Brother Nassi has asked a vital question after reading my article “SALAAH “????” IS NOT CONTACT PRAYER (NAMAZ)”



I truly appreciate your work brother! So according to the real translation of the Quran Salah means a spiritual connection with the bigger power, the almighty Allah! Nowadays I am being very critical towards most current translations of the Quran. In the verse 20:14 Allah says: ???????? ????? ??????? ??? ??????? ?????? ????? ???????????? ???????? ?????????? ????????? which is translated as: "Indeed, I am Allah . There is no deity except Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance." So keeping a spiritual connection with the almighty Allah is obligatory in order for us to keep remembering Allahs wholeness and the laws which he has submitted upon the heavens and the earth. My Quranic knowledge is very limited but as far as I am concerned there is not much mentioned on how to exactly establish this kind of spiritual connection (salah). Could you please help me understand how to go by? Because different sekts in the religion establish contact prayer in different ways. I, however, don't even believe in separation within the Deen of Allah whatsoever. But I am still confused because obviously some of my current beliefs goes against my families tradition..

nassi hhh


Brother Nassi many thanks for your realistic comments. We are all facing the same problem of going against our family traditions. We know from the Quran that Arab pagans were also stuck with the rituals and beliefs of their ancestors but again the most exalted people Radhi Allahu Anhu and our Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) certainly went against the beliefs of their families to make God happy. They are our role models and good examples for us, who followed Allah's commandments without any hesitation and even without taking care of anything because in the matter of belief Allah does not count any family relations and makes those relatives of each other who are on the straight path prescribed by Allah in His earlier revelations and the Quran.

In my numerous articles on Salaah (????) I have presented word to word in depth analysis and correct translations of nearly all verses on Salaah (????) found in the Quran in which I have proved from the Quran alone that the Salaah (????) made obligatory in the Quran is certainly not contact prayer or namaz, which we ritually perform in the name of obligatory worship of God.

Quranist scholars write on Salaah (????) every other day. Some of them duly mention in their articles that the contact prayers is not the Salaah (????) mentioned in the Quran but no one ever explains if Salaah (????) is not a conventional prayer (namaz) then what to do and how should we perform the obligatory Salaah (????) mentioned in the Quran.

In fact the same evil conspiracy worked behind concealing the Quranic Salaah (????), which has destroyed the actual face of Islam by bringing the pagan beliefs in the modified Islam. This is one of the main reason why we could not understand the Quranic Salaah (????) because to translate the Quranic word “????” and its derivatives they are purposely derived from the weak or ill verbs (??????????? ?????????????) and they are further divided into different fake root words to completely erase the original concept of Quranic Salaah (????) practitioners of which once became undefeatable superpower of the world and destroyed the most powerful empires and their inhuman cruel dynasties. These true Salaah (????) practitioners were conquering the world one land after another because God was kind on them and bestowing them with consecutive victories and gigantic success because of performing the Quranic Salaah (????). Ousted dynasty of overthrown cruel empires, their evicted aristocrats and dismissed bureaucracy were chocked how could ordinary Arabs, who were at one time under their foot, crushed them. They went underground hiding themselves and started planning to avenge their defeat. Their think tanks found that it was the Quan and its Salaah (????) which made the peasant Arabs undefeatable superpower and ruler on those who were once ruling on them. They secretly made alliance with left over anti-Islam hypocrite Arab dissemblers and started conspiracy against the Quran and its Salaah (????). Their non-Muslim agents disguised in legend scholars of Islam slipped in the vacuum and resumed powerful positions in the courts of Muslim rulers and badly beaten out Islam. They invented new ways to understand the Quran and falsely declared that Quranic Arabic is different to general Arabic language what Arab speaks, and gave totally wrong translations of the Quran. They invented misleading exegesis (tafseer), false Sunnah and fake dictionaries, and spread them throughout the Muslim nation. The subsequent scholars who came till date did nothing except copying their false translation and eventually Quranic Salaah (????) was lost, which was also given to all Prophets (pbut) and every nation before Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his nation. However, when these Prophets (pbut) passed away their nations turned this Salaah (????) into their religious rituals according to the beliefs of their ancestors and traditions in which like our scholars their clergy played an evil role to bring them back to their forbidden and banned religions. Same thing happened with Islam. When Islam came it was not a religion and Arab pagans used to call “?????” (who don’t believe in any religion) to those who turned on their heels from their religion (paganism) and accepted Islam.

