I am working on a book that, unfortunately, seemed well-positioned to stand on its own before the Pandemic. It is provisionally entitled, DLI* Don't Lose It: How To Hang On To Your Troubled Business.

The book is really aimed at the legacy family business owner and all others who may be ill-equipped to run their business, and their knowleldge deficit may be the cause of their failures. My book is a quick run-through of the basic, essential things that any businessowner--from a solo Gig owner to the owner of a -500 person business---needs to know.

This book would be almost useless without a listing of valuable, helpful and proven resources that can help you save your business. They are designed to make you better.


The list could be endless. I said: could be. But, it’s not.


I have listed resources which I have used, know well, and find reliable. I have omitted the vast majority of historical, theoretical and head- in the- clouds business books which are venerated by many—but really won’t help you Feet On The Street-wise.


These resources all have one thing in common: They are practical, hands-on sources of training to help you thrive and survive without requiring huge amounts of time spent reading and studying. Some course work is strongly suggested. In fact, it is really required if you want to succeed. Devote off-time for it. But, there are simpler ways to be an all-the-time learner.


 I am a big believer in podcasts.


It started in the 80’s when I started listening to sales and business motivation cassette tapes on my 28-mile door to door morning drives to my office. There was something that always grabbed me, taught me, focused me. But, guess what? As soon as I hit the deck when I arrived, I often did not put it to use.


In this COVID-19 world now changed, we may not have frequent, long commutes. We may not be spending blocked time in mass transit or commuting to workplaces. Like everything else you’ve restructured to fit the new reality, find the time for listening/learning.

I strongly urge you to use podcasts on your commute if you have one. But what I did not do—you should do: As soon as you get in—even before even taking off your outerwear—is write down the most usable point that you just learned from what you heard. There is always at least one. And then get to work.




Even if you have owned your own gig or business, if you are floundering and face operational and basic performance challenges, read these books first. If you are planning a start-up? All the better. Remember: a start-up can simply be You, Inc. doing one thing on your own.


First: Conquer The Chaos: How To Grow A Successful Small Business Without Going Crazy: Clate Mask, Scott Martineau. That says it all, right?

This one is invaluable: This is a hard book to read if you take the message in. You have to realize that you, like everyone else, operates in an almost pre-ordained level of incompetence. But, you are not stupid or consigned there forever.

 The Peter Principle: Why Things Always Go Wrong: Laurence J. Peter & Raymond Hill.



The Founder’s Dilemma: Anticipating & Avoiding The Pitfalls That Can Sink a Start-up:   Noam Wasserman


I took two courses at The Disney University. It’s no Mickey Mouse operation; not based on what you learn—as well as what you pay for these courses. This book wills save you a huge amount of time, and on-site study programs are…well, things of the past:


Harness The Management Secrets of Disney In Your Company:  Bill Capadalli, Lynn Jackson


You are reading this book because things are hard. Read this one, too:

 The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Ben Horowitz


The Simplicity Cycle: A Field Guide to Making Things Better Without Making Them Worse  Dan Ward[JW1] 


REWORK :Jason Fried, David Hansson


The Barefoot Executive: The Ultimate Guide For Being Your Own Boss & Achieving Financial Freedom : Carrie Wilkerson


Lucky or Smart? Secrets of an Entrepreneurial Life : Bo Peabody


These are books that you should read to help you ask yourself the three key questions: Do I really understand what it is to own my own business? Do I understand how to operate and perform effectively? Do I really want to do this?


Very important book: Influence : The Psychology of Persuasion: Robert B. Caldini

Timeless classic in 13 bite-sized chapters: Apply as many of the basic rules to at least one thing you face in business every week: The Art of War: Sun Tzu

The E Myth Revisited: Why Most Small BUSINESSES Don’t Work And What To Do About It : Michael E. Gerber

Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action:  Simon Sinek

Guerilla Marketing : Jay Conrad Levinson. Dated. The even older, Guerilla Marketing, by the late Al Ries broke new ground and helped me achieve outside the box PR value for my company.


Dates but enduring: Growing A Business by Paul Hawken. His older but hugely prescient The Next Economy is an exceptional understanding of thinking beyond the boxes of everyday life.

I found Winning by Jack Welch to give me a smart, can-do roadmap for how to organize my workweek, operationally. The key remaining takeaway: If you’re not calling on your customers---your competition surely is.

Emotional Intelligence: Daniel Goleman

The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Place of the Learning Organization : Peter Senge; when you are stuck and wonder why.

The One Minute Manager: Ken Blanchard. Read it again and then again..

I am partial to Lean Six/Six Sigma as a way of thinking when you have a business that must prepare a deliverable. Most do: The Six Sigma Way: How GE, Motorola and Other Top Companies Doing Their Performance: Peter S. Pande, Robert P. Neuman, and Roland R. Cavanaugh, Eds.

