Mike Stewart
For Why I write, remove XX and go to htXXtps://
(- Copyright ? 2016 by Mike Stewart -)
We all have something to sell, even if it is only ourselves. What we want to sell can change, either slowly or quickly. Once I wanted to sell business related services and I still believe relating these efforts can be valuable to others. Now, however, I am more interested in, based on a life time love of science, compiling in one place as many unique, possibly weird, thoughts as possible. I see this as thinking longer and harder about the real meaning of life.
If you want to sell, think long and hard about how people buy - not how they say they buy or think they buy.
If you are giving a presentation, people are judging you. They like to think they are rational, but emotions play a large part.
Typical Business Advisers point out the obvious - what may be true for the general public, but not for particular groups. You should consider what your prospects, not people in general, want. If everyone has their own worldview, we may wonder what might be TRUE ACROSS ALL WORLDVIEWS and how we might use this knowledge to better serve our prospects.
People will not admit, even to themselves, that they are often irrational. You cannot control this.
For example, I am not sure I could be completely fair to someone who happens to resemble someone who I had a bad experience with, even many years ago.
Even though people are not always rational, the Internet can be used to help create the image you need for success.
The hard truth is prospects are looking for a reason NOT to buy from you. To find this reason, a prospect will ask the following, either directly, or just to himself.
DO I REALLY NEED THIS product (or service) this guy is trying to sell me?
Maybe I need something similar, but NOT QUITE THE SAME.
IS THIS GUY COMPETENT and will he do what he says?
Additionally, a prospect may well ask himself "Can I do it myself for Free?", "Can I get it somewhere else for less?", and "Can I delay a decision and think about it?".
Questions that a prospect has can often be viewed as objections. How objections should be addressed is discussed in OVERCOMING OBJECTIONS.
The Internet can be used to get you before your Prospect, at the right time, and successfully handle all of these questions - then you can be more successful.