Darren Slatter
Director @ Digi Toolbox Ltd | Full-Service Digital Agency - Transforming Businesses with Data-Driven Marketing, Reliable Telecoms, and Expert IT Support
For some time now, we have known that Windows 7 was officially over. Now, this has been further confirmed as the support for Windows 7 is now coming to an end. For any number of individuals, companies, and people who use computers, it is important that you are aware of what is happening and how to prepare once the support is no longer available.
What’s happening?
Windows 7 is now over a decade old and January 14th 2020 is the official end for the support (since 2015 there have been no additional updates, and warranty claims are no longer valid.) For people still using it, there is a final update, but in effect, this is so that Microsoft can indicate to people with a firm reminder that the operating system will no longer be in operation.
What happens next?
If you use a computer with Windows 7, it won’t stop working after January 2020. However, it does mean you won’t get up to date security, so there is a much higher security risk compared to using a more recent operating system. This means if you want your device to be secure, it is best to upgrade to Windows 10 or another alternative system.
Upgrading to Windows 10 is arguably the most straightforward option available, and in a lot of cases you will be able to keep your files once you have transferred over (although it is always recommended to back up your files before you make the switch.) There is also the practical fact that it is not too different from the previous system, so it shouldn’t take too long to adjust.
With this option, all you need to do is buy Windows 10, download the installation and run it. Some people may say “But what about Windows 8?” While this is also an option, the issue with this is that it will also be reaching the end of life phase soon, so it is better to skip this and go straight to Windows 10 in order to avoid having to go through the same process later on.
Another alternative is to use Linux, a free open source system run by various developers. This community-led approach means that although there are a lot of different options, you should be able to find someone who can guide you through the options and pick something to suit you.
For some people, there may be programs they can only use through Windows. Fortunately, there is an option for that as well- WINE is a tool for people who need to use these programs while at the same time operating with Linux.
We can help
If you are unsure what option is best for your computer or personal needs, we are happy to help. At Digi Toolbox Ltd we work hard to make sure people have the tools they need to get the most from their devices. If you would like to know more or want to discuss the best operating system to suit your needs, please get in touch today:
Darren Slatter
Phone - 01489664468
Email - [email protected]