Traction: Gino Wickman


Classic: Drive: Daniel H. Pink

This one is old: but it allowed me to understand when not to make a decision as much as when to do so: Tipping Point: Malcolm Gladwell


Measure What Matters: John Duerr

Crush It! How Great Entrepreneurs Build The Businesses That Endure---And How You Can, Too Gary Vaynerchik




While the title may be off-putting, this series is perhaps the best all-round introduction for total non-financially experienced people: Accounting for Dummies: John H. Tray

Finance For The Non-Financial Manager,: Gene Siciliano


Accounting Principles: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide To Accounting  :Glenn Becker

QuickBooks: A Beginner’s Guide To Bookkeeping and Accounting For Small Businesses: Michael Kane


Accounting QuickStart Guide: The Simplified Beginner’; s Guide To Financial and Managerial Accounting for Start-Up Business Owners and Financial Professionals:  Josh Bauerle


As I discussed, small operators can founder and easily ignore credit and collections. This is done so at your peril. After all, the whole idea is to get money in, right? I took Dun & Bradstreet’s course “Fundamentals of the Credit Function:” and a whole slew of courses at Hofstra University, the American Management Association, The now defunct New York Institute of Credit, etc. to master the constants as well as the changes in the world of credit management and collection techniques. However, start with: Ultimate Credit and Collections Handbook: The Check Is In The Mail: Michael Dunn


Let’s Split The Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depends On It by former FBI crisis negotiator  Chris Voss.


At the core of business success is the ability to professionally and comfortably sell what you do: your products or services, or both . Here are the most practical, hands-on sales books that taught me a great deal.


First, check out


I personally have the most respect for the so-called’ Challenger’ sales school of thought. If you are an owner, you have to truly be a ‘Challenger’. The Challenger Sale , Martin Dixon, Brett Adamson and  The Challenger Customer by Dixon, Adamson along with Pat Spenner and Nick Toman are essential concepts to master. While all sellers should aim to be a Challenger’ seller, you as a businessowner are facing challenges , perhaps, because you are not one.

Other works that have been helpful to me:


New Sales Simplified: by Mike Weinberg. L

Oldie but some remaining take-aways: The Psychology of Selling: Brian Tracy, and the redoubtable late Zig Ziglar classic , Secret of Closing The Sale  “‘No’ is the beginning of ‘Yes’ “ is a hard concept to accept as a salesperson and businessowner, but it takes work to make that concept work. It does and it can.

HUGELY important when you are stuck, declining, and need to fire up—or change—your sellers: Fanatical Prospecting : Jeb Blount.

As an owner, it took me years to be a challenger seller. It starts with asking the right questions—as well as listening. Discovery Questions Get You Converted, by Deb and Renee Calvert is essential.

I don’t know him, but in ways he has been my virtual ‘kick in the ass’ get off it and get selling right coach: Jeffrey Gitomer: His Little Red Book of Selling and podcast( see below) are accessible, practical and designed to help the faster-paced more competitive sales process along.

SPIN Selling, Neil Rackham and Agile Selling: Get Up To Speed Quickly In Today’s Ever-Changing SALES World by the well-known and straight-talking Jill Konrath.



If you are in business and suffer from sale inability, the first place you will be selling from is: your telephone. The classic Smart Calling: Eliminate The Fear of Rejection From Cold Calling  and other works by Art Sobzchak. Check out his podcast, too.


Dated, but well structured and self: Tom Hopkins’  How To Master The Art of Selling. It really is an art. And a science.

How you handle Incoming sales opportunities as an owner will determine success or failure. It will often be up to you, alone, taking an inquiry, to make the sale—or lose both it and the entire client business. Inbound Selling:” How To Change The Way You Sell to Match How People Buy: Brian Signorelli.



Courses---mostly online as well as ones utilizing book and online systems—are essential. So are websites and podcasts.


LIFELONG LEARNING IS ESSENTIAL. This book is of limited value. You need to invest in basic business operations skills if you Are not by nature a business veteran, if you are younger and inherited a legacy business, or are joining a business effort as a knowledgeable, valued resource-person in terms of IT, product, logistics, etc. but need to know how to run—and save—a company.


First and foremost: It’s accessible, portable, offers huge variety, is technically functional: and well-known to you. It is LinkedIn Learning. As much as LinkedIn is the central reference point for talent and networking in the world, LinkedIn Learning is the first portal to get hep, fast, right into your specific information needs, and: free.


Search far and wide, drill down as specifically as you can: you will find a plethora of practical business courses.


If you want to pay: quality costs money. You also get what you pay for. You can take abnbreviated versions of these courses with a great dela of value with the less expensive Coursera, but if you seriously want to invest both the serious time and very serious money for a program that confers credibjuloty as well as instruction from the top minds in business, Harvard and Wharton have the best programs.

Harvard management course:











Best Online Business Courses for Entrepreneurs (Free & Cheap) in 2020

·      Blogging & Writing.

·      Productivity & Life Hacks.

·      Freelancing & Consulting.

·      Psychology of Success & People Skills.

·      Career Advancement & Landing a Dream Job.

·      Podcasting.

·      Marketing.

·      Building Apps.









·      .






5 Personal Development Podcasts for 2019

·      The Life Coach School Podcast. By Brooke Castillo. ITUNES RSS WEB EMAIL. ...

·      Happier with Gretchen Rubin. By Gretchen Rubin / The Onward Project. ITUNES RSS WEB EMAIL. ...

·      The Overwhelmed Brain. By Paul Colaianni. ITUNES RSS WEB EMAIL. ...

·      The Mindful Kind. By Rachael Kable.


I would also try:

1.   No More Excuses: Monday Motivation. ...

2.   Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life. ...

3.   The Tim Ferriss Show. ...

4.   TED Radio Hour. ...

5.   How I Built This. ...

6.   Art of Charm. ...

7.   Mindvalley Podcast. ...

8.   Lead to Win.



JON F,. WEINSTEIN is the author of Sales-Fail and has owned and operated a mid-sized business.



