How to Prevent or Reverse Insulin Resistance (Prediabetes) in the Brain and Body? Naresh Chand, Ph.D., Courtesy of ADRxSynergy
Dr. Naresh Chand
Health & Wellness Coach| Holistic Health Educator| Ayurvedic Cooking and Yoga for Aging with Grace Online Business and Preventive Medicine expert and Health Coach for corporations,
Nov is Diabetes Awareness Month
How to Prevent or Reverse Insulin Resistance (Prediabetes) in the Brain and Body? Naresh Chand, Ph.D., Courtesy of ADRxSynergy
Over 100 million (including me) and over 30 million Americans are living with Preclinical Diabetes (insulin resistance, IR) and diabetes, respectively. The medical consequences of diabetes include heart disease, stroke, chronic kidney disease, nerve damage, and other problems with feet, oral health, vision, hearing, and mental health (CDC).
Preclinical Diabetes (insulin resistance in the brain) is type 3 diabetes, the leading cause of dementia (Alzheimer’s Disease, AD). Preventing or treating type 3 diabetes and neuroinflammation are significant therapeutic targets for preventing and treating MCI and Alzheimer's.
The major causes of IR and Diabetes are eating tasty ultra-proceed foods loaded with artificial sweeteners, saturated fats, and cholesterol, dairy, and not getting enough exercise. Intracellular fat droplets in the liver and muscle cells lead to IR (Dr. Neal Barnard).
Early diagnosis, preventive approaches, and lifestyle changes can reverse Preclinical Diabetes (IR) and diabetes in most cases.
An excellent recipe for the prevention of insulin resistance:
Add ten olives, one avocado, ten berries, nuts, and 5-10 g of milled seeds to your late or delayed lunch daily (2). This intermittent fasting and delayed brunch would help most people living with prediabetes. Eat mindfully and intuitively (2).?
Eating optimal amounts of Plant-based foods rich in fiber, magnesium, and anthocyanins would reduce insulin resistance.
Eating more than 50 grams of fiber daily helps balance the nutrition and optimal growth of >100 trillion gut microbiota and normalizes our blood sugar.
Whole and ancient grains, fruits, nuts, black beans/beans, broccoli, lentils,?oatmeal, avocado, and resistance starch and seeds are rich sources of fiber.
Multicolor greens are low in carbs and calories and packed with micronutrients. Consume plenty of dark green, leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, Swiss chard, and collard, which are rich in fiber, magnesium, and chlorophyll.
Fresh vegetables and a small serving of fresh fruits, nuts, and seeds are the best combo. Note: If you go frozen or canned, ensure no added fat, salt., artificial sweeteners, or sugar.
Beans are longevity foods.
Include 1-3 oz of soaked, rinsed, and well-cooked beans and Whole grains, ancient grains. Add seasoning and make it healthier, flavorful, and tasty. Keep increasing the amounts gradually.
Include some purple-colored foods- tubers (purple potatoes, beets), peas, corn, and resistant starches(5).
Consume Plenty of fruit. Packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other phytonutrients, Swap fruit for sweets to tame food cravings. Add berries, bananas or figs/other fruits, and non-dairy yogurt to make a dessert or smoothie. Add ten olives, one avocado, and ten nuts every day.
Include some fermented foods.
Late brunch- Fasting (2)
Indian bitter melon (6-12 g at dinner time) and Sprouted fenugreek (5-15 g daily)- Dr.Chand's observations.
Avoid- eating late; reduce or eliminate ultra-processed foods, animal foods, and dairy rich in saturated fats, cholesterol, estrogens, etc.
1.???? Sipping Magnesium-rich CLAM tea or eating magnesium-rich foods would reduce diabetes and its medical consequences-??
a.???? ? ??(CALM).?
2.??? Eat mindfully and intuitively.?
Dr . Chand’s Blessed Brunch- made easy.?Extinguishing the fire in the gut, brain, and body
Fasting, body hydration, and any yogic (Life In Yoga 90 minutes session) or other exercise under a fasted state
3.??? Cooking methods and spice matter: Dr. Chand’s blessed lunch or?dinner (Ayurvedic cooking for calming "the fire" in the gut, brain, and body.? ?
Resistant starch cannot be digested by endogenous amylases in the small intestine and reaches the distal gut, where it can be fermented by the colonic microbiota (6 ). Resistant starch is categorized into five types (7 ). Naturally occurring resistant starch is found enclosed within plant cells (resistant starch type 1) or in high-amylose species of grains (resistant starch type 2) (7 ). Alterations to the starch molecule may increase resistant starch content; cooking and cooling starchy food forms retrograded resistant starch type 3, chemical modification of starch produces resistant starch type 4 and starch-lipid complexation forms resistant starch type 5 (8 –10 ).
5. Brain insulin resistance in Alzheimer’s disease and its potential treatment with GLP-1 analogs
More potent remediation is required, however, at clinical stages. Fortunately, the US FDA-approved antidiabetics exenatide (Byetta?; Amylin Pharmaceuticals, Inc., CA, USA) and liraglutide (Victoza?; Novo Nordisk A/S, Bagsvaerd, Denmark) are showing much promise in reducing Alzheimer’s disease pathology and in restoring normal brain insulin responsiveness and cognitive function.?