How Personal Injury Lawsuits Work
What is a personal injury lawsuit? It is a lawsuit brought by an injured party against a defendant for an accident caused by that defendant’s negligence.
If you are injured, the first step to take is to seek medical treatment. Then, you should strongly consider meeting with an attorney, even if you are not sold on the idea of filing a lawsuit. The sooner you consult with an attorney, the better. Lawsuits can only be brought during a prescribed period of time (called a statute of limitations), and evidence is easier to collect closer to the date of the accident.
Once you have met with a personal injury attorney, you will find out whether you have a case for compensation. At this juncture, most attorneys will negotiate with the party at fault to see if anything can be settled before resorting to a court trial. If you bring the lawsuit, and a settlement still cannot be reached, the claim will go to trial in front of a judge and jury. However, less than 5% or personal injury lawsuits result in a jury trial.
If you are considering filing a lawsuit, and your attorney advises you that you have a claim, remember that people do not file personal injury lawsuits because they are greedy or money-hungry—they are simply trying to receive monetary compensation for injuries suffered as a result of an accident.