How They Prayed
Oral Hazell
President/Apostle/Author/ YouTuber/Conference Speaker/Podcaster/ Conference via Zoom/ Think Tank/World Traveler: Global Life Church, St. Thomas United States Virgin Islands.
How They Prayed
??George Whitefield, the English evangelist, said: “O Lord, give me souls, or take my soul!”
??Henry Martyn, missionary, kneeling on India’s coral strands, cried out, “Here let me burn out for God!”
??David Brainerd, missionary to the North American Indians, 1718 – 1747: “Lord, to Thee I dedicate myself. Oh, accept of me, and let me be Thine for ever. Lord, I desire nothing else, I desire nothing more.” The last words in his diary, seven days before he died: “Oh, come, Lord Jesus, come quickly. Amen.”
??Dwight L. Moody: “Use me then, my Saviour, for whatever purpose and in whatever way Thou mayest require. Here is my poor heart, an empty vessel; fill it with Thy grace.”
??Martin Luther, a few words from his great agony on prayer on the night preceding his appearance before the Diet of Worms: “Do Thou, my God, do Thou, God, stand by me against all the world’s wisdom and reason. Oh, do it! Thou must do it. Stand by me, Thou true, eternal God!”
??John McKenzie, a prayer of a young missionary candidate as he knelt on the banks of the Lossie: “O Lord, send me to the darkest spot on earth!”