced metadata management and supports remote and hybrid work environments, boosting productivity and collaboration.
Sports Production: Accelerating Media Workflows for Teams, Leagues, Federations, and Broadcasters
TL;DR: How sports organizations can enhance production workflows. Key points include the importance of capturing live sports moments, the benefits of cloud-native MAM for efficient distribution, and how AI is enriching metadata.
How to choose the best media supply chain management software for your workflows
TL;DR: The best media supply chain doesn't just move media from A to B, it enhances the process and boosts ROI by optimizing workflows, automating manual tasks, reduces operating costs and enhancing content quality.?
Unlocking Revenue Streams: Monetizing Your Media Assets with Dalet and Veritone?
TL;DR: Dive into indirect and direct monetization strategies. The integration of Dalet Flex and Veritone's AI-powered Digital Media Hub streamlines your? processes and workflows, enabling simple media asset monetization.
Unlock Your Digital Content Potential
If you’re a broadcaster, studio, sports organization or any other media-centric company, we can help. Schedule a 15 minute demo with a Media Expert today