How to prepare for SCA Expo 2023

How to prepare for SCA Expo 2023

The Caravela North America team will be in Portland, Oregon for the SCA Expo from 21-23 April 2023. We will be presenting at lectures, leading workshops, volunteering at the show and meeting with new and old friends.

If you will be at Expo, you are invited to join us at lectures or we would love to meet with you 1-on-1. Find out where we'll be and how to connect.

In the meantime, we're packing our bags and are so excited to see folks next week in Portland. We are prepping for Expo using this list, we thought you might find it helpful, too.?



While it’s always nice to see old friends or make new ones, the SCA Expo is a chance to support your business.?Taking a moment to center objectives for the show will go a long way in helping you plan your time and get the most out of the trip.?Some objectives could be: network and meet likeminded people in the industry, see new and current products or equipment, learn about industry trends, scientific developments, or other things to bring back to your roastery/cafe, find new vendors for supplies or services or meet with current vendors, and, of course, drink a lot of coffee.


We are always trying to be in 3 places at once during Expo - whether it’s lectures, checking out a booth on the show floor, or 1:1 meetings.?Why not combine two things together??For example, if you’re planning to attend a lecture a friend or business colleague might also be interested in, invite them along — you get to catch the lecture and be able to compare thoughts with someone else.



You will end up running late and having to cancel on folks. This is not a contradiction to the “multi-task” suggestion, but a note to?leave some breathing (or walking) room between events on your schedule. The Oregon Convention Center is not as vast as some convention centers, but you don’t want to miss out on a meeting because you were walking from one floor to the next, or across the show floor. And, of course, the time between meetings is important for hydration and bathroom breaks.



Whether it’s a lecture you’re interested in, or a happy hour -?add it to your calendar NOW and don’t forget to note the room number or address. You will be able to easily get from place to place without having to find the email or search the?show app??to find out where you need to be or what time the event starts again.



There are countless opportunities to meet folks over the weekend - whether it’s a formal reception, a happy hour, in the stands watching competitions, or in line for coffee in the morning - and you never know who you’ll meet or when that connection will come around later.?Take the opportunity to introduce yourself?to these folks - we’re all passionate coffee people! - and mentally prepare for “being on” all weekend. It’s worth it!



Whether it’s new products and equipment, cool booths, or the business car/name badge and face of a new acquaintance - take photos. It’ll make recalling a connection or an idea easier, and help you share with the rest of your team when you get home.



Bring a refillable water bottle. The Oregon Convention Center has water fill stations, and there are usually a few water stations on the show floor. Bonus points if you bring electrolyte or hydration boosters.



Meals don't really happen and?bringing snacks means you will?avoid getting over-caffeinated and cranky!



A few tips packed into one: wear outfits with lots of pockets, look up?the weather in Portland, OR,?and pack sensible shoes for the long days on your feet.



Business cards, plugs and cables for charging, battery pack, reusable water bottle and/or coffee cup, and a pain reliever to help take the edge of the late nights and early mornings.



This is a reminder for when you’re back home to follow-up with new connections whether it’s via email, LinkedIn, or Instagram. If you have teammates who weren’t able to attend the show,?share a slide show with photos and key takeaways?(coming back to those overall objectives). If you just want to chat with someone about how Expo was (whether you attend or not) the Caravela team is always game to listen or share. We’ll definitely have a few takeaways to share after the show, too.

We'll see you at Expo! Find us at these spots.

