How to Overcome Differences to Drive Collaboration
Before looking at this question, it’s important to understand the merits of working with diverse people. When surrounded by only like-minded people, it is less likely to see innovative ideas fueled by unconventional thinking brought to the table. While decisions might be made more quickly with little need for deep discussion because everyone’s in agreement, this doesn’t compel people to think differently or boldly.
We need to work with people who challenge our ways of thinking and inspire an exploration of new ideas. Not all conflict is bad. Holding brainstorm sessions in which participants share different ideas, feedback and suggestions will ultimately expand the team’s thinking and collectively create robust plans and solutions that take a more comprehensive approach to an issue. This is what pushes people to think outside of the box.
So, back to the question. How do we work with people who think differently? For starters, we need to bring more diversity into our circles. Getting to know and growing accustomed to hearing different ideas will broaden mindsets and understanding. For some people, they haven’t been challenged before and don’t know how to respond.
When people are sharing different ideas or countering yours, don’t automatically assume they are purposely being contrarian or putting you down. Just like you, they have an idea they believe in. This is an opportunity to not only consider their idea and how it addresses the issue differently than yours, but also re-examine your idea for ways to reinforce it.
Being open to feedback and adapting to new ways of thinking are key to cultivating a flexible mindset. Don’t forget, this is a two-way street. Your perspective is valuable as well, and you can respond to questions or make suggestions respectfully.
The best way to overcome our differences is to embrace them and invite constructive discussions. Through this, people will see the immense value of collaboration stemming from diverse participants devising more thoughtful and innovative ideas that propel our world forward.