How to Price and Configure Azure Cloud features for your company's scenarios
Last week a friend purchased his first iPhone. After years of pushing back on plans to upgrade from his phone he purchased in 2004, he now has all the conveniences of today’s technology. In the same week, one of our clients moved all of their content, storage and computing to the cloud, and literally began selling all of their servers, racks and back end.
While both examples are original, most companies lag their migration to the cloud simply because of the ongoing maintenance and support fee that annually arrive for their hardware. The good news about the cloud, is that it eliminates hardware support fees and the manpower resources to service them.
Annual saving depend on your need for 24/7 computing, custom application hosting and number of users.
Tools are available to monitor and measure your cloud use.
PyraCloud, from SoftewareONE is a great simple to use platform.
If you have time to reconsider paying for annual support on your infrastructure, you might find better value moving your cloud migration plan ahead of schedule.
Here’s a calculator to help you understand the monthly cost of running your infrastructure completely in the cloud. For the sake of example, I have Microsoft’s Azure platform.