How Passion + Purpose = Profits Sneak Peek to the Book
Katrina Julia, Creator and CEO
Creator and CEO for Multi-Passionate Women Creators + CEOS who Crave Creating, Community + Cash. Wellness, Lifestyle, Travel. Digital Marketing, UGC Creator, Online Course, Influencer Marketing. MBA, NASM
I've failed countless times in every area of my life. I bet you didn't expect me to start a book like this one with that phrase. It's true though, I have.
I don't get to write a book like "How Passion + Purpose = Profits" without having an incredible story to share. I know you do too. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here.
I wanted you to know that right up front so you know two things.
1 I am no different than you.
2 I am a girl who chose to create, transform, and inspire.
I am a woman who believes I am limitless, I am resilient, and I am priceless. That you are too if you choose to be. I am leading myself and others to transformation and inspiration.
Most importantly of all, I am a fighter. A fighter for freedom. In all forms. Expression, time, location, and financial. A fighter to take a stand to help you learn How Passion + Purpose = Profits for you. To help you create a life and business you love.
It is because of that, and the divine desire from our creator of LOVE for myself and YOU, that I have fought. I have fought for passion and purpose with ALL that I am.
Our Creator would not leave me alone.
I have been bruised, beat down, sacrificed so that you KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that is is possible for you. Possible to create a life and business you love.
It's this tapestry of faith, hope, and love that joins us all together in this human experience. Along with the doubt, discouragement, and hate we've all experienced or created. This life of ours that connects us all.
When I look back, the biggest failure I had was not listening to God about who I am created to be. Instead, for years I did the opposite.
I listened to people that have a different version of the world than I do. Instead of playing full out, I played small. There was a deep desire to fit in. At different points in my life, I didn't realize each one of us is born to stand out.
Thank God the story doesn't end there.
Thank God He wouldn't allow it to.
Passion Plus Purpose
All of us have experienced success and failures.
I believe they all serve a purpose if we shift our perspective. Nothing is ever wasted if we choose to use each experience. Sometimes success in one area causes us to fail in another area of life. At the moment, pain may be unpleasant. Yet, we may choose to turn pain into purpose.
I started to transform on many levels in 2010. Although I reinvented myself in the past, this time I co-created a new me. I started to look backward in my life. I asked myself a simple question. When did I experience a time when I felt success in every area?
Immediately, college popped in my mind. I remembered feeling alive as I walked aligned to my purpose. I loved the feeling of who and how I was then. I wanted to recapture that feeling.
Let me explain so it reminds of a time in your life you felt that too if you don't now. This way you can recreate, magnify or amplify your life.
Experiences of Our Lives
In college, I spent time daily dreaming about how I wanted life to be. I wrote down my goals daily and took action. I practiced being healthy and learned. I learned new things all the time. I thrived in school with a 3.6 to 3.8 GPA.
I excelled at serving people in finances at a credit union. I received awards for results. My family supported me in my dreams.
The friends I had were amazing - Janelle, Angela, and Isabel. Angela, Janelle and I started a non-profit together. We traveled the world. These were my successes at the time. At the same time, things were missing.
Although I didn't realize it at the time, I was missing my God-given dreams. I missed dreaming of what I wanted. The seeds showing my desires were there. Instead, I settled for the dreams that others wanted or projected onto me. I played it safe for me.
I valued man's opinion over my own and God's. I chose some of the things I loved, but not all of them. Although I didn't realize it at the time, I shrunk my faith to make others feel comfortable.
In college and for years after, I experienced major FOMO (fear of missing out). I didn't like missing parties or events for fear of disappointing others.
For years, I chose foods that didn't serve my mind or my health. I ate unhealthy food to fit in. I chose to drink to fit in.
I allowed people or chose friends that were not the best for me. I allowed a boyfriend in high school to early college abuse me in every way. I went from an abusive relationship to running from investing time in a relationship at all. I didn't believe love was possible for me. So, I self-sabotaged. I did that a lot in case you can't tell.
It takes a lot of courage to look at ourselves with eyes wide open. I practice courage daily and my journey is nowhere near over. I made the choice to face myself head-on.
Time to Transform
This time around, I became determined to take all the things I loved about that time and refine the others. In reviewing each experience in my life, I dug deep.
I thought about what resonated with me and what didn't. I stopped apologizing. Sometimes this comes easy, sometimes it doesn't. It's a muscle and we get to choose to exercise it.