This is the reason why we could not understand the Quranic Salaah (????) and the ways how to perform it.

People who claim that they teach pure and only Quran they although claim that “????” (Salaah) is not contact prayer or namaz but instead of telling people the truth about “????” (Salaah) mentioned in the Quran they misleadingly preach them how to make neat (intention) of “????” (Salaah) and what to read in its units and how to perform their prayers correctly. This is because their own concept is not clear but they are still adamant to convey the wrong message of the Quran to get hell in the credit of spreading lies in the name of God.

Although Muslim scholars made “????” (Salaah) a ritual of contact prayer and translate “????” (Salaah) and its derivatives in different meaning to differentiate people’s “????” (Salaah) from Allah and His angels’ “????” (Salaah) and from the “????” (Salaah) that birds perform but all scholars are agreed on “???? ???? ?????” in which they explain the correct definition of “?????” that is a horse running on the footsteps of the horse who ran before and left the impressions of his footsteps as a guide for those horses who run behind following his footsteps.

This is the correct definition of those who perform “????” (Salaah), i.e. “?????” (Musalli). In the verse 107:4 “???????? ???????????????” Quran also uses the plural of “?????” (Musalli) and takes it to mean those who perform “????” (Salaah), i.e. “??????????” (Musalleen). However, in the translation they have changed it to mean “who perform Namaz or contact prayer” only because they translate human “????” (Salaah) to mean Namaz or contact prayer. Nevertheless, according to the Quran “??????????” (Musalleen) are those who perform “????” (Salaah).

In this article I am not going into any detail of the correct meaning of “????” (Salaah) and how did this “????” become Namaz or contact prayer because I have already written a lot on the correct meaning of “????” (Salaah) in my numerous research articles on “????” (Salaah), which can be consulted if you need to. This is also, because here we are only discussing on the topic of “How to perform ????” in which we will keep the same word “????” (Salaah) which Quran uses so that, without any confusion, we can understand how to perform “????” (Salaah) mentioned in the Quran.

We come back to “???? ???? ?????” as I have mentioned earlier that all scholars are agreed, in their exegesis, on the correct meaning of Arabic word "?????" and they correctly compare it with the horse who runs behind following the footsteps of the horse running ahead. However, due to dead block our scholars could not clearly explain, who is the first horse in question that is not running behind any horse and also why He is not called "?????"?

If we consider that the first horse or the horse running ahead is an Imam or a person who leads the prayer or Namaz then the definition of "?????" will go wrong because an Imam or a person who leads the prayer or Namaz does not fit in to the definition of "?????" as he is the foremost and ahead of rest of the people who are offering their prayers or Namaz behind him or who follow him in the prayer. For the sake of saying if we accept that Imam or a person who leads the prayer or Namaz follows Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) or his footsteps then the same question arises with the Prophet (pbuh). Who was ahead the Prophet (pbuh) and Whose footsteps were given to Prophet Muhammad to follow? If we believe that it was Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) who was ahead of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) or whose footsteps were given to Prophet Muhammad then again who was the foremost of Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh). Even, if you consider Adam the foremost runner ahead then again Adam will have to be “????” of someone running ahead otherwise Adam did not perform his “????”!

