How to Prevent Back Pain from Leading to Drug Addiction.
Prescription drugs are the leading drugs abused in the United States. This is not true in others countries. The overproduction and over prescribing of opioids in this country are the two main problems at the surface. Many of the top pharmaceutical companies sell prescription drugs on the black market out the back door of the factor and the trunks of salesmen's cars. The power and influence that Big Pharma has on Washington allows these factors and many more to continue while people and families suffer. You have Doctors, who are basically drug dealers and hide behind the title of "pain management", dealing out pain meds like their M&Ms. Although there are many who need pain management, there are many who use this as a way to supply their addiction and the fact remains there are ways to deal with back pain other than opioids.
Dr. Sarno is a pioneer in showing people how to overcome back pain. If you are someone who suffers from back pain as I once did on a daily basis, Dr. Sarno is a saving grace. I first became aware of Dr. Sarno in a 20/20 special that was done by reporter Jon Stossel. After I watched this report I bought a book by Dr. John Sarno and began to read it. After three weeks of reading his book and doing a little more research I was no longer in the type of pain that made me unable to function. I still had stiffness from time to time but it was much better. It has now been 3 years since I watched that report and I now rarely have pain in my back and I do not use any pain meds. I once was on pain medication everyday and had to receive an epidural shot of cortisone every six weeks just to be able to stand and walk. But, the more shots and more meds, the more pain. This sounds impossible but I do not take pain meds, I haven't had surgery nor receieved any physical therapy and I am able to do anything that I want to do physically.
Dr. Sarno will tell you there are some people he can not help but most people with chronic back pain will benefit from Dr. Sarno's message. If you have this type pain I encourage you to watch the following video.