How Polychronic and Monochronic Cultures Shape Healthcare Practices
Chris Ifeanyi Ezeh
???Journalist, Author and ??Healthcare Consultant & Educator | Diversity, Inclusion + Intercultural Competence Coach, Paraplegiology & Rehabilitation Expert@BG Klinikum Hamburg| |Publisher@EuroAfrica Media Network|
As healthcare providers, we interact with a diverse group of individuals every day. Patients come from different backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs, and it's essential to recognise and understand these differences to provide quality care. One aspect of culture that plays a significant role in healthcare practices is the sociological science classifications known as polychronic and monochronic cultures. In nursing and medical practice, cultural diversity has a crucial role in the determination of the level of quality care delivery. Polychronic and monochronic cultures are two different cultural perspectives that can significantly shape healthcare practices. Understanding these cultural orientations and their impacts on healthcare can assist care providers in delivering better services to patients from diverse cultural backgrounds. This article will explore how these two cultural perspectives shape healthcare practices and the importance of embracing diversity.
Understanding Polychronic and Monochronic Cultures
As defined by Hall (1976), polychronic cultures prioritise simultaneous activities and value the relationships between people over time. In other words, Polychronic culture is a culture that emphasises relationships and places a higher value on people than on time. In contrast, monochronic cultures such as those found in North America and Western Europe value linear time, punctuality, schedules, deadlines and clear structure over personal relationships (Hall & Hall, 1990).
People in these cultures prefer to complete one task at a time and view time as a limited resource that should be used efficiently. As a result, these two cultures have distinct differences that can heavily impact healthcare practices. For example, polychronic cultures (Africa, Saudi Arabia, China, India, and South America) tend to value relationships and focus on communication, leading to more collaborative teamwork in healthcare settings.
In contrast, monochronic cultures may prioritise efficiency and task orientation, leading to more streamlined and hierarchical team dynamics. The impacts of polychronic and monochronic cultures on healthcare practices should not be underrated. Healthcare providers from different cultures may have different approaches to time management, communication, decision-making, team dynamics, avoidance of occupational accidents or security management, and patient care.
For example, polychronic cultures may prioritise building relationships and may spend more time with patients to understand their needs and concerns. In contrast, colleagues from monochronic cultures may prioritise efficiency and may focus on completing tasks within a set timeframe. These differences can lead to miscommunication, misunderstandings, and potentially suboptimal care, triggering misjudgement and misevaluation of competency. This aspect is crucial when engaging new workers from other cultures in a monochronic or polychronic team.
One example of the impact of polychronic and monochronic cultures in healthcare is time management. Polychronic cultures tend to view time as fluid and flexible, while monochronic cultures view time as a resource that should be managed efficiently. This can impact healthcare delivery, especially regarding appointment scheduling and patient wait times. A study by Yegdich and Baxter (2019) found that healthcare providers with a monochronic perspective tended to keep patients waiting longer than those with a polychronic perspective. This can negatively impact patient satisfaction and patient-centred care.
Another impact of polychronic and monochronic cultures in healthcare is communication. Effective communication is critical in healthcare, as it helps providers understand the patient's needs and concerns.
A study by Shen, Zhou and Gao (2017) found that cultural differences can negatively affect communication in healthcare, impacting patient safety. Healthcare providers from polychronic cultures may use more indirect language, while those from monochronic cultures may use more indirect cultures may use more direct language. This can lead to misinterpretations and misunderstandings between healthcare workers and patients.
To improve cultural competency in healthcare, it is essential to understand the differences between polychronic and monochronic cultures and how they can influence healthcare practices. Cultural competency training can help healthcare providers understand different cultures and learn strategies to improve cross-cultural communication and collaboration. Strategies to enhance cultural competency include education and training programs, building cultural awareness, providing opportunities for cross-cultural interaction, and fostering respectful communication and collaboration.
In conclusion, cultural diversity plays a significant role in healthcare practices, and understanding polychronic and monochronic cultures can help healthcare providers deliver better care to patients from diverse cultural backgrounds. The impacts of these cultures on healthcare practices include time management, communication, decision-making, team dynamics, and patient care. Improving cultural competency in healthcare through education, awareness, and training can help providers navigate cultural differences and deliver patient-centred care that respects and embraces diversity.