Therefore, if Imam does not follow anyone’s footsteps he is not "?????" who performs his obligatory “????”. The same rule applies on Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) and even on Adam. If they did not follow anyone before them they were not "?????" who performed their obligatory “????” as the "?????". The Quran says that like all earlier Prophets (pbut) the same “????” has been given to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to perform as a compulsory obligation. So, how did Prophet Muhammad perform his obligatory “????”? Whose footsteps were before the Prophet (pbut)? Who was running ahead of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) or before earlier Prophets (pbut)?

The correct answer is GOD! Who has been running ahead of everyone and the followers of Allah’s footsteps have been called "?????" or who perform the “????”. Hence, who followed Allah he/she became "?????" and offered his obligatory “????” in the prescribed way by Allah and who did not follow Allah he/she did not offer his/her “????”!

How to follow God to become His "?????" or to perform “????”?

If God bows down "?????" should bow down. If God prostrates to the ground "?????" should prostrate to the ground. If God stands in front of someone with tied hands "?????" should tie up his hands and stand following God’s actions. If God sits on His legs and turns His face right and left "?????" should sit on his legs and turn his face right and left following God and of course if God raises His hands and makes dua facing towards the first or second qibla then His follower "?????" must raise his hands in dua towards first or second qibla and fulfil his obligation of “????”. However, if no one has seen God in “????”, standing in front of someone tying His hands, in “????”, bowing down for someone, in “????” prostrating to someone and in the rest of the positions of contact prayer or Namaz then by offering the above stated units of contact prayer or Namaz how can we say that we are "?????" the one who perform the “????”???

Now, we need to find the footsteps of Allah to become "?????" to perform our obligatory “????”. We know that no one has seen Allah but it does not mean that we haven’t seen His footsteps. In fact Allah’s signs and Allah’s attributes are His visible footsteps by which He is recognised. When Moses (pbuh) asked Allah to tell him His name so that he can tell Pharaoh and his court Who has sent me to deliver His message. God simply said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM” (Torah 3:14, Exodus). Quran further explains in the verse 26:16 that Allah said to Moses (pbuh), “Go and tell them that the Sustainer/ Lord of everything has sent you His message”. “Take My signs with you, indeed they will listen to you” (26:15). “Are they not fed/sustained/have piety by Allah? (26:11). “Go to the nation of the cruel” (26:10).

In other words God Himself said He is known by everything everywhere and everyone knows His signs and assured Moses (pbuh) and his brother Harun (pbuh) if they bring with them Allah’s signs they cannot reject them and will understand Who sent you with His signs.

Why did Allah send His signs to pharaoh and his nation and on what grounds Allah said they will automatically understand Who has sent Moses and Aron to them? This is because everyone knows what God does and His signs are visible to everyone no matter whether one follows His signs or not. So, pharaoh and his nation knew Allah’s signs but they were not following His signs this is the reason why they were called “????????? ?????????????” (26:10), the cruel nation and in the next verse 26:11 “?????? ?????????? ????? ??????????” Allah’s signs are further explained to mean His footsteps, His doings or His attributes to be followed. These footsteps are “??????????” derived from the root word “???” to mean feeding someone, sustaining someone, giving someone strength and have piety on someone. So, these are the signs or footsteps of Allah to follow which is our obligatory “????” if we don’t have piety on Allah’s people we are not “?????”, if we do not feed people we are not “?????”, if we do not support people to keep them sustained we are not “?????” because we don’t follow Allah Who is ahead of us and has already been feeding people, sustaining people and having piety and mercy on people and also He is not cruel. However, those who don’t follow Allah’s above stated some of the attributes they are not “?????”, they don’t offer their “????” due to which they become “????????? ?????????????” (26:10), the cruel nation. So, basically pharaoh and his nation was asked to offer “????” following God Who feeds you, Who gives you sustenance, Who gives you strength and Who does piety on you.

