How overrated is Intelligence?
#Intelligence is not overrated; it just does not seem to be properly rated.
Most behaviors by people around us today is just a reflection of their intelligence; from those that believe that women are second class citizens to those that see people of color as sub-humans. From the 30-year-old man who still blames his parents for his life choices to the lady that thinks it takes just a pretty face to succeed in life.
It’s how intelligent you are that shows how well you communicate, when you are good at communicating, you will be less violent, less destructive, and the world would be a better place to live in. But how many people are that intelligent?
your intelligence reflects in the quality of your work output and how you develop others around you. Your intelligence is reflected in your ability to manage your relationships well, especially the marriage contract.
Your intelligence shows in your ability to express yourself and state your demands, wants and needs without making the other party feel threatened.
The higher your level of intelligence, the greater your leadership ability, the greater your impact, the better you are as a person.
Intelligence is not just your #IQ or #intelligencequotient it is a lot more than that, it is at 4 levels. Intelligence is not a location or destination, it is not a trophy or a prize, it is not a letter or certificate, it is a journey, a #lifetime #journey it starts from when you are born or #formed in the #womb to when you #die. The day you stop your intelligence journey is the day your death starts to approach. intelligence drives #hope, #integrity, and #trust
#Enterprise and #commerce are built on the #backbone of intelligence, #barter is driven by intelligence. #God is a being of intelligence
The first level intelligence is the #bookknowledge, that is the one that gets you a #certification, a #diploma, a #degree or any related endowment. This is also known as #basicintelligence. This is the bottom 25% of intelligence. To hit the highest score here you must have been at the top of that profession or become a #professor of your field. Having this still puts you below average and just getting started on the #knowledge or intelligence journey. Some of the questions you ask and answer here is the #What? #Where? #How?
Skill and competency are essential here in the first stage. Not many people go beyond this stage in life because they see it as all they need and are satisfied with it, so do not go further, or see beyond it. Many people don't even go beyond the basic level of this basic level, and this becomes their undoing and sometimes their stumbling block.
The second level is the #sociocultural level. This level is the next 15% of your intelligence journey. This is your knowledge of the ancients, cultures, histories, people, Places, gender, earth. Here, you learn not to judge others, you see the thin line between right and wrong, you appreciate people and the environment from a different view. You ask and answer questions like #When? #Why? #Who?
Not many people move into this level of intelligence, usually just somewhere in 30% of those from the basic intelligence.
The third level of intelligence is #emotionalintelligence or #EQ, it is the #superman trait, the next level of intelligence and forms the next 40% of intelligence. It’s not static and it’s lifelong. a lot of people find it difficult to get into this level, usually about 10% of those from the second level, and those that get in find it hard to stay as it’s a roller coaster just like human nature, they go in and out like a storm, the more you grow intelligence here, the more you are able to ride the storm of this third level and the greater your achievements.
The fourth level is what I call your #spiritualintelligence. Everything in this life has its original copy (including you and I) in a spirit form or ancestral being interpreted in so many ways by so many people depending on their perspective. Only 5% of people from the third level get to this level let alone thrive in it. Here, all questions are answered, no questions need be asked.
I know of only a handful of people that have gotten here in the billions of years of existence.
I bid you to keep your mind open to intelligence and work on improving it daily.
Make learning a new thing, a habit and learn regularly and endlessly. Look for and seize opportunities to empower people and be deliberate in your daily actions. #Wealth and #success are not by accident. It’s by deliberate, consistent, and strategic actions towards a defined goal that leads to wealth and, or success. You are never to old to learn, you never have learnt too much, you cannot have learnt it all, but you can have learnt so much. You can learn to the point of mastery. When you master a field, move to the next, and the next, and the next.
Not everyone develops intelligence in this logical sequence as some might start at the fourth level and grow down to the first, while some start at the third level, then add the first, before moving to the others. The deal is to deliberately have all four as having just one of any of the intelligences alone cannot guarantee fullness.
Intelligence is opening your mind to #possibilities.
I wish you success in greatness.
Ayo Emakhiomhe.