How to Play Offside Tag

How to Play Offside Tag

Game Play

The aim of Offside Tag (OST) is to score more points than the opposition by

‘grounding’ the football in the ‘scoring zone’. The ‘ball carrier’ is the most dangerous,

yet most vulnerable player, as when a defender removes their ‘tag’, the play ends.

Players not in possession of the ball cannot be ‘tagged’ or obstructed.

The set commences with attacker/s on/behind the invisible ‘red line’

o Throwing the ball above and catching below head height

Note: This indicates that all players (attacking and defending) can move forward off

their line except for the player starting with the ball, who is required to pass once in

any direction before moving past their line.

All attackers start behind the behind the red, orange or blue line to commence play

with 5 ‘downs’ available. This is determined by the last line attackers successfully

passed. A ‘changeover’ occurs if

o Attackers do not score during their set or

o There is a major infringement

During play, attackers can

o Run in any direction

o Be positioned in front or behind the ball

o Pass in a 360-degree direction

o Have unlimited passes until ball carrier is tagged, ball dropped or an

infringement has occurred

Attackers restart play once the ball carrier is tagged or loses control of the ball.

Play restarts on the

o Red line - located 27m from the try line if the ball carrier has not been tagged

past the orange line

o Orange line – located 19m away from the try line if the ball carrier has been

tagged past the orange line but not past the blue line

o Blue Line – Located 10m away from the try line if the ball carrier has been

tagged past the blue line and a try has not been scored

Offside Tag Field

Restarting Key Points

o Lost tags are to be reapplied before play restarts

o If attackers pass the orange or blue line during a down, and during the next

play are tagged behind the orange or blue line, play recommences at the last

starting line

o Attackers need to have control of the ball when tagged in order to advance

into other zones, otherwise the play is restarted at the last restart line

o Attackers can start anywhere along the attacking line

o If a defender impedes an attackers pass by knocking down the ball, it is

considered an attacking error, resulting in a down

o If the ball is intercepted, unless it is the last down, the attacking team will

receive the ball back regardless if the defender team scores or not

o Defenders can pass the ball in any direction from point of interception

o The attacking team does not lose possession due to an error, unless it is the

5th down

o Teams have 10 seconds to get set for the next play and if

o attackers are not set, they may lose a down

o defenders are not set, they may give the attackers an extra down

Defenders always start on the invisible

o Orange line if attackers start from the red line

o Blue try line if attackers start from the orange line

o Try line if attackers start from the blue line

Note: See 12’s and Under Game Variations.

Tags are used to replace tackling and create a safer game. Contact will occur, but

should be avoided where possible.

Points & Winners

To score points

? Attackers ground the ball in the

o ‘Try Zone’ – 1 point

o ‘Square’ – 2 points

Note: Girls receive 2 points regardless if they score in the try zone or square in

mixed games.

? Defenders touch the red markers with the ball

o 2 points


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