How to Play Big in the Game of Life

How to Play Big in the Game of Life

“Creativity is a great motivator because it makespeople interested in what they are doing.Creativity gives hope that there can be aworthwhile idea. Creativity gives the possibilityof some sort of achievement to everyone.Creativity makes life more fun and moreinteresting.” ~ Edward de Bono
Being creative makes us feel more alive, awake andconfident. When we are more creative, we shinebrighter. We see limitations and struggles withnew eyes.
We feel more like our authentic selves.We are in alignment with our unique, andexpansive, creative center. However, more oftenthan not, we are so in the groove of our busylives that our days fly by at lightening speed andwe barely tap into the right side of our brain.Time goes by and we often lose connection to ourcreativity.
Here are 15 simple ways to stimulate your creativeright brain and integrate more creativity intoyour daily life.
1. Daydream Ask yourself the question, “What do I feel alive by?” Take some time to allow your mind to consciously wander in answer to the question.Notice where your thoughts take you. Go where they go. Be guided by your inspiration and creative,spontaneous self.
“Daydreaming allows you to play out scenarioswhere you miraculously save the day. You play outscenarios in your head that are kind of crazy, andthen you personally, heroically resolve them.” ~Mark Waters
2. Take More Photos Make it a mission to take more photos throughout your day. When you hold the intention to take photos, it trains your eye to look for the beauty in the unexpected. The art in the world around you. Notice color, shape and texture. Notice what you are drawn to and capture it.
3. Eavesdrop Take those opportunities when you are waiting inline to stretch your creativity muscles. Listen to those around you with a tender ear. Honor and notice the precious humanity in others. Imagine a poem or image coming out of their words.
4. Breathe deeplySo often we are disconnected from our breath. Make it a practice to check-in, notice your breathing and allow your breathing to expand your creative center. Breath and expand. Notice what you are experiencing somatically and notice what smells are around you. Notice what the air feels like.Sink into the experience of your senses. Allow images or words to arise from within you.
“Shallow breathing is the root of all evil but conscious deep breathing restores and secures our souls.”  ~ Desmond GreenLong ago, a man was reading the morning newspaper and noticed his name in the obituary column. Much to his surprise, the newspapers had reported the death of the wrong person.
His first response was shock. When he regained his composure, he sought to find out what people said of him.
The obituary read, "Dynamite King Dies" and "He was the merchant of death."
Given the man was the inventor of dynamite, being christened the "merchant of death" was not how he wanted to be remembered.
After a moment of reflection, he decided to renew his life purpose. From that day on, he vowed to work towards peace.
His name was Alfred Nobel and he is widely known today by the great Nobel Prize.

How do you want to be remembered? 

What lasting impression do you wish to leave behind?
Whilst we seldom contemplate our own mortality,reflecting on the value of our life allows us to consider what is important. Life can be lived atan incredible pace that we sometimes fail to recognize its significance, no sooner than it vanishes.
I urge you to play big in the game of life irrespective of fame, fortune or success. It is vital we honor our talents, resources and gifts to the best of our ability.
It is your duty to bring to life the best version of yourself regardless of your limitations. Being at your best is an evolving process, yet the one true constant is that you improve without settling.
"What you believe about yourself and your world is the primary determinant to what you do and,ultimately, how well you do it," affirms sports psychologist Stan Beecham in Elite Minds: Creating  the Competitive Advantage.
What we receive in life is proportional to what we believe we deserve. History has shown less talented people having achieved outstanding success owing to their commanding self-belief.
I invite you to overcome your fears and push past your resistance as you make the leap forward.These two aspects alone keep you stranded because your life's objectives become diluted, through the fog of separation.
Sacrifice is essential in any field where the prize is big. Nothing is gained standing on the side-lines. Even time is a sacrifice when pursuing your passion.
Those who play small, receive smaller rewards.Those who take risks with little assurances, are compensated owing to their enduring commitment. Life honors those willing to risk it all and play big.
In his acclaimed book Mastery, author RobertGreene states, "In the end, the money and success that truly last come not to those who focus on such things as goals, but rather to those who focus on mastery and fulfilling their Life'sTask."
The life task he speaks of is your one true purpose that flames your inner desires and awakens your potential. Life mirrors your commitment to excellence. For this reason, be vigilant how you spend your time and energy.
Similarly reframe failure as an investment in future success. Why have we become so scared of failure nowadays? I believe it's because we equate failure to self-worth. You are not a failure if an outcome does not result as planned. The outcome has failed, directing you to try a different approach next time.
It was Albert Einstein who said if you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
You cannot lose in the game of life where lessons are learned and wisdom is gained. Success arrives when you least expect it, due to the hard work and tireless commitment to greatness.
Self-doubt is a killer of many dreams; one should conquer it before it flourishes. Avoid cowering in defeat to rising doubts, yet rise above your challenges with renewed strength. Doubts are lingering thoughts that disappear when you take inspired action.
In light of this, develop an insatiable self-belief and nurture it daily. Become the CEO of your own enterprise and command it with steadfast leadership. Don't wait for others to acknowledge your talents, genius and gifts. Greet the world with passion and enthusiasm.
Stan Beecham writes, "Beliefs control biology, biology controls behavior, and behavior determines success."
Moreover, create your own definition of success.Don't be lulled into other people's definition of success since you'll forever chase your tail trying to live up to other's expectations.
Focus on what matters and allow everything else not conducive to your potential to fall away. If it does not resonate with you, let it go so something better will fill its place.
Overcome your fears and focus on what you can achieve. If you are pulled by your fears, you perceive life from a constrained mindset. Reaching for the skies while lying on your back is not conducive to your potential. Get on your feet and make daily advances toward that which you seek.
"Courage is your compass. It illuminates your path" avows Sean Patrick in Awakening Your InnerGenius.
We all know success is attained through hard work and commitment. The mental and emotional resilience gained over time, forms a successful mindset to attract the right opportunities.
If we wish to be remembered after we're gone, we must live for something deeper while still alive.Alfred Nobel knew being an explosive's expert was not how he intended to live out his days and so he created a new destiny.
I urge you to think with the end in mind to live a significant life. From that space you create an exceptional life using your talents, gifts and genius to serve others.
If you enjoyed this article by Tony Fahkry, why not gain access to Tony's full body of knowledge by getting a copy of his new book 'The Power to Navigate Life'

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