How Photography Helps Moms Have More Powerful Moments With Their Kids
Julie Stephens
Small Town Photographer ■ Big Time Influencer of 4 Little Kids ■ True Believer in Classical Education
I work with many moms who are motivated high-achievers. They’re going to the top and stand out in their circles. But did you know they still have a common worry… “Am I a good mom??
You already know there are thousands of articles and podcasts that address this- many preying on women’s fears just so they can get likes and shares- and the good ones still hose you down with so much information you’re overwhelmed! I’d like to quickly scroll past those opinions and skip to what makes a good mom.
A mom who is there.
Kids are born with a deep desire to win their parents’ approval. Simply by your presence, they are reassured that you value them.
This does not mean you have to be with them every waking moment!
When a person looks back at their childhood, they will not remember it all. Studies show that we only remember certain points! The Peak-End rule is a good example of this. What matters is that your child sees, hears, and feels your presence during the important moments of their life.
In life, there are some times that experts agree are important - accomplishments, sickness, heartbreak, change - but there is also a way that you can CREATE important moments for your child to remember!
It’s called “Flipping The Script”. It’s the unexpected! Showing up to share a school lunch. It’s the unplanned manicure together; the trip to GameStop for no reason. These acts seem small, and they don’t need to happen often to be effective. It’s the gift of surprise and the gift of yourself that magically fuse, forming a remarkable memory.
Being in front of a professional camera is a wonderful experience for kids. Depending on their personality and age, they may get the wiggle-giggles or give me such a funny look they cause themselves to laugh. It’s contagious, and Mom starts laughing, too. In a flash, a memory is made because it’s unexpected and funny. What makes it even more powerful is the resulting photograph, which allows you to relive that moment over and over.
There are many things that audaciously demand your time and your focus. It’s up to us to choose what matters- what is truly important to us. If you’re overwhelmingly busy but longing to be more present for your child, let me introduce the idea that a Portrait Session can flip the script and make a magic moment for your child.
Interested? Call me to chat about your concerns when it comes to professional photographs of your children. I DON’T hard sell over the phone. I’ll just listen and see if I have some photography expertise that could make your life richer.
(417) 658-8865
Want to know more about creating special moments for your child? Read “The Power of Moments” by Chip and Dan Heath or listen to it on Scribd, Inc.