Although, Allah has countless attributes which cannot come in our limited imagination so we can't trace these footsteps of Allah which we don't know and because of not following the unknown footsteps of Allah we are not held liable of not becoming "?????" on the unknown footsteps of Allah but what attributes of Allah are in our knowledge and what actions of Allah we observe everyday they are Allah's visible footsteps in front of us to follow as a "?????" such as Allah provides provisions to everyone. When we follow Allah’s visible footstep or sign of providing provision to people we perform Quranic "????" and become "?????".

You can see in the verse 62:11 “????????? ?????? ?????????????” Allah Himself puts Him ahead on providing the Provisions as the best of the best providers of the provisions. This is Allah’s footstep and sign to follow him to become His “?????” or the performer of “????”. Also, the verses 5:114, 15:20, 22:58, 23:72 and 34:39, and so many other verses of the Quran are telling us Allah’s sign of providing us provision. The verses such as 42:38 “????????????? ???????????”, 32:16, 28:54, 22:35, 8:3 and 2:3 are urging us to follow Allah in proving provisions to others from what Allah has given you. This is the actual “????” in which we become “????” by following Allah’s footsteps. The verse 8:3 certainly confirms “???????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????? ????????????? ???????????” that “????” is “????????????? ???????????” those who provide provisions to others from what is given to them they are those who establish the “??????????” (The Salaah). The verse 10:87 says “??????????? ?????????? ????????? ??????????????” And put in front the “????” and become a believing human.

The chapter 74 Surah Al Muddassir talks about the Day of Judgment, accountability, rewards and punishment in the next life in which those who are successful in their accountability and declared safe from the punishment of hell “????????? ??????????” 74:34. People of the Paradise will inquire “??? ???????? ??????????????” (74:40) from those who are held criminals “???? ??????????????” (74:41) “??? ?????????? ??? ??????” (74:72) what takes you to the hell fire”? “??????? ???? ???? ???? ?????????????” (74:73) they will say we were not "????" (Musalli) " ?????? ???? ???????? ???????????? (74:73 we were not feeding to those whose had no provision. Hence, the above verses of the Quran well explains what the actual “????” is and how to perform the prescribed obligatory “????” to become a “????” and be safe from the hell fire.

Whereas, the people of the hell themselves accepted “???????? ??????? ???? ?????????????” (74:45) that they used to engage with the filthy rubbish.

Now, in the light of the above verse 74:45 you can certainly say whatever we have been doing in the name of “????” is all rubbish and filth, which will lead us to the hell fire.

Another example of “????”, who performs the “????” has been given in Surah Al Maarij 70 in the same account of the accountability which starts soon after our death. “????????? ???? ???????? ??????????” 70:17 turning away from managing the “????” is inviting the hell fire.

We always write on “????” but don’t tell people that the Quranic word “????????” is right opposite to “????”. The word “????????”, i.e. the antonym of “????” has been used to mean turn away from the “????” or not offering the “????”, which is called an invitation “?????????” of the hell fire, pealing off skin and plucking the skull referred in the previous verse 70:16 and 70:15. What they do who turn away from “????” or who don’t offer the “????”? They stock things without disbursing (70:18). “????????” (70:19) become inpatient/greedy. “???????? ????????” (70:20) become distressed, sad, grieved and suffer with problems and troubles. “????????? ????????” (70:21) good is banned to them.

After the explanation of “????????” (the antonym of ????) and the signs of not performing the “????” you will see that the Quran itself explains “????” to the opposite meaning of “????????”in the next verse 70:22. “?????? ?????????????” but those who perform “????” and in the further verses Quran itself explains how to perform the (????) Salaah . “????????? ???? ????? ??????????? ??????????”. (70:23) who those persist, prevail, pursue their (????) Salaah “??????????? ??? ????????????? ????? ??????????” (70:24) they are those who reserve the right/portion from their wealth. “???????????? ??????????????” (70:25) for needy and the deprived. “??????????? ???????????? ???????? ???????” (70:26) they are those who are agreed with the Day of balancing the debit. “??????????? ??? ????? ??????? ???????? ????????????” (70:27) and they are those who are compassionately kept away from the torment of their Sustainer. “????? ??????? ????????? ?????? ?????????” (70:28) otherwise no one is escaped from the torment of their Sustainer.