I began to shift my beliefs step by step from:
Fear to Faith
Devaluing to Purity
Self Hate to Love
Corporate to Calling
Bondage to Freedom.
With God's help, I learned to believe that I am worthy. I began to believe in my dreams and desires. I developed the strength to fight for freedom.
My spirit helped lead me to know that I am worthy of love. I accepted that I am worthy of the love of my life and all the love God gives. It took years to get here to say that.
I find it interesting that I get asked a lot if I feel fear. Of course, I do. People will sometimes say to me "you look like you have it all together". Keep in mind you see 1% of any person's life unless you are around them a lot.
In general, we see 1% of other's lives. It's incredible to have the audacity to form an opinion or judge off of the 1% we see. Yet, we do it. People will say "you make it look easy". I tell you and I tell "them" it isn't easy at all.
Yet, I choose growth. I chose to go all in. Because I embrace the vision, I focus on faith. I choose faith over fear because I know that I am capable of limitless possibilities. I know who God is.
You are capable of anything I am capable of. Anything anyone can do, you can do it too. If you want to do something brand new, do it. The sheer fact that you imagined it means it is for you. Don't let anyone talk you out of it. Not even you.
Path to Purpose
On your path to pursuing passions, you will discover new things. Failure will be part of your experience. I've failed countless times in health, wealth and business. The mindset I live by is I win or learn, so I never lose. Reconsider how you view failure. In new areas, think of yourself as a baby learning to walk.
Sometimes we experience doing something we don't love to know what we do. Other times, we stay persistent and discover we do love something we didn't realize after all. We have a choice to become the person we fall in love with the process.
When you encounter failure, ask yourself how could you turn pain into purpose. It isn't easy. It is worth it.
As humans, the majority of us avoid pain at all costs. Our brains are even wired to help us avoid pain. At the same time, pain is unavoidable. Sometimes we allow or invite pain, Other times, it happens and is out of our control.
Passion is many things. What passion is to me may be different for you. There may be some overlap between us. To know where you're going, it helps to know where you've come from. I'm going to share my story and would love to have you start reflecting on yours.
For example, I love God, and the pursuit of passion, purpose, and potential. I love the future love of my life. I love health, wealth, and business. I love Herbalife Nutrition and competing. I love to dance. I love creating a life and business I love with my future partner in purpose. I love helping others do the same. I love traveling around the world. I love the ocean. I love adventure. I love to give back.
My friend, the life and the business you love is possible. Step by step, you have the choice to have faith and fight for your freedom in all forms. Will it be easy? No. Are you worth it? Yes.
Wake Up Call
Hurting Heart
1 Homelessness
Over 800 million people on the planet do not have food to eat or are malnourished.
My Nudge
As I walked through seven industries, and countless opportunities, seeking and searching, I came to realize something fundamental. Everything you seek is internal with a desire to become external.
I made the mistake for years searching for everything externally without aligning internally - the status, the stuff, the recognition. What I found is that when it isn't aligned to you internally, it is empty.
When we don't enjoy the journey and celebrate the moments of life in between, we never feel like it is enough. There is an art and science to be joyful now while seeking where you want to go.
I came to a point in 2010-2011 when I found myself at the pinnacle of reaching the goals I set externally. Yet, I found myself grateful and empty at the same time. I realized I achieved everything I set out to do after college externally.
Yet, I realized I made the mistake of disregarding my spirit and intuition when setting my goals, to begin with. Many of the goals I set and the choices I made were not aligned with my heart.
Leaving Corporate America
So, I prayed. I asked for 3 signs to be clear to fully make the leap to the unknown. Not simply to continuing on the side-hustle path, but to leap. Leap into the unknown in all areas of life. To release the external as my guidepost.
This came to a head in May 2011, two months before my Sports Camp Mission Trip I was going on in Austria. Within a week of my prayer, I received three confirmations.
The first interesting thing that happened was my intern let me know that I could do adjunct work at Georgia State University with a Master's Degree (I thought you needed a Ph.D.).
I submitted a resume and got an interview with the Dean of Accounting in less than a week. He offered me a teaching position at the interview for the next semester.
The second thing that happened involved getting a business plan project for a Geodome and Aquaponics Resort in Arizona that was for several months.
The third thing was an IT project on a data analytics platform that was multi-month.
I knew it was time to take action and do my part. At this point, my mission trip was in two months. My teaching position was starting a month after. I didn't want to go on a mission trip and come back and give my notice.
