How to Prep for That Performance Review (And Land a Raise)

How to Prep for That Performance Review (And Land a Raise)

Remember the relief of leaving school behind? No more grades to stress over! But hold on... It turns out, the world still has a way of grading us, although in a different form.

Every day in the working world, you're under a subtle grading system by your superiors and colleagues. Without regular feedback, it's hard to gauge your progress until the annual review rolls around. It's like waiting for your report card all over again!

Don't let the annual performance review scare you! It's actually a valuable opportunity to have an open conversation with your boss about your work performance and growth potential. To make the most of it and even increase your chances of a raise, follow these simple steps to be well-prepared.

Do the math:

Imagine a perfect world where your performance review is filled with nothing but glowing compliments and a generous raise. It would be a well-deserved acknowledgment of your hard work, wouldn't it? However, the reality is often different. Your boss may have positive feelings about your work, but they might not have been as diligent in tracking your progress as they should have been.

Don't just rely on a positive review - be prepared to showcase your career successes! Before your review, jot down some notes about your accomplishments from the past year. Did you boost your company's Twitter followers by 25%? Calculate it and write it down. Discover a productivity tool that saved time and money? Estimate the impact. Armed with these stats, you'll impress your supervisor and highlight your value.

Want that raise? Showcasing how you've increased revenue or saved money for the company can make all the difference. Find those cold, hard facts that prove you're killing it in your job. Whether it's boosting sales, cutting costs, or any other measure of success, make sure you have the numbers to back it up. It's time to impress and secure that well-deserved raise!

Tell the truth:

During an annual review, it's tempting to bring up concerns you may have. However, before you do, consider how open your boss is to critical feedback. Will they see you as difficult or receptive? Even if they are open, approach with caution. You don't want to be seen as unhappy or disloyal, potentially hindering your future prospects.

If your priority is a raise, it's wise to hold off on complaints unless necessary or if they support your case. For instance, if you took on additional responsibilities due to a colleague's departure, it's a valid point. However, too many complaints can divert attention from your goal.

If you do raise concerns, balance the conversation with compliments for your manager and express why you enjoy your job. A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, after all.

Know what you want:

Don't waffle during your review. Know exactly what you want when you walk in. While a raise, promotion, or office are significant milestones, they may not happen every year.

If your job responsibilities have changed, consider requesting a title change. Interested in expanding your industry knowledge? Ask if your manager can cover education resources or a conference trip. If you're not getting along with a coworker, now is the time to discuss a desk change. Your annual review is a prime opportunity to make requests without catching your boss off guard. Seize the moment and take advantage!

Have a plan:

While you can't solve all work-related issues alone, approaching your manager with a list of complaints and no solutions can be frustrating for them. Make an effort to present potential solutions alongside your concerns. If you're content with your job but seek changes like taking on bigger projects, offering solutions is crucial. Prior to your review, consider if you have a plan to make your desired outcomes possible. Your boss will be more receptive to change if they see a clear path to support you.

Remember practice makes perfect:

You've put in the work to prepare for your review. You've gathered compliments, considered your goals, and identified areas for improvement. Now, it's time to practice. Practicing the conversation, including any requests or complaints, will make the discussion much smoother.

Enlist the help of a trusted friend or family member to practice with you. This will iron out any wrinkles and help you avoid stumbling over your words when nerves kick in. Be open to receiving and responding to constructive criticism, knowing the areas you need to improve upon. And remember, don't get defensive. Instead, prepare confident responses on how you can overcome challenges.

If you're asking for a raise, this step becomes even more crucial. Use this practice time to craft a compelling request. Present why you deserve the raise (using the evidence you collected) and indicate the desired amount (starting high allows room for negotiation). Practice makes perfect!

Relax, you got this:

You've been excelling at work, and any critiques from your manager shouldn't catch you off guard. Approaching your annual review with calmness and composure will impress them even more. And when your review turns out to be glowing (which it will!), be sure to celebrate your well-deserved success. You've earned it!


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