How To Precept Via Telepsych: A Game Changer for Psychiatric Education
A tech enabled National Database for Paid an Unpaid NP/APRN Preceptors dedicated to quality. NP owned.
Part of our “Real World Precepting Series”
Precepting via telepsych is a transformative approach in psychiatric education, offering numerous advantages over traditional in-person methods. One of the standout benefits is the ability to precept multiple students simultaneously, enhancing the learning experience and optimizing the preceptor's time. Additionally, if it’s allowed by schools, one preceptor can precept multiple students at the same time. Let me share the story of one of our beloved preceptors, KP, who exemplifies the effectiveness of telepsych precepting.
Meet KP: A Model Telepsych Preceptor. KP is an experienced PMHNP. She owns her own practice and manages both patient care and student precepting entirely through telepsych. Students log in from home on a HIPAA-compliant platform. This method has proven to be highly effective, with students expressing immense satisfaction with their learning experiences under her guidance. Students enjoy the flexibility and enjoy learning from other students in a group-like environment. KP treats a diverse range of patients across the age spectrum, making her practice a rich learning environment.?KP typically sees between 8 to 15 patients a day. She is able to precept two to four students at the same time, thanks to the flexibility and efficiency of telepsych. Telepsych allows her to accommodate even more learners, maximizing the educational opportunities for everyone.
The Technology Behind Telepsych Precepting: KP utilizes a platform called Tebra (formerly known as Kareo), which she praises for its simplicity and efficiency. The platform provides a one-click video link that students can easily log into, facilitating seamless integration into patient visits. KP rates this platform highly, giving it a solid 9 out of 10, based on her extensive experience. KP’s feedback on this platform is unsolicited and purely based on her experience. (PreceptorLink? does not receive anything for recommending the platform, nor do we have personal experience using it. You are encouraged to review different telepsych platforms if you are considering adding telepsych/telepsych precepting to your practice.)
KP’s Precepting ApproachThe precepting process begins with patients giving consent for students to be present during their visits. Once consent is obtained, students can observe and participate in the consultation. Initially, KP leads the sessions, allowing students to ask questions and interact after the visit. As students become more confident and knowledgeable, she gradually allows them to take a more active role, including leading the patient interaction under her supervision. A key element of KP’s teaching style is her use of quizzes on medications and therapeutic approaches post-visit. This method encourages critical thinking and ensures that students are well-prepared for real-world practice. For instance, she might ask questions like, "Why do you think I chose this medication over another?" or "What additional therapeutic approaches could be considered for this patient?" These questions not only reinforce learning but also stimulate deeper clinical reasoning.
The Impact of Effective Telepsych PreceptingKP's dedication to her students is evident in her interactive and challenging teaching methods. Her approach ensures that students are not only knowledgeable but also capable of applying their knowledge in practical settings. She is highly regarded by her patients, students, and the team at PreceptorLink?, illustrating the profound impact a skilled preceptor can have. She has our highest marks as a preceptor.?
Embracing Telepsych Precepting in Your PracticeTelepsych precepting is a valuable tool for modern psychiatric education. It offers flexibility, efficiency, and the ability to provide high-quality training to multiple students simultaneously. Some clinicians offer only in-office telepsych, where the student is present with the preceptor and/or preceptor’s office. This option, while still valuable to learn, reduces the number of students who can benefit from the opportunity unless they have an available conference room or room where multiple students can sit. By incorporating telepsych into your precepting practices, you can contribute to the development of future psychiatric professionals while maintaining patient care standards.?We hope this insight into telepsych precepting is helpful and inspires you to explore its benefits. By embracing this innovative approach, you can enhance your teaching practice and support the next generation of psychiatric clinicians.?Keep on learning!
The PreceptorLink? DifferenceAt PreceptorLink?, with nearly a decade of experience in preceptor matching, we go beyond simply connecting you with preceptors. We believe in QUALITY. For our NP profession to continue to have positive outcomes, we must ensure quality education. Our goal is to match quality students with quality preceptors to develop quality clinicians. Our founder, Lynn McComas, DNP, ANP-C, has leveraged her extensive experience and contacts as an NP to create our business, educate our team, and design our tech-enabled match-making App. We want to not only connect students with qualified preceptors but also equip them to make the most of this crucial learning phase. We also provide education to help support preceptors.?
If you need a preceptor, want to become a preceptor, or have a burning question about the nurse practitioner profession, we’re here to help! Lynn and The PreceptorLink? team are experts in the area of precepting and the NP profession. Check out our App, review our How It Works page, or reach out to us at 888-418-6620.
About the Author: Lynn McComas, DNP, ANP-C, is an experienced nurse practitioner and an expert on the topic of precepting. Determined to make a difference in “the Preceptor Problem,” Lynn went on to obtain her Doctorate in Nursing Practice (DNP) at the esteemed Duke University, where she focused on finding solutions to the preceptor shortage. She is the owner and founder of PreceptorLink?. The company’s goal is to simplify and streamline the process of preceptor matching while maintaining quality and professionalism throughout.?
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