how to overcome the problems in your life (your compass to self discovery)
chaos to order

how to overcome the problems in your life (your compass to self discovery)

"In order for something new to come, something old must go."

Problems never go away.

We solve old problems, new problems come.

No amount of personal success, money, or fame will change that.

We live in a delusion that we want to make progress without it being hard. People will go insane over the thought of hot weather but can go into a sauna without complaint. The difference is expectation and intention. That is, a conscious goal with clarity on how to overcome the problems standing in the way.

How Your Mind Interprets Reality

Reality is experience.

the algorithm of life

Everything is experience and all concepts, knowledge, etc are layers over experience.

What comprises our worldview? How do I consider certain actions in my life as important, painful, pleasure, useful or not useful.

This is perspective. And perspective shapes my reality. My perspective is built on my experience.

All perspectives are not the same. Because all experiences are not the same.

Our reality is like a picture in the frame of The Ultimate Reality.

The Ultimate Reality, Kosmos or the Universe is the mother of realities.

So your reality is a reality in Reality. But understand from what you read earlier on that all realities are not the same. If you dissect deeper your reality from another person's reality, we will realize that they are just different perspectives shaped by individual experiences in the Kosmos.

Reality, which is individual reality is an everflowing quality of experience.

Before you lose your mind over the big picture I want you to see, simply understand that all human realities are different but can be tested against the reality of the Universe.

If you understand this, your mind will be more at peace. You'll be more tolerant of different worldviews, more critical about what you accept as your reality. Because ultimately, what you accept as your reality defines your limitations and capabilities.

I am careful about limiting beliefs from people who have accepted other people's realities as their without testing it against their personal experience.

Don't allow someone who had their dream killed to kill yours.

If you want to live a life that has not been lived, you cannot follow the default path that is laid in front of you at birth.

"If you get on the wrong train, be sure to get off at the first stop. The longer you stay on, the more expensive the return trip is going to cost you."

In Reality, the most developed individuals take the principles of the Universe, move through the stages, and create their own methods to see the desired end result that any domain points at.

Without questioning your own beliefs, you close yourself off to novel discoveries, innovations, and the things that will bring true progress to your life and the world.

3 Habits That Will Transform Your Life

You must puncture the default path you have been conditioned to live.

Most people close their minds at the first hint of difficulty.

When you stick through the increasing difficulty of a situation, eventually you break through to a state of enjoyment

Since you don't treat your ideal future as a necessity or interest, situations become more difficult than they are. Don't fight with it, flow with it.

What you need to understand is that you are allowed to "start over" from a position of compounded knowledge.

You're allowed to start over from a better position, with transferable skills, and the new skills that sparked you to start over.

If you are still working toward the same big and broad goal, like financial freedom, you are required to pivot along the way.

If you give up on that big goal, you are giving up on your future. Not good.

Knowledge compounds, skills compound, good habits in general compound.

This is why I am a big advocate of a personal brand and becoming a Fullstack Creator. Your interests change. Your skills, knowledge, experience, awareness, and network compounds. You are a human. Humans evolve. Your business evolves with you if you follow this path. In fact, it is the vessel for accelerated evolution.

1. Reading. Read to Gather Ideas

Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave

Humans are pattern recognition and learning machines. Since we were born, we absorb ideas like a sponge and adopt groups of ideas, or ideologies, as law. This narrows our mind and limits what we perceive as important.

Society gets to us early, because most people are mindless, and the friends, parents, and teachers that condition our minds had theirs conditioned by their friends, parents, and teachers. Few people have a self that is a conscious personal creation through critical thinking, self-generated goals, and forging their own path.

At a young age, we transcend the need for physical survival. We don't have to worry about it as much. This is where something more dangerous comes into play: conceptual survival or surviving the idea of who you are.

