The wisdom of the fathers
It is not a wonderful state or a marvelous experience, but a perfect union with Jesus, the living and perfect One. We do not merely receive grace, but the God of all grace; not merely holiness, but the Holy One; not merely power, but the Mighty One in the midst; not merely wisdom, but the companionship and counsel of the Wonderful Counselor. This is still the secret of divine holiness. It is union with Jesus, abiding in Jesus, dependence upon Jesus every moment and for everything. “Out of His fulness have all we received, even grace for grace.” Our graces are just the transfer of His grace to us.
As the transfer picture is laid upon the piece of silk and stamped into its texture with a hot iron, so the Holy Spirit takes the things of Christ and translates them with His burning touch into our life. Is it purity, we put on His purity; is it faith, we receive the faith of God; is it love, His love is shed abroad in our hearts, and herein is our love made perfect, “because as He is, so are we also in this world.” Is it peace, “My peace I give unto you.” Is it joy, “That My joy may remain in you and your joy may be full.” Is it power, “All power is given unto ME, and, lo, I am with you always.” And so it is all Christ’s grace, and power, and personal presence.
It is not a wealthy friend, advancing a large sum to aid us in our business, but coming into it Himself, and giving us His partnership, His counsel, and His capital. And it is received by faith, as the free gift and finished work of our complete Savior. In one single act we renounce ourselves and all our sin and self-confidence, and take Him and His all-sufficiency for every future need. Henceforth our life is simply putting on Christ more fully from day to day, and ceasing from self. In that blessed moment of appropriating faith He gives Himself to us as our complete life, covering all our future need, and day by day we just enter into it step by step.
But it must be wrought into us and transferred to our earthly life; and this is the Holy Spirit’s work. He takes the gifts and graces of Christ and brings them into our life, as we need and receive them day by day, thus we receive of His fulness grace for grace, His grace for our grace, His supply for our need, His strength for our strength, His body for our body, His spirit for our spirit, Himself “made unto us of God wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.” But it is much more than mere abstract help and grace, much more even than the Holy Spirit bringing us strength and peace and purity. It is personal companionship with Jesus Himself. It is Christ dwelling in the heart and walking with us as “A living, bright reality, - More dear, more intimately nigh -Than even the closest earthly tie.”
(from "Standing on Faith" by A.B. Simpson)