How to overcome procrastination?
Have you ever had a task you need to complete but however urgent it may be, you just don't get on and do it? The only thing that seems to work is to: Do it now.
But many people lose sight of this basic skill. It's not that we don't know that we should do things now; it's that we've forgotten how.
1 Make your deadline.
Most people would say: 'I'll get that to you as soon as possible.'
That could mean next week. But it works much better if you set yourself a specific deadline and announce it publicly.
2 Make an appointment with yourself.
When my coach asked me why I didn't exercise more often.
'I don't have time' I said.
'Something always comes up.' she said, 'You have to make time. Make an appointment with yourself to run or to go for a walk.' The same principle applies to other things you might procrastinate.
3 If it comes to mind, then do it.
When it occurs to you that something needs to be done, sometimes you just write it down so that you can remember it, but it is wrong, because usually you just look at the list and procrastinate for weeks.
The best move is to do it immediately when you think of it. (Of course, if you have time at that moment. )
4 Tell your self 'just try to do it for 5 minutes first'
When you don’t want to do it, you might not like it. So just tell yourself to do it for 5 minutes, then after 5 minutes, you will find it is hard to stop.
5 Modify your environment to avoid distractions.
When working on your computer, only keep the programs you need to open.
Don't touch your mobile phone or turn on the television unless there's something special you have to watch.
6 Set rewards for yourself.
Create a reward system for yourself.
Even simple things such as a cup of tea, a biscuit or a book can be used as a rewards and you'll appreciate them more.