How to Produce a Weekly LinkedIn Newsletter Taking Just 5 Minutes Per Edition

How to Produce a Weekly LinkedIn Newsletter Taking Just 5 Minutes Per Edition

I have found that many enterprise IT sales professionals have developed great networks on LinkedIn and/or email contact lists.

However, few have developed a method to nurture those contacts, while staying "top-of-mind" and becoming a "trusted advisor".

I publish curated, enterprise IT newsletters, on LinkedIn and substack, for senior IT professional at

I've been doing this for 20+ years and have published 1,100+ issues to an audience of 50,000+, I get great feedback on the quality and relevance of the content.

I am now excited to produce bespoke LinkedIn newsletters for B2B enterprise IT sales and marketing professionals.

I believe that a periodic industry newsletter is a great way to stay top-of-mind with a significant percentage of your LinkedIn contacts who may be prospects, customers, employees or partners.

I would like to show you what a LinkedIn Newsletter could look like for you and your team.


  1. One time - Content Setup
  2. One time - LinkedIn Newsletter Setup
  3. Production - ~5 Minutes Each week

1. One time - Content Setup

To use the 10 Touches newsletter service first signup for a subscription to the Ten Touches newsletter:

You will be sent an email to confirm. You get to choose which sections are included in your copy of the newsletter:

Once you have signed up, we will schedule a zoom call to complete the setup.

We will create a private password protected page for your that will these HTML files:

  • about.html -- a default block of text that can be used for an 'About Me' block at the end of your newsletter
  • content.html -- a page with a link to the most recent content
  • cover.png -- an initial cover photo image (1920 (w) x1080 (h) pixel
  • my-linked-newsletter.html -- a link to your LinkedIn newsletter

Example Cover

You should save the cover.png locally in an easy-to-remember location.

2. One time - LinkedIn Newsletter Setup

You are allowed to have up-to 5 LinkedIn Newsletters under your LinkedIn account

You are allow one LinkedIn Newsletters under a company page

  • login to linkedin
  • click on Write article
  • Under the "Manage" pulldown menu, select create newsletter

Fill in the needed values:

  1. A newsletter title
  2. A newsletter description
  3. A 300x300 image

Those three elements are used at the top of you newsletter page:

In addition to the three items list above, note

  1. the count of your subscribers
  2. the number of posts aka Editions
  3. the "Create new edition" button

When the LinkedIn newsletter has been created, bookmark the page!

3. Production - ~5 Minutes Each Week

Each week we generate newsletter content with the 25 most popular articles in the sections you select

Navigate to your production page (this should be bookmarked)

1. open a new tab by clicking on the content.html link then clicking on your name

2. open a new tab by clicking on the my-linkIned-newsletter.html (to see last issue, if it exists (reference)

3. open a new tab by clicking on the my-LinkedIn-newsletter.html, then click on Create new issue

4. Click on the "Upload from computer" and upload the post cover image from your easy-to-remember location

5. Create a Post title with the date. Use the date included in the fllename. e.g. if the content is ... 323-1-March-10-short.html

then the article title would be:

Popular Issues Posted Week of March 10th

5. In the tab with the fresh content, select all and right-click copy

6. In the tab with the new post, right-click add paste the content


Extra steps

7. Create and "About" section at the end of the post - e.g. copy from the last post or from a saved file

8. At the start of the message, add a personal note - e.g.

I'll be at the <name of the event> on <date> , See you there!

or repurpose a LinkedIn post

Foote Partners reveals the 11 best IT certifications for boosting your pay based on its latest IT Skills and Certifications Pay Index of 1,354 IT certified and non-certified skills.

See this article.


Screen shots ...

Create a new edition

Add an image and a title

Add content

Now click Publish


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