How Paradigms are formed
How Paradigms are formed
The above scene will be very familiar to all. This is what a car looks like, after cleaning by the cleaner boy; each day.
?I was wondering why the wiper blades are kept standing after cleaning the car.
?Is the cleaner boy forgetting every day, to keep the wiper blades resting on glass?
?If it is so, not all the cleaner boys of an entire society aren’t they??
?Whenever I pass through a society before 09:00 hours; I could see well-cleaned cars all with Wipers Saluting in the air!!
?I was inquisitive on this and asked the cleaner boy one day, on why the wiper blades are kept in a standing position.
?He said, ‘Ever since I started doing this service, I am seeing the wiper blades kept in this way only after cleaning the car and I am also doing so”
?I started research on this and started interacting with many car cleaners and concluded that:
?Long and long back, when the ever first person started a car cleaning service, he thought “How would I let the owner, the car has been done with?”
?No way to put a placard, no way to use a marker on the car, and the only way left for him was to keep the wiper blades in the standing position.
?And even today, all the car cleaning boys are following this method, not knowing why it is done!!
?This is a perfect example of “How Paradigms are formed”