This is easily noticeable across religion, politics, and niche communities like coffee drinkers. If you are conditioned into a religious belief system, you will feel threatened when someone challenges those beliefs. Like a mouse in the binds of a snake, you will lash out and attempt to reproduce the ideas in your head by telling them they are wrong.

  • Party A and Party B are in a war of opposing ideas they are attached to.

They feel physically threatened when someone challenges their beliefs.

  • If your favorite sports team loses, or somebody says they're a bad team, how do you feel? Is your survival actually at stake? Or do you not see how silly you are being over a fabricated idea?
  • When you gain weight, do you stress about the physical weight on your body? Or do you stress that the idea of your identity as a healthy individual will die?

You are surviving and reproducing your identity through words and actions in every situation. If you did not create yourself, you are furthering the spread of mindlessness, evil, and destruction without even knowing it. And you probably don’t even care.

If we want to create an identity that works less, earns more, enjoys life, and has its ideas ripple through the Universe to create heaven, it will be painful.

Think of your "self" as an intellectual structure. A house but not a home. When you go to remodel a house, you don't rip the foundation out and watch it fall. You make small and strategic changes as you become aware of problems that ruin the aesthetic and function of the house.

To change who you are, you must solve problems in alignment with the goals you create, not the ones that are assigned to you.

That's how you live with purpose.

Start superficial so you can stop living in a narrow-minded state of stress. Fix your health, fix your money problems, fix your relationships, and then dive into the depths of your ever-evolving purpose.

Most people don't define their purpose because they don't see the purpose staring them in the face. You must solve the burning problems that are preventing your mind from expanding beyond surface-level living.

You do not have one purpose.

You move from lesser to greater purposes with time, effort, and evolution of who you are.

Reading is the ultimate life-hack for productivity.

It rewires your brain, expands your perspective and fuels your creativity.

Reading is how you discover ideas beyond your mental conditioning. But most people stop learning after graduation. The school system made you hate reading.

Schools don't prioritize curiosity, so most people hate learning by the time they graduate.

Learning is the foundation of the human experience.

Hammer it into your head that you must be learning something, anything, every single day. No matter if it's for 10 minutes or 3 hours, your future depends on it.

How else are you going to discover new opportunities if you don't first learn about them? How are you going to act on opportunities that don't exist to you?

When you stop learning, your life stops progressing. You stop growing. The psychological benefits and feel-good chemicals stop flowing. Life gets mediocre and repetitive. You become mechanical and robotic.

My goal is to get you interested in reading.

It will completely change your life. Because it did mine.

Don't stop reading after graduation.

School made you hate reading.

You were forced to read books you were not interested in.

You were forced to spend hours on books that had no impact on your life. Now you have the chance and choice to read high impactful books that you find interesting. If you start a book and you are not finding it interesting, skip to the next one. This is life.

If you hate learning, it’s safe to say that you have lost a lot of zest for life.

Learning is a fundamental human drive.

  • Without it, activities aren't as enjoyable.
  • Conversations aren't as meaningful.
  • Your days feel repetitive and lifeless.
  • You don't see your future changing much from the present.

If you want to create a fulfilling career, have better relationships, become more intelligent, rediscover life's depth, and slow down in this busy distracted world.


2. Write. Write To Organize Ideas

Writing is how you make the unconscious conscious.

Writing is how you pull your deepest thoughts out of the fog and into the light.

Writing is how you gain control over your mind instead of letting it control you.

People are programmed to exist in the game of life. They wake up, work, consume, sleep, and repeat, never once stopping to question their thoughts, actions, or beliefs. They have zero conscious thought.

You can interact with them, but they remain the same. They never level up

What separates those who level up from those who stagnate?

To develop your conscious thought you need to write.

Writing forces you to organize your mind. It forces you to take the chaotic mass of thoughts swirling around in your head and give them structure.

Humans fill their day with activities that structure their minds.

