How to Overcome Negative Self-Talk

How to Overcome Negative Self-Talk

One of many skills that I have been taught by my own chronic pain is how and when to give myself some grace.


Most of us are our own worst critics, and I am no exception!


Because of my childhood programming, I had formed judgements around what I viewed as weaknesses.?I did not allow any room for these perceived weaknesses in my life.?I left no wiggle-room for illness, or even discomfort.


So, when I would come down with something, or experience exhaustion, I felt like it would have a domino effect and everything around me would collapse. In order to prevent this interpretation of my world collapsing because I was showing weakness, I would beat myself up with horribly negative self-talk (because that’s how you get people motivated, right? ??).


Prompted by chronic pain and through the use of meditation and daily intention-setting, I faced this ugly facet of myself, and began learning how to treat myself with more kindness.?In order to begin the healing process, I knew that I had to restore balance to my life.


Meditation is a key part of the process of restoring balance, because this is how we learn to separate ourselves from our thoughts, and to observe them.?Once you learn how to observe your thoughts, you can catch those nasty insults and nip them in the bud.?The key is stopping them before they cause your physiology to respond with feelings such as:


?? Guilt




?? Anxiety

?Giving myself grace can come wrapped in a few different packages ??, including:


?? Remembering that most of my deadlines are self-imposed, and to not be so rigid with my timeline.


?? Planning extra self-care and rest during my worse flare-ups.


?? Taking a nap, or going to bed early without telling myself that I am lazy.


?? When I feel prompted to begin body-shaming myself, reminding myself, instead, of how far I’ve come.


?? I often overthink my social interactions and worry over offending someone.?Now, I remind myself that as long as I have good, kind intentions, it is not my responsibility to worry over these things.?It is also a waste of mental energy.


The skill of giving yourself grace comes from first learning how to use positive self-talk as well as learning how to become your own best advocate.?Afterall, no one can advocate for your needs as well as you can.


Comment below to share how you show yourself some grace in your life!??

People who are in pain, emotionally and physically, are often hard on themselves. The grace component is an important piece of it all, Jami Allred!


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