Likewise, God is ahead in creation and customization “???????? ?????????????” as mentioned in the verses 23:14 and 37:125 in addition to countless verses in which Allah portrays Himself as a “???????”, Creator/Customizer. If we customize or create something for the benefit or betterment of mankind we actually put forwards God’s footsteps and follow God to be counted as His “????” and perform our “????” by following Allah’s visible footsteps.

The verse 96:5 “??????? ????????????” portrays God’s footstep of educating the mankind or giving education. The verse 96:4 “??????? ???????????” portrays God’s footstep of giving education with tools. The verse 55:4 “????????? ??????????” portrays that God explains the statements, topics and subjects. The verse 55:2 “??????? ??????????” portrays that God teaches the Quran. The verse 53:5 “????????? ??????? ?????????” portrays intensive, in depth and strong study. Therefore, those who are spreading knowledge or those who teach others verbally, by pen, by books, with computer with projector, with media tools or by employing any study tools they are actually performing their “????” because they are God’s “????”. So, giving knowledge to people is also a form of “????”.

Allah is Caring, Allah is kind Allah does justice, if we are carer, we are kind and if we keep doing justice in everything and with everyone we will perform "????" and become "?????". Allah supports His people, if we support people following God’s footsteps we perform "????". Allah creates resources for benefit of His people, following Allah's footsteps we can perform our "????" by doing things for benefit of people.

If you think there are so many visible attributes of Allah which we can follow as His footsteps to perform our "????" within our own limitations as Allah does not put unnecessary burden on His people.

Basically, following known attributes of Allah and immersing them into your personality is called "????" in the Quran, which has no hard and fast rules. This is the reason why Allah did not fix any method of performing "????" because Allah has left it on to us how we can perform His given "????" easily, happily, willfully, efficiently and within our means and powers without putting ourselves into any trouble, difficulty or hardship. However, those who follow more and more footsteps of Allah they become “????” and status wise they become higher in the eyes of Allah.

Allah’s message:

All human being are called a single community and its Sustainer must be followed by everyone.

????? ?????? ??????????? ??????? ????????? ??????? ????????? ????????????” (21:92)

However this is your community, a single community, and I am your Sustainer who must be obeyed/followed by everyone. (Correct translation 21:92)

This verse abolishes all religions, all faiths, all sects, all beliefs all worships, all rituals but to follow God, Who is the Sustainer of everyone and everything.

To follow God is mentioned throughout the revelations before the Quran to perform “????” achieving the prescribed obedience of God and to reach out to God. To keep it short I am quoting just a few verses from previous revelations as well because the same “????” was given to all Prophets (pbut) and their nations before us.

Follow God: Psalm 119:105, Ruth 1:16, Luke 10:27, Hebrews 13:8, John 14:26, Romans 12:19, Matthew 26:52-54, Psalms 127:1

“You shall follow my rules” (Leviticus 18:4), “they did not turn away from following the LORD, the God of their fathers” (2 Chronicles 34:33),

“And if you faithfully obey the voice of the Lord your God, being careful to do all his commandments” (Deuteronomy 28:1-68),

“If you love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15),

Delight is in the law of the Lord (Psalm 1:2)

There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death. (Proverbs 14:12)

Leviticus 26:1-46 - Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up [any] image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I [am] the LORD your God.  

Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image (Genesis 1:26-27)

Abraham obeyed my voice and kept my charge, my commandments, my signs, and my laws (Genesis 26:5)

Be ye followers of me (1 Corinthians 11:1)

The same theme To follow God has been repeatedly given in the Quran under the name of “????” (Salaah), which is actually “HOW TO PERFORM SALAAH ????”. Like the above verse of Genesis 26:5 the Quran has also confirmed that Abraham (pbuh) was given “????” (Salaah), which was not any exercise of ritual prayer (Namaz) but “To follow God” because the followers of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh) and other Prophets have been never seen practicing this ritual which is known as contact prayer (Namaz) in modified Islam.