To brush your ideas up against reality:

  • Write to dive into the depths of one idea.
  • Start with a common problem, steps or a story to overcome it, and the transformation that occurs from doing so (this is the structure of both human behavior, storytelling, and profitable branding)
  • Sit with the ideas that stem from your writing and refine them

When you organize the ideas that you read through writing, you can monetize your ideas. Build solutions when you solve the problems you encounter in your life.

Here's what happens when you write:

  1. You clarify your ideas. Thoughts can be messy. They bounce around without direction. Writing brings clarity. When you put something on paper, you can see it, evaluate it, and refine it.
  2. You challenge your assumptions. Writing lets you question your own thoughts. You can see where you've been programmed by society, where you've accepted beliefs without ever asking, Why?
  3. You unlock new levels of understanding. As you organize your ideas, new connections start to emerge. Insights you never noticed before suddenly become clear. This is how you level up.

Most people stay stuck in the same mindset, repeating the same patterns for life.

Writing is the tool that breaks that cycle.

When you write, you stop being a passive player in the survival chain. You start thinking, questioning, and understanding at a deeper level.

Self Experiment. Experiment To Solve Your Own Problems

Treat all areas of your life as a science project.

If you have no idea what to pursue — your life’s work, your purpose, your passions — you must start experimenting. You need to throw shit at a wall and see what sticks.

You need to try enough things until you experience that intrinsic drive that pulls you into a high-intensity state.

Life is about experimentation.

Learning what you like and don’t like.

Seeing what works and what doesn’t. Slowly making small upgrades in the traits, skills, and wisdom that your character holds.

You need a project to build.

Something that you can invest your focus into.

Something that has more gravity than distractions.

If you don't know what to do with your life, you can't go wrong with solving your own problems (to create value), sharing what you learned (to attract people), and charging for the solution (to earn a living).

If you're in your 20s:

  • Experiment with new paths
  • Start your business failures now
  • Study the opposite of your beliefs
  • Challenge yourself with new interests

When your mind is weak, situation is a PROBLEM. When your mind is balanced situation is CHALLENGE. But when your mind is strong situation becomes an OPPORTUNITY.

The worst thing you can do is stop learning, growing, and changing your mind after graduation.

The worst aspect of death is to die with your ideas, that would have impacted the world in no small way.

From a young age you are trained to depend on everyone but yourself.

I've heard many people say that entrepreneurship isn't for everyone.

The statement that everyone is not meant to be an entrepreneur? is false.

It's a form of bad mental conditioning that keeps people stuck in a cycle of dependence.

You've been sold the idea that entrepreneurship is for a select few.

That only certain people have what it takes. The rest? They should stick to working for someone else, following the path laid out for them?

This is limiting belief. It's a mental framework designed to breed interdependence on others instead of empowering people to carve out their own paths.

I am here to present to you a different argument.

The truth is, everyone has the potential to be an entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurship is not about starting a tech company or building a billion-dollar empire.

It's about:

  • Problem-solving: Recognizing a need and creating solutions.
  • Creativity: Taking a new approach to old problems.
  • Independence: Gaining control over your time, resources, and life.

We all have these traits within us, but society conditions us to think otherwise.

Here's why the "not meant to be" mindset is dangerous:

  1. It conditions you to settle for the bare minimum. If you believe you're not cut out for entrepreneurship, you'll never push yourself to explore your own potential. You'll be content to let others dictate your career, income, and life trajectory.
  2. It fosters dependency. You become reliant on other people's vision and direction. Instead of developing your own ideas and solutions, you follow someone else's plan.
  3. It stifles innovation. Everyone has a unique perspective and insight. By discouraging entrepreneurial thinking, we limit the flow of new ideas and solutions that can come from anywhere.

Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy. Dale Carnegie

Challenge the default conditioning.

Start thinking like an entrepreneur.

Everyone has the capacity to build, create, and innovate. Don't settle for the idea that it's not for you, because it is.

Embrace an Ownership mentality.

Take control and create the future you want, ditch the victim mentality.


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