How To Post a Job Offer on LinkedIn (mostly for FREE)
Click on the For Business panel in the above high profile and choose Hire on LinkedIn:
You will need to log in again to your profile. Keep in mind that you personally will be seen as the author of this job offer. Now, you may add the job details.
Careful about the Job title. That is the key to the success of your post - it needs to be clear and include a key benefit of your offer. In our case, the benefit is that the job may be done remotely. Another key is being clear about the money.
Then, you can preview your job post and continue with Next.
In most cases, you would benefit by dropping Applicant questions - there are so many other job offers that your bureaucracy might discourage good applicants.
Now, the key point is that you will be notified about the applicants by email. Be careful; it may be easily missed or end in spam. Anyhow, LinkedIn will ask you here to verify your email once again.
There will also be an option to get this violet sticker on your profile picture. I would not use that if you are not a recruiter since it will look like your dominant agenda here on LinkedIn.
In most cases, LinkedIn Job Posts are free, which is a tremendous benefit compared with expensive specialized portals. To be specific, you can always have one free job post per profile.
But if your post is one of too many (a.k.a. you are looking for IT guys and salesmen), you may encounter the problem visible above. LinkedIn is not allowing me to post for the free position of salesman since there are too many other posts about that.
By writing number 1 into the budget, I can check what is the minimum possible budget. My personal recommendation would be to pay as little as possible since we did not see any serious increase in the number of relevant applicants between the free and paid posts.
You can still post for free by changing the name of the position or narrowing the geographical area of your search. The key is to lower the competition.
A nice feature of a paid post is an option to notify 25 relevant potential applicants about you offer.
Now, your post has become public and is part of the LinkedIn Job Search results.
In case you need to edit it, delete it, or check the applicants, you can always find it here:
When looking at applicants, you might miss many of them by not paying attention to the Rating button. LinkedIn is not showing you those applicants that it considers to be irrelevant, such as those from other regions.
Your applicant will also be notified by two emails: first, that his application happened, and second, that you have seen his application!
Be clear and fair about the job you are offering. I wish you great new colleagues!
Virtuální mana?erka | Zkoordinuji va?e projekty, tym i úkoly | Správa profil? na LinkedIn?? | Online Operations Manager | Zbavím vás rutinní agendy, na kterou nemáte ?as, ani nervy | Pracuji v ?e?tině i v angli?tině
2 个月I'm sure Mr. LI would have exploded if you had posted something about a kitten. Until then thank you for all your valuable posts.
LinkedIn?? specialista ? 257 vy?kolenych u?ivatel? v r. 2023 ? Jen?1% u?ivatel? umí vyu?ít LinkedIn??. Dostanu vás mezi ně. Firmy i jednotlivce ? TOP 41 na ?eském LinkedIn?? ? Konzultace, ?kolení, mentoring.
2 个月Sergej Pavljuk - jestli jsi neudělal chybu. Pá? ko?átka fungují dycky ??