How the Painting Industry REALLY Lot Its Craftsmen...

How the Painting Industry REALLY Lot Its Craftsmen...

During the Great Recession, the profession of painting lost hundreds of thousands of craftsmen. The vast majority of these painters never returned to the trade....

Recently, due to inflated and ongoing government incentives, even more painters left the workforce. While some only left temporarily, others have made the permanent transition to living on unemployment benefits even though they are fit for the work force. New lifestyles, even those artificially induced, are hard to break.

This labor shortage is not just one of the painting industry. All industries have been recruiting for more jobs than there are willing workers. This general pressure is an additional force siphoning off workers from the painting industry.

All this means one thing: Owners of painting businesses must now effectively invest more time and money than ever before to acquire and retain one skilled painter or crew leader.

While this is certainly bad news, there is an upside. It is not your job to fix our industry's problem. Your job is much easier.

Your job is simply this: To have better recruitment, hiring and retention systems than your local competitors.

The fact remains that most painting contractors spend very little time or money recruiting painters. Most are still using the "post an ad on Craigslist and ask their current painters if they know of anyone" recruitment system. This doesn't work.

Today, you must approach the right labor market, deliver messages that resonates and use enough diverse mediums to maintain a steady flow of applications coming into your business. It also means that we are competing in a "painters market" and not an "owners market."

If you want to obtain the painters and crew leaders you need, you'll have to become a real recruiter... complete with the energy, enthusiasm, and persistence required to land that star employee. The days of passive recruitment are over.

If you're lacking in the painters you need and don't know where to start, I'd encourage you to sign up for the upcoming training:

How to Recruit, Hire & On-Board Painters – Even In a “Labor Shortage” >>

Both live and VIRTUAL tickets are available.

During this 4-hour training, you'll get the done-for-you tools, templates and resources you need to...

1 - Make the phone ring with eager applicants

2 - Screen painters quickly for technical skills - without an expensive, risky "2 week trial period"

3 - Check backgrounds, references and attitude

4 - Keep potential hires interested in working for you - even if you do not need them right away

While the average painters is worth $1,000 to $1,400 per week in gross profits to a painting business, most owners have NEVER invested in any systems or training to better equip them in recruitment.

This is foolish, short-sighted and expensive. 2023 is the year you change your outlook and actions on recruiting forever!

Register for the Recruitment & Hiring Course NOW!


While there's no "business math" that would justify missing this event, I understand a lot of people make their business decisions on "emotion."

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I can't wait to help you solve your hiring & recruitment problems in 2023!

Click here to register>>

Have a great weekend!

Brandon Lewis

Founder, The Academy for Professional Painting Contractors



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