How ProCost saves me one day a week for making field reports.
ProCost Systems - Digitalize and automate construction jobsite's work processes using mobile.
Contractor's Control and Command Centre - The project field management software for the building & construction industry
We had a small chat with Mr. Ashok Gupta, of Vikram Infrastructure, a constrution firm based in Nashik, Maharastra. Ashokji has been convinced from the added value from ProCost since day one. He was one of our first beta-users (back in 2020). We had a short chat with him.
How did you manage your field reports before using ProCost?
I used to make my site reports in Excel, during the evenings. I used to spend a lot of time and energy on this: type out the remarks, inserts pictures, adjust layout, send out emails, etc. Hours spent of non - value adding activities. The result was that I didn’t even make the field reports due to lack of time.
How does working with ProCost changed this?
ProCost saves me tons of time, administration, and energy. After visiting a project and registering data with ProCost’s App from my mobile, ?my report is ready.?Back at the office I slightly adapt where needed before sending them out. In most of the cases this all happens the same day, so my customers are happy and I can remove this task from my to-do list right away!
What is the time saving from working with ProCost for you?
One a weekly basis I manage to save about one full day. That’s a lot of extra time I can now use on my core business, the things my customers pay me for: design, architecture, and managing their projects!
Do you use any other software to help your run your architect business?
Next to ProCost, I use Dropbox for document management. All projects are stored in Dropbox and all related information is stored project by project. The integration between Dropbox and ProCost is useful for me.??