How Pleasure Can Improve Your Network Marketing Business
Erin Pollinger
Health and wellness networker at PrimeMyBody, Author, Feminine Powered Leadership retreat leader
The following is adapted from Network Marketing Queen.
Women have been taught that in order to be successful, we need to be like men, bring out our masculinity, push aside emotions, and act in a cutthroat manner. We keep trying, but time and time again these methods fail and our businesses suffer for it. We find ourselves exhausted, burned out, and unable to achieve the success and freedom we desire.
In fact, most women are deeply disconnected from their desires. In large part, that’s because they are fundamentally disconnected from pleasure. How can you know what you want if you don’t know what you enjoy?
To be successful in network marketing, you have to come back to a place of pleasure. People are more likely to join your team when you are fueled by the things that give you passion and joy. They will sense your enthusiasm and come to share it because pleasure is a source of creativity, motivation, and energy. Read on to find out more about how pleasure can help you build a more fruitful network marketing business.
The Connection Between Pleasure and Desire
Desire is the first seed of creation where everything begins. In network marketing, and any business, it is critical that we have a lot of desires. We desire freedom, travel, and to be of greater contribution and service. We desire to live luxuriously and give back generously. We desire to earn a specific amount of money. We desire to achieve a specific rank. We desire to enroll a specific number of affiliates. We desire to build incredible teams and communities. These desires fuel our mission and purpose.
Most women are disconnected from what they truly want. It is an art to know your true desires. What you think you desire is probably different from what you really desire. You can only get into your pleasures after you’ve determined your authentic desires. Why? Because, the pleasure fuels the desire! Pleasure is like the water, sun, and nourishment that helps the seeds of desire grow.
One of the best ways to stay fueled with pleasure is to take at least one full day per week off to unplug and focus on you. Put work aside and be present with the people you love, sit in stillness, walk in nature, and do the things that make you feel alive and juicy. On the days you work, take pleasure breaks to refuel. Several times a day, stop for five to ten minutes to take a quick nap, lay in the sun, or have a short dance party with yourself.
This process of using pleasure to fuel desire is opposite to the way most women operate. It is common for women to start with the desire and then go into action. They think, “I want to make $10,000 a month.” Then, they want to know how. “How can I make this money?” Well, let me tell you ladies—the how is none of your business. Moving from the how is man-mode. For a woman to build her business in a way that feels energized and fun, she must start with desire and then get into her pleasure to fuel that desire.
Don’t Take Business Too Seriously
Pleasure should also be a regular part of your interactions with others. That’s why I love to keep it playful in my business. One of my favorite playful exercises is something I call the “mermaid meditation.”
In network marketing we refer to huge players as “whales.” Whales are successful, determined, community-oriented, connected, and badasses with heart. They are fun to work with, they are very independent, and they don't need constant hand-holding. They see the big vision, have soul-aligned missions, and are instrumental in the massive explosion of your business.
The meditation goes like this: Imagine you are a mermaid swimming in the crystal clear, blue-green waters of the ocean. The sunlight pierces the water, making it sparkle like diamonds. You are attractive and magnetic, and you are fueled by connection with everything. You are a brilliant, blinding, glittering mermaid.
You look around and you notice that you are attracting a herd of whales. They swim close to you and you jump on their backs, slide down their tails, and you swim around to look into their eyes with presence and reverence. You talk to the whales nonverbally and let them know that you are so happy they have joined you on this journey. You swim ahead of them and they follow you. You spend a playful time in the ocean connecting with them, while being in pure bliss.
You may think this is silly, but when the women come out of this meditation, they are radiant and lit from within. They are more connected to their joy and feel more in their pleasure and magnetism. Bringing this type of play into your business not only keeps it fun, but it also opens up your team to be more receptive to the magic and miracles that life is made of. We all take business much too seriously, and often end up burning out as a result.
Bless and Receive
In network marketing, we should operate in a state of flow. This means that life supports us in connecting with those people we are meant to bless in a way that feels effortless. This doesn't mean we sit around all day waiting for people to knock on our door. What this means is that we are open, aware, watching, and listening for anyone the Universe puts into our field in any given moment.
Network marketing is attraction marketing. You get what you are. In this season you are connected to your pleasure and open to receiving—receiving the next conversation, receiving the next affiliate, and receiving the next steps to find success on your path.
When you are in receptive mode through being in your pleasure, you will find that serendipity occurs in your life in the most remarkable ways, and your business builds with greater ease.
Standing in line at the post office, the woman behind you will strike up a conversation. Within minutes you find you share common goals and she is the perfect person who wants to partner with you to build a business. You get a Facebook message from an old friend wanting to reconnect. You reach out and when they learn about your business they immediately say that they have been praying for something exactly like this.
We all have the incredible business opportunity our network marketing companies offer—which could be the answer to that prayer. The question is, “Will you bless their life by telling them about it?”
Be in Your Pleasure
To stay fueled with the energy we must remain connected with our pleasure. Women are often disconnected from their pleasure because of conditioning from society, religion, and culture that tells us it is shameful and wrong to feel good and be in your bliss.
This could not be further from the truth. When a woman is in her pleasure, she is lit up, radiant, and full of passion and energy to shine her light and give her gifts in service. She blesses and inspires all that she touches. This is when your network marketing business will thrive.
For more advice on pleasure, you can find Network Marketing Queen on Amazon. To receive the 6 Bonus Audio Meditations that accompany the book, visit:
Dr. Erin Pollinger has been a chiropractor since 1999 and is a life coach supporting women around physical and financial freedom. She leads workshops on Feminine Powered Leadership and hosts international retreats at her center in Costa Rica. Dr. Erin is currently the lead female earner and third top earner in her network marketing company, with no previous experience in the industry. She is also the mother to her beautiful daughter, Willow. Dr. Erin’s passion is supporting women to reclaim their most energized relationships with their bodies, money, and life itself. Network Marketing Queen is her first book.