How to Prepare for A Winter Storm

How to Prepare for A Winter Storm

“Do you know how to prepare for a winter storm? Most of us will face some type of severe winter weather in our lives. Even if you don’t live where it snows, you may travel somewhere that does. One of the biggest risks from severe winter storms is their ability to knock out your electricity, heat, and communication services. With a serious storm, this can sometimes last for days.

Winter Storm Outlook – Winter storm conditions are possible in the next 2 to 5 days.

Winter Weather Advisory – Winter weather conditions are expected to cause significant inconveniences and may be hazardous. When caution is used, these situations should not be life threatening.

Winter Storm Watch – Winter storm conditions are possible within the next 36 to 48 hours. People in a watch area should review their winter storm plans and stay informed about weather conditions.

Winter Storm Warning – Life-threatening, severe winter conditions have begun or will begin within 24 hours. People in a warning area should take precautions immediately.

How to Prepare Yourself for a Winter Storm Before it Happens:

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  • Make sure you have a 3-day supply of water (3 gallons per person) and easy-to-prepare food.
  • Purchase a NOAA Weather Radio so you can stay aware of the situation if your other communication sources are cut off. Make sure it is battery-operated and that you have extra batteries.
  • Make sure you have a good shovel. You may need to dig yourself out before help gets there. Or you simply may need to dig out your car!
  • Purchase a supply of flashlights (with batteries) and candles.
  • Clean and inspect your chimney if you have one. Make sure you have a supply of wood.
  • Make sure you have an ample supply of blankets. If your power goes out, you will need as many as you can get!
  • Clear rain gutters and repair roof leaks.
  • Have an alternate way of cooking. A small “camp stove” works well for short-term emergencies. You may also consider a butane stove which is safe to use indoors (with a cracked window). Make sure that whatever you choose that you have enough fuel.
  • Cook in a well-ventilated garage (like with the door open) to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Install carbon monoxide alarms in your home. The risk of carbon monoxide poisoning increases during winter storms as people turn to alternate heat sources.
  • Learn how to care for frostbite and hypothermia. Make sure you click on those links and print those out NOW in case your power goes out during a storm.
  • Weatherstrip any drafty doors or windows.
  • Purchase rock salt (or something similar) to help you keep walkways safe.
  • Install good winter tires on your car and make sure the wipers work well.
  • Make sure you have fire extinguishers in your home and that everyone knows how to use them. House fires are much more common during winter storms as people turn to alternate heat sources.
  • Consider purchasing a good supply of heat packs.
  • Consider purchasing a kerosene heater. Make sure it is legal in your area.
  • What to Prepare for a Winter Storm Days Before it Happens:
  • Fill your gas tank. This will keep the fuel line from freezing.
  • Check your supplies of flashlights, lanterns, etc. Make sure they are easily accessible.
  • Charge your cell phones and other electronics.
  • Pull out any generators / large battery backups that you have. DO NOT use a gas generator indoors.
  • Check antifreeze levels in your car.
  • Make sure all adults in your house know how to shut off your main water valve in case your pipes burst.
  • If you will be separated from family members, make sure you know where they are before the storm and where / when you will meet up after.
  • Make sure you know how to manually operate your electric garage door.

How To Be Prepared to Survive a Winter Storm:

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  • If temperatures are extremely low (below 25 Fahrenheit), turn on every faucet so that it is just barely dripping. This will cost you a bit more in your water bill but save you an expensive and time-consuming mess if your pipes freeze.
  • Open kitchen and sink cabinets to allow warmer water to circulate around the pipes. You can also wrap them in newspaper to help insulate them.
  • Keep your thermostat set as high during the night as you have it during the day to avoid pipes freezing.
  • Avoid driving. If you must drive, make certain you have emergency supplies in your car.
  • Keep your radio nearby and listen for updates.
  • Stay Dry! Change your clothes immediately if you get wet.
  • Use Flashlights before candles to avoid the risk of a house fire.
  • If your pipes freeze, warm them with a hairdryer. If you do not have power, wrap them in rags. Then, open all faucets and pour hot water over the pipes, starting where they were most exposed to the cold.
  • Use WD-40 on your snow shovel to make shoveling easier.
  • If the power goes out, put towels at the bottoms of doors that have gaps and cover single-paned or drafty windows with blankets. Close doors to unneeded rooms.
  • Again, if your power is out, especially for an extended time, dress in layers. Put on tights and/or long underwear if you have it as the bottom layer and then add on more loose-fitting, lightweight clothing in lots of layers after that. Mittens are warmer than gloves. End with a tight pair of warm socks and a hoodie. Keeping your head and feet warm is essential. You can also cover your mouth with a scarf. Also, EAT! This will help your body produce more heat.
  • Have your entire family get in the same bed if possible to share warmth. Grab some books and stay under the covers as much as possible! Don’t let that heat out!
  • If an extended power outage is expected, put frozen food outside and refrigerated food in the garage. These will likely be colder than your fridge (without power) after a day or so.
  • Unplug any important electrical equipment to avoid a surge when power is restored.”


Other Resources:

#WinterStorm2022 #Prepare #BePrepared #tips #winterstorm #advice #FireDepartment #CBP #EMS #police #fire #ems #fop #publicsafety #firstresponders #FBI #DHS #HSI #DEA #ATF #TSA #airportchaplain #USAirMarshall #USMarshall #sheriff #FederalAgents #police #lawenforcement #FirstResponderChaplain #policechaplain


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