How to pay your way through university with Aloise Moses Ngabunga
In a 2019 interview on "How to Pay Your Way Through University", Aloise Ngabunga shared some valuable insights on financial decisions, saying:
"You want to show up right now and later on end up broke, it's better you become broke right now and later on enjoy what life has to offer. Youth nowadays wear expensive stuff, but in reality, they are all broke.
This is something we need to think about, setting our mindset and being able to control all of our expenditures.
University can be expensive, but if you're diligent in your research and dedicated to lowering your education costs, you may find that you can obtain a degree without going broke.
You can choose the right university for you. The cost of university can vary a lot depending on the school. Choosing a school that's better for your budget can save you a lot of money in the long run, so it's important to do a little research. Find out what kind of financial aid different schools offer, as some provide aid based on need, and some offer free tuition based on academics.
Work & study. Working on the side throughout school can be a great way to cover at least some of your expenses. It's important to balance working with your academics, so if you're someone who can make both work, then go for it!"
If you want to hear more of what Aloise had to say about finances, you can listen to the full interview podcast here