Any time I have left a job, I have made every effort to leave the company and position better than I found it. My intention has extensively involved not burning bridges if at all possible. I'm not perfect and don't pretend to be.
Leaving with Love
As I evaluated my situation, I chose to set up my projects for success with automation and delegation. I love the strategy, structure, and systems.
I turned in my notice a month before my mission trip to Austria. Keep in mind, my position was an executive role which included serving on the Board of Directors and interfacing with external auditors.
I gave the company the option to finish my employment when I left for my trip, or for me to come back after for another 3 weeks before starting entrepreneurship and teaching full-time.
I knew I was taking a risk that they might let me go when I turned in my notice. I trusted my gut and process. The CEO and CFO often functioned like my pseudo uncles.
I think they got the feeling of proud parents so to speak as I was half their age. When I turned in my notice, both of them were surprised.
The CEO said to me "I thought you were my next Chief Operating Officer" and tried to change my mind several times. In less than a year, I had created a brand new department.
My strategy and efforts with the team led to over 10 million dollar impacts across three business units in a year, with projected impacts of $25 million-plus in the next 3 years or less.
6 months previously, for the first time ever I turned down a promotion and more money because it wasn't aligned. I knew then something big was coming.
I told the CEO "I am grateful and thankful that you think so highly of me, but I didn't do a great job sharing who I truly am".
When I leaped, I felt free, afraid, and exhilarated all at the same time. There are countless beliefs, feelings, and habits that got exposed and continue to so that they may be transformed.
Entrepreneurship Exposed
I equate being or becoming an entrepreneur with getting naked. Everything in and about you, character and skills will get exposed.
At the same time, when you are stripped of everything, the real you gets the chance to rise up. I've learned when I am down to nothing, God is up to everything.
Whether you believe in God or not is your own personal choice. You may believe in something or nothing else.
What I have found though is there comes a point when you get to choose faith. I found that for certain dreams and desires to a point, I could be unstable. The grace was granted.
There came a point for me to choose. Choose to let go of the passion, purpose, people, and profits. Or to fight for me, them and you.
I choose to fight for faith, hope, love. I choose to fight for you and I. What will you choose?
Your Story
You and your story matter. You may be your biggest cheerleader or critic. I find it keeps me humble when I cheer myself on, yet see things I get to change too. When you have big dreams and desires, you will transform in many, if not every way.
To get clear on who you are, what you want to create, and where you want to go, let's take a road trip on where you have been.
To help with this activity, I am sharing highlights of my life in seven-year increments. These include faith, stories, and trauma. I share insights on freedom, friends, and family as well.
Daily, I now focus on progress in every area of life with Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Relational, Financial, Playful and Physical. I practice a 3 X 7 approach to taking a minimum of 3 actions in each area.
For years, I focused on the financial to the neglect of many areas. Since 2011, I started focusing on creating what I loved. As a result, the ways I look at my life changed.
They will for you too. Take what works for you and leave what doesn't. If being and doing something speaks to you, do it.
Give yourself the freedom to create, transform, and inspire your own life. I am simply a guide and a human too. I am figuring it out as well.
You are you. My story, my life, and my purpose is not a carbon copy of yours. You have the answers inside for you. Empower yourself to create a life and business you love.
I will share examples of my story. When we share our stories, it sets us free and helps others do the same.
We are all always judging until we choose not to. I've learned there is power in perspective. Forgiving frees you. Releasing judgment frees you.
None of us has walked in anyone else's shoes. Would you be or do any better if you walked through someone else's life? The truth is simple. You or I don't know because we haven't.
If people judge you, they judge themselves. Love anyway. There is power in not knowing. How is that we think we may judge anyone's life off of the 5-10% we know or see?
In choosing compassion over condemnation, we free ourselves. Imagine the release by choosing forgiveness over judgment for yourself and others. Freedom over bondage.
Purpose Equals Profits
Figuring out how passion plus purpose equals profits is not easy. It's choosing to turn pain into purpose for people. Through finding what you love and combining it with what you've overcome, you create your purpose on this planet.
As you pursue purpose and potential with people, you are led to profits in limitless ways. When you connect with your purpose and people, you are positioned to be a part of solving the problems on the planet.
What inspired you the most about this sneak peek from How Passion Plus Purpose Equals Profits? How will you take action in your life next? For ideas on taking action to transform your life, you'll love this post on 12 Steps to Lifestyle Transformation.
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