How to practice consciousness in day to day life?

How to practice consciousness in day to day life?

Wow! I am glad that you are landed here in search of being an ever conscious person. Well, I am no expert like any other respected Spiritual guru, but I have experienced my own in the living and being into consciousness since I am practicing silence. The one thing I learnt so far is being into consciousness is the ultimate achievement one can have in this life, simplest if applied and hardest if only imagined.

The basic teaching of spirituality is to be awake and conscious. To be awake means simply be alive for what you are doing and be conscious about what you are thinking. Creating thoughts is not in your control, but to watch them like a movie is surely does. Getting attached in any thought and then reacting according it is simply nonsense. That’s why spirituality focuses on staying apart from this unstoppable process of our mind and getting not affected with any of the thought. This is consciousness. Feel what you do, sense what you think and be into your living is the pure form of consciousness. This is no rocket science. It is simply staying who you are. Remember, you are not a thinking robot. You are not a machine who reacts according to the orders given by mind. You are a free soul. You are not a slave of your identity, your greed, your lust, your ego, your body, your mind and your thought. You are here to experience life, not to gathered and stored. Nothing is permanent here, it is just an experiential journey, which will come and go. So, be happy in this life and stay away from any attachments.

Keeping this in mind and following this path leads you to be in ever consciousness. Because consciousness is the only place, where silence, peace, happiness and life stays. There are few steps that can surely help to be in the consciousness forever…

1. Wide- awake: To be alive in each senses and every action, one need to be in full consciousness and to be in consciousness, one need to be wide awake. Wide refers to every corner of thought, which can pull you back again to the un-consciousness. So, either you can set a mobile wallpaper, reminding you about ‘being into consciousness’ or you can paste a paper chit on your desktop/laptop, or you can also try to be chanting ‘consciousness’ after every few minutes until it becomes habit and you become habitual of living in present and here in the moment, not being distracted by any thought.

2. Prepared: Whenever you get up, first thing you should do is remind yourself by a promise to be keep alive and watchful for the thoughts. your mind will try his level best to distract you from your consciousness but you have to remain prepared for that every attack of your mind. Be prepared in every moment because mind can throw any involving thought to you. You need to be prepared by practicing silence and stillness. These two weapons are enough to fight against your very own mind. The more you prepare, the more you become a strong contestant in this game, in order to achieve the consciousness.

3. Prompt reactive: It often happens that after some time your mind can distract you from your consciousness through an involving thought like a lusty one, greedy one, scary one, joyful one, cheering and discouraging or may be a useless thought. So, in this situation, the moment you come to know about being distracted, you have to come back to your consciousness as soon as you have been separated. The drive wheels need to be taken back on the track of consciousness again and again. This may be an everlasting game for few days or months but after a while, you will find that you have become a formula one racing driver, who doesn’t lose control in any situation in the race of achieving consciousness.

4. Vigilance: The more you try become conscious, the more you will find becoming stable. Stability comes from stillness. Stillness can be achieved through consciousness and consciousness can be accomplished by awakening. Awakening is nothing but knowing and knowing is nothing but being into consciousness. It means this circle completes itself from where it starts. And to complete this zero, you need to be persistent and consistent. Keeping an eye on every thought and action leads towards your consciousness. Vigilance approach in doing and happening is required in order to be knowing within you and around you.

I hope, these steps will help you to find your consciousness…

Keep breathing

- Punit Sharma | [email protected]


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