How to overcome an Objection
Toby Barker
Business Consultant at 3P Consultants Experience in helping businesses with their data and building strategies to grow. Specialising in Healthcare sector.
In the last article, we talked about Why People Object and looked at some strategies on how to overcome the objection to achieve your mutually beneficial outcome. People do object in all walks of life and at Xcel Health it's no different!
It was a lot of theory, but to build your practical skills, you do need to do it over and over until it becomes second nature.
I find that this type of exercise is best done in a group as otherwise it can take too long. It usually takes around 20 minutes and it needs to be done at pace to ensure that participants are active.?It also means that this can be done when training time is very short.
1)??????I always encourage people to split into smaller groups as more ground can be covered.?Ask them to list all of the objections that they receive and record their top 5.?This activity usually lasts about 2-3 minutes.?You will be surprised how many objections that they can come up with!
2)?????Move on to the next stage, which is each team (or individual) to give you their top 5 objections.?Don’t repeat any objections, but each team gives you a new one until you have a good list (usually 10-15 is enough).
3)?????In an open forum, ask them to sort the objections into the different categories until you have a list of 5 main objections (but there will always be variations of the same objection).
4)?????Assign a category to each team or person (depending on how large your group is) and ask them to write down what they would say to overcome the objection that they have been given.?As they need time to think, 5 minutes is enough for this.
5)?????Ask people to read back their responses to the objections that they have been given.
6)?????Ask the group for feedback on the answers that they have come up with.
What you will invariably find is that the responses that your trainees have come up with are cumbersome and clunky and don’t sound like them at all! This is completely normal!?It is good to challenge them to ask whether it is something that they would really say. Generally people have answered the question that they were asked in a cold way without adding their personality.?This will not be very effective with your clients!
I like to send them back to their groups if time permits and encourage them to reword their responses.?It needs to sound like something that they would actually say, otherwise the exercise has no value. ?If they are uncomfortable using the language that they have come up with, then they won’t be able to overcome the objection.
To really get the full effect of exercise, participants need to have a response that they could use within the next few moments if they were to come up against the objection.
I like to collect the completed responses and then circulate it to everybody.?Whilst people will not use another person’s response (as it is personal to them), it will give them inspiration on how to succeed for themselves! ?
Image by <a >mohamed Hassan</a> from <a >Pixabay</a>