So, basically “To follow God” is the main obligation given to whole mankind for their test at the end of their life terms.

More than 80% statements (verses) of the Quran have been explaining the same thing but unfortunately we don’t accept them due to our non Quranic false beliefs and false knowledge about Islam.

Hence, the Quran is full of the examples in which God Himself describes how to perform the “????”. However, this is difficult to bring the whole Quran in a single article therefore, I advise you to read the Quran from its own verses without anyone’s words including myself. As this is not my aim to give you another translation of the Quran from my point of view but my actual objective is to develop the true understanding of the Quran and make you self-reliant and self-sufficient to understand the statements of the Quran without anyone’s help so that you will know for yourself what Allah has actually said in the Quran.

I hope you will understand the Quranic "????", its purposes, its aims and its objectives and also how to perform “????” Salaah mentioned in the Quran.

Kind regards

Kashif Khan

Adeeb Khalid

Senior Software Engineer | Java | Spring Boot | Microservices | React | Agile | Gold Medalist

6 个月

Dr Kashif Khan I am not a scholar but felt there is a need to have minor correction in your article para: The verse 96:5 “??????? ????????????” portrays God’s footstep of educating the mankind or giving education. The verse 96:4 “??????? ???????????” portrays God’s footstep of giving education with tools. The verse 55:4 “????????? ??????????” portrays that God explains the statements, topics and subjects. The verse 55:2 “??????? ??????????” portrays that God teaches the Quran. First you explained: The verse 96:5 “??????? ????????????” God educating mankind. Then it is followed by explaining how god teaches where: The verse 96:4 “??????? ???????????” God teaches by Pen or Tools (god teaches by writing) And: The verse 55:4 “????????? ?????????? God explains by statements ( God teaching by speaking) And it will be unfair here if we keep the word Quran as it is without mentioning it's actual meaning which should be like: The verse 55:2 “??????? ??????????” portrays that God teaches the Quran( God teaches by reading). So combine all three forms! God is teaching mankind through writing, speaking and reading skills and we should be doing the same for mankind. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Mazharul Alam

Yoga Teacher & Yoga Therapist (Yogistan Bangladesh)

1 年

I have a few questions: (1) How do you prove that our beloved prophet did not offer Namaz for 5 times a day? (Please don't ask me to prove that he did, because my reference will come from Hadith, that you probably don't believe.) (2) How do you prove that you are also not one of those disguised scholars who want to turn the face of Muslims from Namaz (contact prayers, in your term) (3) There are verses in the Holy Qur'an that say about offering Salah in different times of the day and in the night. (You know the verses better than me, I don't have to mention. But if you need, pls ask me.) What do you say about those verses. (4) I am ok to understand and accept your narrative about Musalli without any objection that we must follow the commandments of Allah. But it seems a lame logic to me that - Allah has to DO / PERFORM something Infront of or ahead of His follower. He can also just COMMAND and we can follow that, simple! And why can't we just accept that Allah has sent Muhammad to establish all Good Attributes of Allah + the 5 times Namaz + other norms of Ibadat? I will be happy to hear from you. I am not a great user of Linkedin but your writing was interesting to me. Please reply. Thank you.

I'm sorry if i disturb you but what is fajr and isha then?

abdul wahab majeed

Project Manager at macro enterprises

2 年

Dear Dr.Kashif khan Please note Some clerical mistake of verses number 74:72=74:42,74:73=74:43 .Thanks for your marvelous work about Salah.

Dr. Hishamuddin Omar


2 年

Mashaallah, I just can't help but crying while reading this article. May ALLAH forgive me for what I have done in the Past. Your explanation really touch me to the deepest core. Thank you Allah for leading me to you.


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