How Performant is Your Team?
The dictionary provides the following definition for a team: ‘Two or more people working together’. I think this is missing the point. A team should be working together towards a shared objective. Two guys who just happen to sit together doesn’t constitute a team to me! A team needs to pull in one direction, it needs to be greater than the sum of its parts.
Any manager can sit people together - thats the easy bit. Getting that team to become performant, and benefit from each other’s strengths whilst developing individually is the hard part. I’ve managed teams for over twenty years, and I reckon I’m just starting to get the hang of it now. I shall impart my hard earned learnings with you here.
A team must respect its leader to the extent that they trust in their directions, even when they’re not around. The objectives need to be crystal clear, and the reasons behind them shared transparently. If the team don’t understand or believe in the objective, they will never perform. Trust needs to be mutual. The employees need to feel trusted to work as they choose- this allows them autonomy and grows self esteem. Mistakes must be allowed for development to occur. Individuals need to push their own boundaries and that comes with risk. When failures happen take accountability for it yourself and do not expose the individual. You will be respected for this and believe me, your employees will follow you anywhere.
Get to know your team as individuals. Take the time (always) to talk to them about their life outside of work as well as within. Have team outings, you will see another side of people and being on neutral ground is a great leveller. Be approachable, always BE THERE for your team physically and emotionally. Treat them as humans, not resources. We all have the same fundamental needs; to feel needed, to feel belonging, to grow, to have value, to have self esteem. Your actions as a leader need to feed each of these.
The Right Ingredients
Managers often operate a defensive recruitment policy; ‘I can’t recruit them, they’ll show me up”. This limits the potential of the team - your team - and will ultimately reflect badly on you. Recruit the best people you possibly can. You will stand on their shoulders. Surround yourself with successful people and it will rub off on you. Surround yourself with poor performers and your days will be numbered. Its your choice.
Employ a diverse range of people who bring different skills and ideas, different ages, genders and experience. Remember that a team is greater than the sum of its parts - only because each individual makes a different contribution.
Leaders need to foster an environment which encourages individual growth. Allow mistakes. Empower individuals. Coach and mentor. Involve the team in problem solving. Give them accountability and praise them when they succeed. Provide genuine and direct feedback. Don’t pussyfoot around but be polite and sensitive. Address the behaviour, not the person. Never ever stand in the way of someone’s advancement - ever. Sometimes the best thing you can do is get out of the way.
And Finally..
Your goal should be to grow your team to the point where you are redundant. That is when you know you have truly succeeded.
Tim Olsen is a Professional Project Leader, currently available for Director/Head of Projects roles.