Impacts of Polychronic and Monochronic Cultures on Healthcare
Time Management in Healthcare
In polychronic cultures, time is considered flexible and less important than individual relationships. Furthermore, healthcare providers may need to spend more time building relationships with patients in polychronic cultures before discussing medical issues. On the other hand, in monochronic cultures, patients may expect healthcare providers to be punctual and efficient and may not appreciate lengthy conversations unrelated to their medical issues. Patients may also prioritise personal conversations and relationships over scheduled appointments, leading to potential delays in treatment. On the other hand, in monochronic cultures, patients are expected to adhere to scheduled appointments and value punctuality.
Communication in Healthcare
Communication is also affected by cultural orientation. Polychronic cultures value personal relationships and prefer indirect communication styles, such as storytelling and metaphorical language. Communication may also rely heavily on nonverbal cues. Healthcare providers in these cultures must be aware of the nuances of communication to understand what patients are trying to convey. Monochronic cultures, on the other hand, prioritise clarity and directness in communication. Communication is straightforward, which often means, ?patients and team members may expect clear, concise information. These differences can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunication between healthcare providers and patients.
Decision-Making in Healthcare
Cultural differences also play a role in decision-making in healthcare. In polychronic cultures, decisions are often made through group consensus and involve the input of family and friends. Polychronic decision-making tends to be more collaborative, allowing more room for group consensus. In contrast, in monochronic cultures, individuals make decisions, often based on data and analysis (evidence-based). Healthcare professionals in both cultures must understand these differences to ensure patients are comfortable with decision-making.
Team Dynamics in Healthcare
Team dynamics are also affected by cultural differences. Polychronic cultures prioritise relationships and may value teamwork and collaboration over individual accomplishments. Therefore, people from these cultures are more relationship-oriented, focusing on maintaining positive interpersonal relationships. Conversely, in monochronic cultures, teamwork is often task-oriented (strict separation of private/work life), focusing on achieving specific goals. Healthcare providers must recognise these differences to avoid frustrations resulting from false expectations: If these lines are clear for all parties, an effective collaboration and teamwork environment can be fruitful.
Patient Care in Healthcare
Finally, cultural differences can also affect patient compliance and welfare at the medical, therapeutic and nursing levels. Polychronic cultures may emphasise holistic care, including the patient's physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. In contrast, in monochronic cultures, patients may prefer a more clinical approach, focusing on treating specific medical issues. Healthcare providers must be aware of these differences to ensure patients receive care that meets their individual needs.
Improving Cultural Competency in Healthcare
The differences in polychronic and monochronic cultures highlight the importance of cultural competency in healthcare. Cultural competency is the ability to understand, appreciate, and effectively work with individuals from different cultural backgrounds (Dreachslin, Gilbert, & Malone, 2015).
?The following strategies can improve cultural competency in healthcare:
1.????Education and Training Programmes: Health workers should not only receive language and health education but, above all, intensive, structured, intercultural training that is tailored to the target cultures of patients and team members alike.
2.????Building Cultural Awareness: Providers can become more culturally aware by learning about different cultures' customs, beliefs, and values.
3.????Providing Opportunities for Cross-Cultural Interaction: Providers can interact with individuals from different cultures to better understand their perspectives. Intercultural Team Auditing and intercultural team exchanges can help identify issues of cultural discrepancies and allow for necessary meta-communication on such themes.
4.????Fostering Respectful Communication and Collaboration: Providers can communicate effectively and collaboratively with patients from different cultures by being respectful, empathetic, and non-judgmental. To improve cultural competency in healthcare, healthcare providers must first recognise the importance of understanding cultural diversity. Cultural competency training effectively enhances understanding different cultures and their impact on healthcare practices. These training programs can help healthcare providers build cultural awareness, provide opportunities for cross-cultural interaction, and foster respectful communication and collaboration.
1.????Hall, E. T. (1976). Beyond culture. Anchor Press/Doubleday.
2.????Hall, E. T., & Hall, M. R. (1990). Understanding cultural differences. Intercultural Press.
3.????Dreachslin, J. L., Gilbert, M. J., & Malone, B. (2015). Diversity and cultural competency in health care: A systems approach. Jossey-Bass.
4.????Yegdich, T., & Baxter, R. (2019). Time is money? Examining the implications of polychronic and monochronic on patient-centred care. Journal of Patient Experience, 6(4), 328-331.
5.????Shen, Z., Zhou, Q., & Gao, B. (2017). The impact of cultural differences on communication and patient safety. Journal of patient safety, 13(4), 230-235.
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